Deputy Principal: Louis de Jager
Governing Council Chair: Tim Kiefel
Phone: 8766 2084 Email: dl.0749.info@schools.sa.edu.au

From the Principal and Deputy Principal
With Term 1 now ending it has an absolute privilege to have been able to resume many of the activities that have been held off due to Covid in the last few years. With a range of major events including NAPLAN, Distance Day, Sports Day, Interschool, Field Days, Blue Yakka, SAPSASA trials, Camps, Excursions/Incursions we personally thank everyone who has been able to assist in ensuring these have all occurred in-line with the daily core focus of teaching and learning. If your child/children have actively given their best in the relevant events above please congratulate them on seeking their personal best and representing the school well.
Staffing Changes: We have approved Nat Austin to take the last days of Term 1 off and all of Term 2 so that she takes a well-earned rest. We wish her all the best with her leave and will continue the staffing process across the school holidays to backfill the Wellbeing role for Term 2. We also hope to shortly share with you an update about our Maths/Science role across the Middle School and will provide this update once all staffing processes are complete. We do acknowledge this is taking some time, but it is essential we make certain we find the right person with the right skills and experience for the position.
Interviews: As we come to the last week of Term 1, 2023, Lucindale Area School is preparing for the Term 2 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews. You should have received an Email/Edsmart communication about this but please call the school if you need assistance. We hope all families are able to make time for Interviews to ensure there is a 3-way alignment between family, student/s and teachers to support best the best possible learning outcomes.
The Interviews are scheduled for week two of Term 2 (Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th May). Tuesday will have an early dismissal at 1:30 pm, with interviews commencing at 2:00 pm in the School Hall. Please observe the current health guidelines and remain home if you are unwell. Please note a Creche will be available by request from 1:30pm to 3:10pm please contact your children’s teacher if you require this service.
Anzac Day Services: During the holidays Anzac Day falls on Tuesday the 25th of April 2023. Our School Captains will be attending services with some staff members and we hope for everyone who is able, you will also attend a service close to where you are. Please find details below regarding the Naracoorte Service and Lucindale Service.
The Naracoorte ANZAC Day Dawn Service will be held on Tuesday 25 April at 5.15am for a 5.30am start. The service will be followed by a commemorative march. Time: 5.15am Cost: Free Location: Naracoorte Town Square (Abigail and Emily attending).
The Lucindale RSL is holding an ANZAC Day service on Tuesday 25 April at 6.45am for a 7am start. Followed by breakfast at the Lucindale Memorial Hall. Everyone welcome. Time:7am Cost: Breakfast $5 per head Location: Lucindale War Memorial (Dom attending).
2023 Luicindale Area School Governing Council Members: We congratulate the following members of Governing Council on winning/accepting the following position for our school and community at our March Meeting. We look forward to seeing them each work in partnership with the school to improve and maintain our school now and into the future.
Governing Council Chairperson: Tim Kiefel
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chairperson: Vanessa Clarke
Secretary:Samantha Vearing
Parent Representative: Alaina Andrews
Parent Representative/Boarding: Jo Schutz
Parent Representative: Trish Koch
Parent Club Representative: Nat Hann
Dale Simpson: Community Representative
Community Representative/Buses: Leanne Graetz
Casual Parent Representative: Bill Crosby
Casual Parent Representative: Jo Tregoweth
Casual Parent Representative: Peter Innes Ker
Staff Representatives: Evie Higgins and Flic Jenke
Student Representatives: Dom, Emily and Abigail
Student Free Day Term 2: The first day back in Term 2 for all students will be on Monday, 1 May and a Student Free Day will be on Friday, 5 May at which teachers will undertake the mandated Child Protection Curriculum Training.
Support for Learning: We all like to see our students achieving their academic best at school. Knowing how to work efficiently can help students navigate the demands in school in a stress-free way. Here are five top tips for students to help them make the most of work time at school and at home.
- INDEPENDENT LEARNING: This requires discipline because it is the work you do when you have no homework.
- WORK SMART: Don’t work in front of the TV, switch off your phone and social media. Work in half hour blocks and focus only on your schoolwork during that half hour block.
- BE ORGANISED AND PLAN: Have an organised space to work in, record homework in your diary, keep track of completed work and reschedule work not done. When you are told about a test or an assignment – plan ahead do it is not a rush at the end.
- ASK FOR HELP EARLY: If you don’t understand something, ask for help. If there isn’t time in class, see your teacher before or after class or during the break times. No-one expects you to do things on your own.
- LEARN HOW TO STUDY PROPERLY: The main things to remember about studying for a test are: make study notes or summaries first, learn these notes not just by reading but by testing yourself on them and do as many different questions as you can as practice.
Success in SACE – Attendance, Achievement and Meeting Due Dates
Consistent and regular attendance is essential to learning. Our Home Group teachers continue to monitor student attendance and achievement to identify students at risk and respond accordingly.
This includes meeting with the students, and phoning or meeting with parents and caregivers to discuss student progress and making plans to support the students. At times, it will mean changes to a course of study that will allow a student to be successful.
Teachers of SACE subjects are committed to supporting students to achieve success. To help students manage their workload, teachers set assessment deadlines with consideration of the requirements of the teaching program and the learning and work demands placed on students.
In the case of illness, injury or compassionate grounds, evidence must be provided to the teacher. When a student misses a deadline without negotiation, the subject teacher will send an email.
We know that timely intervention combined with parent communication greatly assists students to complete outstanding work to a satisfactory level and removes the possibility of them falling further behind.
As a school it is our aim to support students to achieve to the best of their ability and we do not believe any of our students should fail due to work non-submission.
