From the Principal and Deputy Principal
This last couple of years, and even this last term, has highlighted how important routines/consistency are when supporting children/students to feel safe both mentally and physically and then to take risks with their learning and developing new knowledge. Our lives have all been impacted in some form or another and as I reflect upon the term thus far, I would like to acknowledge the work of each family and our school team to keep a focus on learning engagement across Term 1 even with multiple absences and the need for different staff to backfill. As we reflect upon the first 25% of the school year, please take the opportunity for interviews to focus upon what your child /ren have excelled in and any areas you can work in partnership with the teacher/s to ensure the next term is as successful as possible. We know with isolation rules round Covid that our aim is to have face-to-face interviews (or telephone interviews for anyone who cannot come in or needing to isolate). We know things can change at the last minute so please call/email your child’s teacher if you require a change to interviews.
For those coming into school for interviews can you please ensure you assist us with our Covid management and do the following:
Interviews: These will be in the School Hall and doors will be propped open to minimise the need to use handles etc. Hand sanitizer stations will be present along with masks within the Hall entrance. Please ensure you stay socially distanced, have masks on and avoid handshakes etc with teachers so that we can all go into holidays Covid free. If for any reason a teacher is unavailable on interview night/s we will send you a broadcast on Monday/Tuesday updating you on any changes for the afternoon/evening.
If you have not yet made a booking, please check your emails for the link or contact our Front Office staff to assist.
Governing Council: Following our AGM for Governing Council we thank all who nominated and the families who attended the AGM for taking part in the vote to elect our parent representatives:
Our 2022 GC consists of the following members: Chairperson: Eliza Handbury, Treasurer: Vanessa Clarke, Secretary: Natalie Hann, Minute Secretary: Abby Goodman, Community Representatives: Dale Simpson and Leanne Graetz, General Members: Clare Garner, Lachie Seears, Lyndal Johns, Joanna Schutz, Albertus Nel and Alex Klug. Our staff representatives are Felicity Jenke and Evie de Jager and our student representatives are our School Captains Mary-ann Thompson and Sam Gill.
Sub Committees any parent may like to join include: Canteen, Farm, Bus, Finance, Boarding and Chaplaincy. Please contact a GC member to express your interest.
We also thank the following members who have come off GC: Liz Crosby for her extended services over 6 years on multiple committees including Finance, Canteen, Grounds and Governing Council and Anna Eddy re uniform and focus on new student Polo Tops for later this year.
Behaviour Support Policy: Thank you to those parents who have taken the time to read our draft Behaviour Support Policy and provide feedback via email to the school. This policy was included in the previous newsletter so please send in any feedback via email by the end of the term.
Building Update: We received an update on our building project on Wednesday April 6th and handover is now delayed from the proposed date of April 12th to April 27th. Hopefully, we can still achieve the setting up of the new rooms after the 27th prior to Term 2 starting. On Friday 8/4/22 we will have a meeting with the builder, department and project supervisor to review the delays and discuss the landscaping around the build. This week we have seen the decking frame arrive and have also taken delivery of the new screens to be installed within the build.
Holiday Schedule: Over the upcoming school holidays our Front Office and Community Library will be closed from the end of day Thursday April 14th and reopening from 8:30am Tuesday April 26th. If there is anything urgent during this time, phone numbers of the staff on call will be displayed on the Front Office and Library Doors.
End of Term: School will finish on Thursday April 14th and dismissal for students is at normal time, 3:10pm. Buses will leave by 3:20pm. Our first day back next term is an approved Student Free Day for staff training, so students will return to school on Tuesday, May 3rd 2022. We wish everyone a wonderful Easter and school holidays.
Wishing you all a happy and safe holidays following the last week of term,
Adrian Maywald and Jane Gill
Diary Dates
Tuesday 5th – Friday 8th
11/12 Outdoor Ed camp
Monday 11th Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 3:15pm-7:00pm
Tuesday 12th Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 1:30pm-7:00pm Early Closure Day 1:10pm
Thursday 14th
SAPSASA Athletic Training
End of Term 1
Friday 15th Good Friday
Monday 2nd Student Free Day
Tuesday 3rd Term 2 Begins
The front office will be closed from 4:30pm Thursday 14th April and will be re-opening at 8:30am on Tuesday 26th April.
Classroom News
LAS Sports Day 2022
Lucindale Area School’s Sports Day took place on the 11th of March 2022. The day presented beautiful weather conditions, ideal for track and field events. This year our Sports Captains ran an opening ceremony with an acknowledgment of country and welcome speech to staff, volunteers, and competitors. The day started with hurdles events on the track and various field events. The competition on the track was outstanding with some quick races ran. Our field events were very competitive with incredibly close scores between competitors. Junior Primary students displayed exceptional team spirit with team marches and chants onto the track, as well as pace on the track in 50m sprints and relays. It was great to see so many parents supporting our students. Across the day all students displayed determination, sportsmanship and competed to their personal bests. Congratulations to our Open/Senior girls Kiama relay team who achieved a new Sports Day record. Thank you to all our parents and staff volunteers who helped on the day and in preparation. The day truly does not run without the school and community working together.
Sports Day Overall Results:
1st Wanboo 718 pts
2nd Kiama 716pts
3rd Bundi 696 pts
Alisha Hagel
PPEP Session

