Principal: Adrian Maywald

Deputy Principal: Louis de Jager

Governing Council Chair: Tim Kiefel

Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

What an amazing start to our second term, Parent/Student/Teacher interviews, Yr 10 Work Experience, Cross Country, Senior School Camp and our Year 5 Mad Minute Preparation’s underway not to mention our student free day ensuring teachers are all trained and aware of the latest resources for our Child Protection Curriculum. We have welcomed Joey (middle school Math’s and Science) and Olivia (Wellbeing Coordinator) to our School/Community and wish Kirsten all the best with her new pursuits as we start the process to backfill our Christian Pastoral Care Position at Lucindale Area School.  

Interviews: We thank everyone who has taken the time to attend interviews with their child/children and teachers. Now that we are over a ¼ of the way into the school year it is a great time to ensure you are clear on how well your child/children are achieving and work in partnership with their teacher/s to ensure they are clear on what is required for their next steps in learning and personal bests in learning pursuits.   

Staffing Update: Louis De Jager will be taking over as Principal for the remainder of Term 2, 2023. Adrian will be taking some long service leave to focus on some projects at home and a family trip or two. We are in the process of running the backfill panel for the Deputy Role but are certain the school is in good hands with a very competent and committed team working on the best outcomes for our students, school and community.  

We wish our Senior Students all the best for their Adelaide Camp this week and greatly appreciate the support of staff who are attending with them. We also pass on best wishes to the students competing in the Cross Country on Friday 12/5/23 and thank Clare Garner for her support and others in training our keen students. 

Year 10 Work Experience: With our year 10’s completing work experience in the first week back of Term 2, it has been wonderful to hear from employers about how competent and ready the vast majority of our students are for the workplace. Thank you to the employers, families, staff and students for making the most of this opportunity and we trust the experience will help shape each child’s future career pathways and advance their learning as they choose possible career/employment options.  

Staff Development/Student Free Day: We are ensuring with all of our team everyone has received the latest training and support to manage/implement the Child Protection Curriculum from Reception to Year 12. This curriculum includes – identifying the types of child abuse, resources for supporting children to be safe and get support if needed along with helping our team to know the best way to seek help, support and record any concerns. In essence the training assists all staff to make certain they are offering a physically and emotionally safe learning environment for students to thrive in with appropriate learning, and strategies to seek support if needed.   

Vaping Update: To help address a growing concern about the harmful effects of e-cigarettes and vaping, SA Health has released a suite of new resources.

These include: 

  • A series of posters to encourage young people to consider the harms of vaping. 
  • A letter from Professor Nicola Spurrier, Chief Public Health Officer, to parents outlining the dangers of vaping and where to get support.   
  • Distribute the parent letter (PDF 190KB) from Professor Spurrier to parents/carers of secondary school aged students.  

These new resources build on and complement the range of resources already available to support you to address e-cigarettes and vaping concerns in schools. 

Visit EDi to find out more about support available to address e-cigarettes and vaping concerns in schools 

Data Management Training: Louis and I have attended the first 2 days of training for Site Leaders around learning data management and usage. This training complements some new resources available to schools via power Bi (Microsoft suite) that ensures data is used for accuracy and informed directions to improve learning. We have an additional 3 days of training to go and will be sharing what we learn with our team at school to support and inform your child/children’s learning needs.   

Friday 19th of May is National Walk to School Day: We know this is a little challenging for a large number of our families due to distances, buses etc. We encourage everyone to think about and take action on ways you can make an effort to park little further away, walk to the bus stop or simply take the time to go for a family stroll to recognize the importance of daily exercise and to discuss and model road safety for your child/children.   

Importance of Reading: We know that all families are clear on how highly we rate reading and continuing good reading habits during secondary school. There is nothing like reading to improve achievement in all subjects. Being in high school is not a reason not to read – it is a reason to keep reading. If children stop reading, the gap between the readers and the non-readers widens across all subjects and achievement measures. This is absolutely crucial for our teenagers as they are going into a knowledge economy – those who can read, think, reason and problem-solve will be in the box seat for the jobs of the future. Not only that, if you don’t continue to work at your reading, your vocabulary goes backwards – this is not good for achievement across subjects/learning areas. 