Semester exams for Stage 1 and 2 students
Stage 1 and 2 students will write and exam in Week 9 of Term 2. The subjects that will have exams is History, General Maths and Essential Maths.
Stage 2 students will have a Trial exam in Week 9 of Term 3.
Stage 1 students will have an exam in Week 7 of Term 4
We wish everyone a safe and happy holidays and hope everyone gets some quality family time and a chance to recharge ready for a fantastic Term 2, 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Maywald and Louis De Jager
Diary Dates
1st May – Term 2 Starts.
3rd May – SAPSASA Girls & Boys Football Trials @ Naracoorte Football Oval 4pm.
5th May – Student Free Day.
9th May – SAPSASA Netball Trials @ Naracoorte Netball Courts.
9th May – Hercules Performance R-Y7 @ LAS Hall.
11th May – SAPSASA Hockey Trials @ Naracoorte Hockey Fields.
12th May – Cross Country Championships @ Naracoorte Primary School.
16th May – SAPSASA Netball Trials (2nd and final trial) @ Naracoorte Netball Courts.
18th May – SAPSASA Hockey Trials (2nd and final trial) @ Naracoorte Hockey Fields.
22nd – 24th May – SAPSASA AFL Adelaide Carnival.
24th May – Y7,8 & 10 Immunisation (catchup and 2nd round).
Classroom News
R/1 News
After a lot of conversation, the class decided that they would like to donate the $75 from the category win to be donated to the Front of School project being led by Frances England.
The $100 from People’s Choice was spent on a range of items from Kmart that the students selected to enjoy during social interactions, discovery and investigation.
Again, a huge thank you to Frances England and Magda Nel for their support and to the other parents who were able to help make Mr Pampeon Priapus become a winning scarecrow with the students.
Camp Draft News
The camp consists of twenty six points and the course consists of four points and the highest amount of points is for horsemanship.
I had three runs in the juvenile, ladies and maiden events. In ladies and maiden I got out of the camp with the same score of 14.
Ruby (year 7) participated and enjoyed her day.
Georgia (year 6) came second in the junior age group.
I enjoyed meeting people and the adrenaline rush on the day. It was fun.
Georgia (year 8)
Polo News
Sammy is currently riding Phoenix and in sub-juniors, bursting with great skills and team spirit. Sammy worked with Bella on the weekend, who is completely deaf. Sammy was brilliant helping her ride.
Last weekend Sammy travelled with her family to Minlaton, for the Polocrosse Association SA state championships run by the Yorke Peninsula Polocrosse Club. Sammy rode three different horses over the weekend ranging from:
- Roy – a large 16.1hand stockhorse
- Abbey – a feisty chestnut mare
- Diana – a 6-year-old smart, quick horse who has competed before at a national level.
Sammy’s Aunt also rode Diana and won the Division 3 State Championship.
Show Jumping News
J4 Since the 2022 season, Davey has clearly put in plenty of hours and it has paid off. Taking the J4 Round 1 win, Davey kept himself ahead of the pack by nearly two minutes. The Ballards MXstore test threw plenty of challenges for the J4riders but by keeping a steady hand, they absolutely dominated. Davey finished in a total time of 1:15:23.179.
J3 It was nothing but cool running’s for Ollie, kicking off his 2023 season with the perfect result! Ollie finished six Sprints across the WR450F test with a total time of 53:57.943.
Courtesy: aorc.org.au
Lucindale Area School Laptop Program
Dear Parents and Students,
As you may be aware Lucindale Area School endevours to provide all students with a suitable device to enhance their learning experience. With that in mind we have secured additional laptops with updated specifications for students from years 5 and 6 through to year 12. Please see the updated specifications below.
Please note the updated laptops have been subsidised by the school however due to increasing costs we have had to make an adjustment to the pricing structure. Should you wish to enquire about our program or require further information please contact the Front Office on 8766 2084 or head to our website and submit an expression of interest.
Lenovo L13 Yoga Gen3
– i5-1235U CPU
– 13.3” WUXGA display
– 16GB RAM
– 256GB SSD
– 3 year onsite warranty
Outright and 3 Year Plans also include one soft shell laptop case.
All laptops come with Microsoft 365 and the School image which gives you access to all programs required for schooling.
2023 Laptop Program Pricing
Outright – $1300.00
3 Year Plan – $115.00per Term
Term by Term Hire – $100.00
Parent and Friends Club
some good discussion around our focus for the rest of the year.
The front of school working group have approached the Parents and Friends Club to ask for
assistance with a working bee for the re-development of the garden beds areas. We will be
looking for volunteers when the time comes. “Many hands make light work”
Another project we are focusing our fundraising efforts on is the shade sail above the sandpit.
We are in the process of applying for a CRT grant to allocate towards this.
We are holding a raffle for Mother’s Day and would love your support. We are requesting
donations for prizes, which can be dropped in a box at the school front office. Please support
us by buying tickets, which will be available in various outlets in town as well as school. If you
wish to sell some tickets yourself, please contact Casey Weaver.
Next Meeting Friday 12th May at 9am.
Term 2 Equine Program
Please register your child’s interest through the front office.
Lucinda Smith
Term 1 Pork is now available to order. Our delicious pork is selling fast. To place your order please use the link below or alternatively please call the Admin Team on 8766 2084. It’s time to get some pork on your fork!
Library News
Monday 17th April up to and including Tuesday 25th April CLOSED
Wednesday 26th April 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday 27th April 9:00am – 5:00pm
Friday 28th April 9:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday 29th April 9:00am – 11:30am
First day of Term 2 is Monday 1st May. We resume normal opening hours:
Monday 9:00 am – 4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00 am – 4:00pm
Wednesday 9:00 am – 5:00pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00pm
Friday 9:00 am – 4:00pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 11:30am