Acting Principal: Louis de Jager Governing Council Chair: Tim Kiefel Phone: 8766 2084 Email:




I have enjoyed the privilege of witnessing the great work of our students over the last few weeks. There is much happening in learning and teaching at the school. There have been many rich opportunities offered to our students in support of our learning programs.

The Year 11/12 students went to Adelaide for their camp on Thursday, 11 May and Friday, 12 May. The group started with the TreeClimb experience which provides a unique opportunity for users to be immersed in nature while the interactive education elements highlight the importance of conservation and the environment. A series of Zip-line, swings, and obstacle challenges that the students really enjoyed very much.

On Friday the students went to the Adelaide showgrounds and visited the Career Expo where they had the opportunity to:

  • Talk with over 130 Training Organisations & Employers
  • Gain Free Career Advice
  • Experience the Free Career Seminars
  • Learn how to write a Winning Resume
  • Enjoy the Try a Trade Interactive Zones
  • Discover Defence & Space Industry Jobs
  • Find your Ideal Role at the Australian Defence Force Display

Cross Country

We were so proud of everyone who ran, jogged or walked during the recent Cross-Country carnival. Thank you to Rob Obrien and Tim Harrison for their assistance during the day.

Congratulations to the following students:

  • 8-year-old girls: Maddie 6th and Indi 8th
  • 8-year-old boys: Harry 3rd
  • 10-year-old girls: Bethany 5th and Georgia 9th
  • 10-year-old boys: George 7th

The following four students made the SAPSASA Cross Country finals: Maddy, Harry, George and Bethany. We wish them every success competing at the finals.

The National Simultaneous Storytime took place on Wednesday, 24 May. The story this year was called The Speedy Sloth. The students from Reception till Year 7 were involved and the Kindy students visited us as well. Thank you to our guest reader Jane Gill.

Attendance – Why everyday counts

We are now in our fourth week of Term 2. Did you know that being away from school one day per fortnight equals 1.5 years of school missed over 13 years of schooling? Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education… Missing school puts them behind. There are no safe days to miss school.

Did You Know?

  • School is better when you attend. Your friends and your teachers notice that you’re away and wonder if you are OK.

Why is regular attendance important?

  • Right now, being at school is the most important thing you need for your future.
  • School helps you build good habits for later in life.

You might think that school is just about Maths and English, but you are also learning skills to work with other people and how to solve problems. If you are having trouble getting your child/ren to school every day, please pop in to see your child’s Homegroup Teacher. We would love to support and work together with you to get your child/ren back on track and attending every day.

There is a need to be constantly reminded about attendance. Attendance at the school is compulsory. If you know in advance your child/ren are going to be absent you must notify the school by either of the following methods: 

Any unexplained absences need to be resolved ASAP and families will be expected to provide a reason for their child’s absence. 

The Wellbeing and Engagement Collection Survey (WEC) will be done at the school. The purpose of the survey is to learn about young people’s wellbeing and how they learn at school. The survey seeks students’ views about their wellbeing and their engagement with school. Students in years 4 to 12 across the State will be invited to participate and the information collected will help the education system and broader community to support young people’s health and wellbeing.

Resilience is a word often used these days in much educational language and discussion. It seems to be the “in” word commentators use to demonstrate they are aware of its importance. But it would be interesting, if many of them, actually know what it means to be resilient. The most common description of it, is being able to bounce back from adversity, but what skills do students need to possess to be able to bounce back. Studies have shown that there are seven key skills, which are essential to develop in both students and ourselves, to be resilient. They are: 

  • Optimism and hope for the future – thinking positively when striving to achieve goals – develop through goal setting and growth mindset. 
  • Regulating emotions – controlling the intensity and duration of feelings – develop through wellbeing fitness challenges.  
  • Impulse control – resisting the urge to react on feelings – develop through mindfulness activities. 
  • Flexibility of thinking – changing thinking from different situations – develop through habits of mind and thinking tools. 
  • Empathy – accepting the needs and feelings of others – develop through acts of kindness. 
  • Self-belief – valuing yourself and your top strengths – develop though actioning character strengths. 
  • Building social-connectedness – having a sense of belonging – develop through active positive responding. 

Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year. The colours on the trees, the leaves falling softly, the cooler mornings and early evening sunsets seem a perfect contrast to the busy-ness of the first quarter of the year. I found this beautiful image and quote and invite you to take a moment to pause and reflect on the beauty around us as we look forward to the rest of Term and all it has to offer. 

