Acting Principal: Louis de Jager Governing Council Chair: Tim Kiefel Phone: 8766 2084 Email: dl.0749.info@schools.sa.edu.au

It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of Ms Joey Kemplay-Hill as our acting Deputy Principal till the end of Term 2.
The past week we reflected on the topic of reconciliation. Reconciliation Week is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is also a time to reflect on how we can build stronger and more respectful relationships between the wider Australian community and First Nations peoples. This year’s theme was ‘Be a Voice for Generations’. The theme did encourage all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise.
Our adventurous Year 11 and 12 students embarked on an Outdoor Education Camp at the picturesque Halls Gap located in the Grampians last week. They explored the great outdoors, engaged in team-building activities, and learned valuable skills in environmental conservation.
School Tours
Thank you for considering Lucindale Area School for your child’s education. An important part of the enrolment process is touring our schools’ facilities and meeting with our dedicated staff. You are welcome to book a tour anytime by calling the Front Office on 08 8766 2084. Information about our school, the Boarding House and the community can be found at www.las.sa.edu.au.
The Push-Up Challenge
The school has decided to participate in Australia’s largest mental health and fitness event. The Push-Up Challenge is a unique and fun way for schools to encourage better mental health and wellbeing through connection, physical activity and education. Prioritising the mental and physical health of your school will be one of the best things your school does this year.
Please support the students in their challenge: https://www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/fundraisers/lucindaleareaschool
Primary Assembly
Our Primary School had their assembly on Tuesday, 30 May. During the assembly the following students were awarded certificates for Maths, Excellence and Rising Star.
Maths: Jack
Excellence: Ava
Rising Star: Stacey
Year 1 and Year 2:
Maths: Fred
Excellence: Maddie
Rising Star: Shayla
Year 3 and Year 4:
Maths: Skyla
Excellence: Alice
Rising Star: John
Year 5 and Year 6:
Maths: Beth
Excellence: Sammy
Rising Star: Vander
Assessment and Due Date Procedures
The purpose of this policy is to clearly state the aims, expectations and procedures for assessment of learning. The completion and submission of tasks by students for assessment and the grading and feedback provided by teachers is a fundamental aspect of the teaching and learning process at Lucindale Area School Both are essential if teachers are to modify their teaching and provide personalised learning for students. The feedback provided by teachers is crucial for students to demonstrate improvements in their learning in future assessed tasks.
At school, students are supported to develop skills to manage and organise their work and complete set tasks by a due date. This requires persistence and determination and a willingness by students to develop sound study habits. The likelihood of achieving improved learning outcomes increases as these skills are developed.
Each student is responsible for completing and submitting all work in the following way:
- By the due date, the student should submit the Assessment Task via email or Teams.
- If a student arrives late to an in-class Assessment Task, he/she will not be permitted additional time unless there is a valid reason for their late arrival
- Follow up with the Subject Teacher after being absent from school (e.g. due to illness, VET course, excursions)
- Negotiate extensions with Subject Teacher when required, providing support documents (e.g. medical certificates)
- Technology problems (such as laptop not working or inability to print work) will not be considered as exceptional circumstances to hand work in late. Students are required to back-up their work on a USB or OneDrive or send their work by email to the appropriate teacher.
- In the case where completed work has not been submitted by the due date, a Notification of Non-Completion of Assessment by Due Date letter will be emailed home by the Subject Teacher.
- As a consequence of either non-completion or not submitting the work the student will be issued with a FINAL SUBMISSION opportunity.
- If work is submitted by 9:00am on the Final Opportunity date then the work will be resulted and a Final Opportunity note registered in the task comments.
- If student does not complete the Assessment task by the FINAL SUBMISSION date then the grade will be resulted as a NON-COMPLETION ‘N’. Parents will be contacted by the subject teacher to inform them of the ‘N’.
In closing, I would like to thank you all for your continued support of our great school and the hard work that all our professional and dedicated staff do each and every day to ensure that this is the best school in the region.
Louis de Jager
Diary Dates
12th June – Public Holiday
20th June – Landscape SA Immersion Day Year 10
20th – 23rd June – RST FIP Welding Workshop
21st – 23rd June – SAPSASA Hockey State Carnival.
28th June – Mad Minute @ Lucindale Town Hall.
28th June – 30th June – Footsteps Reception/ Year 9.
Classroom News
Primary Assembly
Thank you to all the parents and friends for attending the Primary Assembly last week. Congratulations to all the students on your fantastic achievements so far.
Felicity Jenke
Year 8
Student shave been working on different forms of poetry and literary devices which are often used by authors when writing. The challenge was then to write their own Footy Theme Song. As much as they love the Paddyroos, Pathaway and Borders they felt that they should have their own or different song.