R/1 and Year 8 Picture Books
The R/1 students shared their planning with a Year 8 buddy who scribed the words and ideas of the R/1 student. As the Year 8s were assisting two buddies, they would take turns in scribing as the R/1s illustrated.
I’d like to thank all that were involved in the day with Carol Pfitzner organising the carnival. Without her commitment to the running of SAPSASA our students wouldn’t get the best opportunities that they are able to. Thanks to Will Sandford for helping Carol coordinate the football as well as other parents, staff, students and schools for supporting the day to make it a success.
I’d like to extend my thanks to Eliza, Bailey and Hartley who were a fantastic support on the day performing team manager and goal umpiring duties respectively for not only our school but others also.
Thanks to Kingston Community School and Rachelle McKay for organising your students and making sure we both could have a team for the students to play in. The boys represented Kingston very well and were a pleasure to have on the team. Well done to the Lucindale boys: Harry, Tom, Darcy, Vander and Cody who gave it their best and had a go!
On a side note, good luck for Madison and Sammy in trialing for the Upper South-East SAPSASA Girls Football team, we wish them all the best.
James Phillips Alisha Hagel
SAPSASA Coordinator School Sports Coordinator

Agriculture News
Year 9 Agriculture
Learning this is really important as there are huge differences in the nutrient, energy, protein, digestibility and fibre levels, of hay and grain. When students have this knowledge and understand how hay and grain varieties can vary, they can then select optimum varieties to meet the nutritional requirements livestock have to maximise growth rates. Data obtained from this testing will assist in planning livestock feeding rations. Huge thanks to Castec Lucindale for assisting us with this and their ongoing support of our Agricultural Programs.
Term 2 Equine program
During the after school program students will be exposed to the following areas;
- General horse handling and safety
- Basic riding, balance, seat position
- Different disciplines of horse riding
- Novelties and games using horses
There will be a small cost of $60 to take part in the program and places are limited, so get in quickly!
The program caters for a range of abilities and riding levels and will start in Week 1 of the term. If you would like to volunteer to be a helper or instructor for the program we would love to have your support and assistance.
Please contact the front office to register your child’s position in the program.

Library News
![Library Wk 10 T1 EMAIL FIX[16088]-1](https://las.sa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Library-Wk-10-T1-EMAIL-FIX16088-1.jpg)
Community News

Matho’s Basketball
4/5 to 7 year olds basketball training/games
Starts Wednesday 4th May
Runs for all of term 2
Cost $5.00 per night per player
From 4.15pm to 5.15pm
At the Naracoorte Basketball Stadium
All welcome
Just a lot of fun and learning along the way.
Please email mathooncourt@bigpond.com Ph. 0417-855-247 or turn up on the night and see Helen Garrigan at the desk.
This program will run in School Term 3 as well depending on numbers.

School Calendar