Louis de Jager

Diary Dates

30th May – 2nd June – Year 11/12 Outdoor Ed Camp.

30th May – Primary Assembly @ 9:55am. All parents welcome.

8th June – SAPSASA Cross Country State Carnival.

21st – 23rd June – SAPSASA Hockey State Carnival.

28th June – Mad Minute @ Lucindale Town Hall.

28th June – 30th June – Footsteps Reception/ Year 9.

Classroom News

Year 9

The year 9 Science class is currently exploring the structure and function of human organ systems. Whist studying the circulatory system, students conducted a dissection of a sheep heart and identified the different structural components. They then explored how blood from the heart is oxygenated at the lungs by building model lungs and completing lung capacity calculations. We are looking forward to completing more practical investigations as we begin to investigate the digestive, nervous and excretory systems in the upcoming weeks. 

Johanna Kemplay-Hill 

SRC News

Our SRC members representing the students of Lucindale Area School were hard at work discussing current issues, fundraising and much more. It is great to see such enthusiasm and commitment from the students. Well done!

Evie Higgins

Y11 Camp

Year 11 & 12 students travelled to Adelaide on Thursday the 11th to Friday 12th of May. Students stayed at Marion Holiday Park and participated in many fun activities such as Tree Climb in the CBD and Bowling. Students attended the Careers Expo at the Adelaide Showgrounds, exploring different occupational stands. Students asked great questions and enjoyed exploring all the possible future pathways. Thank you to Mr Backler and Melissa Thompson for coming along.  

Alisha Rothall  



We now know that exercise releases natural anti-depressants from the muscles into the bloodstream.  There is a chemical reason you feel good after exercise! 

The Push-up Challenge is an annual awareness raiser and fundraiser for mental health. This year the staff of Lucindale Area School have voted to take part, with each Home-Group Teacher being the captain of their class team. Students who wish to take part will be enrolled in their class team by their teacher. This avoids the students getting promotional emails from The Push-Up Challenge. 

Although it is called The Push-Up Challenge, participants can choose an exercise that suits them (and gets their muscles working). Some are doing squats, some star-jumps. Participants can also choose whether to go for the full target (3144) or the half-target (1572). 

The Challenge starts officially on June 1st and runs until June 23rd. Each day has a different target, with the daily numbers significant to mental health, for example: 135 pushups represents 3 lots of 45 minutes of exercises adults should do each week to get a benefit from the natural anti-depressants. 

Fundraising is optional. Permission forms will be handed out in class. 

To see the Lucindale Area School Community page, go to: LAS Push Up Challenge Link

Way2Go & Lucindale Area School

Way2Go is a statewide South Australian program promoting safer, greener and more active travel for primary school students and communities. It uses a whole school approach built on a partnership between local councils, school communities and the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT).  Surveys provide ‘snap shot in time’ information about the travel choices, attitudes and preferences of students, teachers and families in our school community. The patterns emerging from survey information can be very powerful in suggesting actions that might be taken to create change.  The completion of these travel surveys will provide the Department and our school, with a range of data and useful information to help guide schools on their Way2Go journey.  These surveys have been developed by the Way2Go team, and all responses are totally anonymous and come directly to them for analysis.  Please note the School Travel Surveys will occur for students, teachers and parents and need to be completed by the 31st May 2023. 

  • Student travel surveys will be undertaken as a homegroup activity 
  • Teachers will complete a survey 
  • Parent travel surveys will be sent via EdSmart or can be completed via this newsletter link   Felicity Jenke is the site representative for this program and once the results are collated by the Way2Go team a training will occur in August to develop a School Travel Action Plan.  

Agriculture News


Term 2 Pork is now available to order. Our delicious pork is selling fast. To place your order please use the link below or alternatively please call the Admin Team on 8766 2084. It’s time to get some pork on your fork!


Library News

On Wednesday 24th May 2023 our library participated in National Simultaneous Story time. We would like to thank our guest reader, Jane Gill, who did an amazing job reading “The Speedy Sloth.” The children and adults were truly enthralled by Jane’s reading of Spike the sloth’s adventures and participation in the great race.

It was great to see so many people join us. This included the kindergarten children who came for a visit, and students from Reception to year 7, and the year 10 class. We hope you all enjoyed the story. 

Last year across Australia, National Simultaneous Story time had over 2.8 million participants at over 59,000 locations, all reading the story at the same time. Great effort. We eagerly await to see if we have broken that record this year. 

Community News

School Calendar

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