Here are some interesting numbers associated with the benefits of reading for 20 minutes outside of school: 


Uniform Expectations: Throughout 2023 we have made a concerted effort to ensure that all students at Lucindale Area School are wearing the full school uniform. Maintaining excellent presentation in school uniform is a valued attribute of our school. Uniform standards set the tone for our school, as a place where pride in our uniform translates into pride in our work and achievements. The wearing of school uniform builds school spirit contributes to a positive school culture and fosters in students a sense of belonging in the school.

We ask for the continued support of parents as we move into the cooler months. Please ensure that your child is wearing a jumper/jacket/tracksuit which is a plain blue colour only (free from logos/pictures/ brand names).

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Maywald and Louis De Jager




Diary Dates

11th – 12th May – Year 11/12 Careers Expo.

12th May – Cross Country Championships @ Naracoorte Primary School.

16th May – SAPSASA Netball Trials (2nd and final trial) @ Naracoorte Netball Courts.

18th May – SAPSASA Hockey Trials (2nd and final trial) @ Naracoorte Hockey Fields.

22nd – 24th May – SAPSASA AFL Adelaide Carnival.

24th May – Y7,8 & 10 Immunisation (catchup and 2nd round).

24th May – National Story Time.

30th May – 2nd June – Year 11/12 Outdoor Ed Camp.

Classroom News


On Tuesday students from Reception to Year 9 were treated to wonderful production of Hercules. The travelling show allows our students to view drama and performances that they otherwise do not get to see. It is a great opportunity for them to not only see singing, drama, but also sets, lighting, special effects and music. 

Special thanks to the staff who organised such a wonderful experience for our students. 

R/Y1 News

The Reception students focused on the Little Golden Book: Puss in Boots during InitiaLit Storybook sessions. The vocabulary words we learnt were generous, bellowed and magnificent. Our final session was to make a Puss in Boots puppet.

Y9 Digital News

As part of the Yr 9 Digital Technology subject, students have been developing their graphic design skills. Their task involved choosing a business and preparing a design folio based off of the business description, identifying functional characteristics of those designs. After several iterations of their designs a final copy is put forward. This design was then printed on an item of clothing for students. 

See if you can match a design to the business it represents from the options below: 

-Next Level Games 

-Aquatic Adventures 

-Agricultural Machinery Independent 


-Smooth Sounds



We now know that exercise releases natural anti-depressants from the muscles into the bloodstream.  There is a chemical reason you feel good after exercise! 

The Push-up Challenge is an annual awareness raiser and fundraiser for mental health. This year the staff of Lucindale Area School have voted to take part, with each Home-Group Teacher being the captain of their class team. Students who wish to take part will be enrolled in their class team by their teacher. This avoids the students getting promotional emails from The Push-Up Challenge. 

Although it is called The Push-Up Challenge, participants can choose an exercise that suits them (and gets their muscles working). Some are doing squats, some star-jumps. Participants can also choose whether to go for the full target (3144) or the half-target (1572). 

The Challenge starts officially on June 1st and runs until June 23rd. Each day has a different target, with the daily numbers significant to mental health, for example: 135 pushups represents 3 lots of 45 minutes of exercises adults should do each week to get a benefit from the natural anti-depressants. 

Fundraising is optional. Permission forms will be handed out in class. 

To see the Lucindale Area School Community page, go to: LAS Push Up Challenge Link

Way2Go & Lucindale Area School

Way2Go is a statewide South Australian program promoting safer, greener and more active travel for primary school students and communities. It uses a whole school approach built on a partnership between local councils, school communities and the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT). 

Surveys provide ‘snap shot in time’ information about the travel choices, attitudes and preferences of students, teachers and families in our school community. The patterns emerging from survey information can be very powerful in suggesting actions that might be taken to create change. 

The completion of these travel surveys will provide the Department and our school, with a range of data and useful information to help guide schools on their Way2Go journey. 

These surveys have been developed by the Way2Go team, and all responses are totally anonymous and come directly to them for analysis. 

Please note the School Travel Surveys will occur for students, teachers and parents and need to be completed by the 31st May 2023. 