Here are some samples:
Kingston Lucindale Rangers
We are the K/L Rangers
To winning, we ain’t no strangers
We come from Kingston and Lucindale
We are the mighty and not stale
Hitting in the ball into the goals
Tackling to get the ball
When we are losing
We are always supporting
By Jacqueline
Hear the Lions Roar
The Padthaway Lions roar
Ever quarter we score
We are the Padthaway lions
You play us and you will get ironed.
We work as a team,
You’ll whine and you’ll scream,
Were the Padthaway Lions
You know you will get ironed.
Were the blue and yellow
Padthaway L-i-o-n-s
Blue and yellow
Padthaway L-i-o-n-s
We shoot and shoot,
You think were so cute,
But we vicious lions
No, our colour isn’t cyan.
Its yellow and blue.
By Lacey
Lucindale netball
We are the Lucindale Roos,
Our colours mighty and blue,
We are coming for the flag,
As mighty and bad,
Just like the yakka,
We ain’t no slacka,
For we are the mighty colours, of white and blue!
The Lucindale Roos, always shooting through.
We are the Lucindale Roos, mighty and blue,
Always staying true, and always
By Georgia
Year 11/12 Outdoor Ed Camp
Endeavoring to complete 34km in a loop trail around Halls Gap, students set off carrying a full pack with everything they would need. The first challenge was the Pinnacle walk from the base of the mountain. Many steep sections and stairs tested each student and unfortunately the view from the Pinnacle was spoiled by low cloud. Continuing on past Devils Gap and towards Rosea Carpark.
Day 2 saw the continuation up and over Mt Rosea, with the weather cleared up showing breathtaking views across the Grampians on both sides of the mountain. Scrabbling over rocks, through rock bridges and caves allowed students to see a more remote part of the Grampians. This was followed by a challenging decent down the mountain to Borough Huts Campground. Students were now feeling the strain, and some even cooled off in the Fyans Creek.
Day 3 continued the loop around Lake Bellfield, starting with a level track for the first third. Then the track hit the Mt William Ranges and began having short steep accents and descents across the ridges and valleys. Students were rewarded with close up views of Lake Bellfield and across to the Pinnacle and Mt Rosea ranges they had so recently traversed. Despite sore muscles, and shortening patience students powered forward to return to the caravan park enjoy an ice cream and hot showers.
This was the last camp for this Group of Yr 11s and the Yr 12s will repeat this area again for the self reliant in Term 3.
Pushup Challenge
It has been fantastic seeing the enthusiasm of so many students. Today I was accosted by a keen group of Year 8s wanting to tell me of their achievements. So proud of them. On Tuesday, the Year 9s demonstrated a range of alternative exercises (all fair and acceptable) and their focus on completing was inspiring.
Each day we look at a different mental health statistic and the discussion has opened many minds. All were surprised that Lifeline, which runs 24/7, receives an average of 130 calls per hour. How lucky we are as a community to know that such help is available.
The pictures today show some style coming from the Seniors.
Click HERE to see where we are up to.
SRC News
Agriculture News

Term 2 Pork is now available to order. Our delicious pork is selling fast. To place your order please use the link below or alternatively please call the Admin Team on 8766 2084. It’s time to get some pork on your fork!
Parents and Friends Club
Parents and Friends Club – Woodcut
The Parents and Friends Club held a very successful wood cut on Sunday 28th May at Mark and Clare Bruce’s property at Avenue Range. Despite a few showers early in the morning it turned into an ideal day for wood cutting with over 10 tonne of wood cut in a couple of hours. The wood was then delivered to We Us an Co for storage and weighing but it didn’t stay there long with all of the wood sold by the end ofthe following week. Proceeds from the wood cut will be ear-marked for the “Front of School” project in an effort to enhance the space left by the removal of buildings in 2022.
A dedicated team of parents are working with the school to plan the development of this area and the much-needed funds will go towards creating a user friendly outdoor space for the school community. The wood cut was a great way for families to catch up socially, enjoy the outdoors and volunteer their time towards a worthwhile project. The Parents and Friends Club would like to thank We, Us an Co for their assistance in weighing and storing the wood as well as the Bruce family for allowing wood to be removed from their property.
The sausage sizzle and campfire were a great way to end a productive afternoon with over $3,000 raised for the project. If anyone would like to join the parents and friends club, please contact Clare Bruce. Meetings are held once a term and all are welcome.
Library News
Community News
Basketball Backboard & Ring for Sale – Make an Offer
Lucindale Area School has a basketball ring, backboard and one post for sale.
Post is 4500mm x 125mm square
Highest offer/bid received by 1:00pm Friday 16th June, will secure the items.
Please email your offer to dl.0749.finance@schools.sa.edu.au
Any questions regarding the basketball equipment, please contact our office.