  • Student travel surveys will be undertaken as a homegroup activity 
  • Teachers will complete a survey 
  • Parent travel surveys will be sent via EdSmart or can be completed via this newsletter link  

Felicity Jenke is the site representative for this program and once the results are collated by the Way2Go team a training will occur in August to develop a School Travel Action Plan.  

News Bulletin 

Gear’s Day 

It was a consecutive win for Ollie as the Yamaha racer who has now finished five Offroad Advantage tests with a total time of 39:41.264. Ollie claimed the fastest time for the Juniors and also creating a sizable time of more than two minutes ahead of his next rival. (AORC website). 

Ollie now heads off Edenhope in Victoria on 22 July, 2023.  

Good luck to both boys. 

Photos: Courtesy of AORC 


KNTNA Selection Squad 

Congratulations to Jess in year 10 who was selected to play in the under 17 netball Country Champions competition on the long weekend in June. She was selected after try outs with two training sessions and only 10 people were selected from the league. Jess currently plays for Naracoorte as a goal shooter and goal attacker. 

We wish her all the best. 


Lucindale Area School Laptop Program

Dear Parents and Students,

As you may be aware Lucindale Area School endevours to provide all students with a suitable device to enhance their learning experience. With that in mind we have secured additional laptops with updated specifications for students from years 5 and 6 through to year 12. Please see the updated specifications below.

Please note the updated laptops have been subsidised by the school however due to increasing costs we have had to make an adjustment to the pricing structure. Should you wish to enquire about our program or require further information please contact the Front Office on 8766 2084 or head to our website and submit an expression of interest.

Lenovo L13 Yoga Gen3
– i5-1235U CPU
– 13.3” WUXGA display
– 16GB RAM
– 256GB SSD
– 3 year onsite warranty

Outright and 3 Year Plans also include one soft shell laptop case.

All laptops come with Microsoft 365 and the School image which gives you access to all programs required for schooling.

2023 Laptop Program Pricing

Outright – $1300.00

3 Year Plan – $115.00per Term

Term by Term Hire – $100.00

Lost Property

The Front Office currently has a number of items stored in lost property. If your child/ren has lost an item please take the time to come to the Front Office and identify any of your items. Over the next few weeks all lost property will be donated to good will.


Agriculture News

SA Sheep Expo April 26th – 28th 

The SA Sheep Expo took place in the holidays. It is a brilliant program which offers young people a platform to develop a better understanding of the sheep industry, the opportunities it offers and encourages the next generation to engage with industries. This assists students to build their knowledge and identify pathways to further careers in areas of the sheep industry. 

Ours school was proud to have Georgina attend and we congratulate her on her enthusiasm to further her skills and understanding in a broad range of aspects connected with the sheep industry. A huge thankyou to The Lucindale Shears Committee for sponsoring her attendance. Your support of our school and students is greatly appreciated.  


During the holidays, I went to the SA Sheep Expo in Adelaide for 3 days.  The focus this year was on Rams.  I had a Suffolk Ewe to look after while I was there.  I went to information sessions about different topics like ram photography, ram selection, pre-mating ram checks, handling tips and young judges.  I really enjoyed the Young Farmers Challenge and looking after my ewe. 

Thank you to Lucindale Shears Committee who paid my entrance fee so I could go. 

By Georgina 

Parent and Friends Club

We are holding a raffle for Mother’s Day and would love your support. We are requesting
donations for prizes, which can be dropped in a box at the school front office. Please support
us by buying tickets, which will be available in various outlets in town as well as school. If you
wish to sell some tickets yourself, please contact Casey Weaver.

Next Meeting Friday 12th May at 9am.

Library News

Welcome back to Term Two. 

During the school holidays, the library has been busy processing our new arrivals. Please browse the attached photos for some of the great new teen fiction series on offer. Alternately please visit Lucindale School Community Library to browse our complete collection. 

Scholastic Book Club – Please ensure your orders are placed online by 22nd May 2023 to avoid missing the fantastic prices on offer. 

National Simultaneous Storytime – The library is once again participating in National Simultaneous Storytime. This will occur in the Library at 11:15am on Wednesday 24th May 2023. Students from Reception to year 7 will be joining us for the book reading, at the same time of millions of other children around the country. All welcome. The book for this year is “The Speedy Sloth by Rebecca Young.  ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime 2023 

Community News

School Calendar

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