Acting Principal: Louis de Jager Governing Council Chair: Tim Kiefel Phone: 8766 2084 Email:




Welcome to another week. At this time of year, schools are a hive of activity with teachers continuing to deliver curriculum programs aligned to the Australian Curriculum and SACE.
I (Joey Kemplay-Hill) would like to thank everyone for their support following my appointment as the Deputy for the remainder of Term 2. I have enjoyed the opportunity to get to know more of the students and work with all staff.

Linda Galley has been appointed as the Chaplain and we welcome her to the community. Below Linda introduces herself to the Lucindale school community:

Dear All,
My name is Linda Galley, I come from a Mental Health Nursing background, and I have recently accepted the position as Chaplain for the Lucindale Area School. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your school and community.

A little bit about me. My husband Philip and I came from NZ to live in Australia in 2008, but recently moved to Lucindale from Mount Gambier about a year ago, to serve the local community in a Christian based Ministry. We have four adult children and nine grandchildren, and are very blessed to have an extended Church family here in the SE.

I hope to bring to this role, a warm, welcoming, caring, and supportive approach to see Teachers, Students and families of this Community excel in their natural gifts and abilities and to reach their full God given potential in life.

I look forward to meeting you all soon.

After enjoying a break over the long weekend, it has been excellent to come back feeling refreshed and hearing about everyone’s adventures. This week students have continued to engage with the Push Up Challenge and have challenged themselves each morning to complete the set exercises. It has been a great opportunity to have discussions around mental health and the statistics we are being made aware of each week. At the half-way point now, I encourage everyone to keep up the good work!

Congratulations to Tom and Bethany as they have been nominated for Tennis 12 year and under and Cross Country. Both will participate at the School Sport Australia Championship. The Cross Country will be held in Canberra from 25 – 28 August and the Tennis in Brisbane from 21 – 28 October.
Friday, 16 June, students had the opportunity to listen to the Boandik Elder, Aunty Michelle Jacquelin-Furr. Aunty Michelle is the author of Annie’s Story; Growing up Strong on Boandik Country, the story about her great grandmother’s life growing up around Penola in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Throughout her interactive sessions Aunty Michelle taught students a few words in Bunganditj, told Dreamtime stories relating to local animals and landmarks, talked about Indigenous history, seasons and bush foods in the Southeast. She explained about traditional artefacts which students engaged with. Students also gained insight into Indigenous people and their connection to place, what life was like in the past and how they lived sustainably for tens of thousands of years.
Both students and staff developed their understanding of Aboriginal cultures and made positive comments about the sessions that was held for students from Reception to Year 6.

On Monday, 19 June the Agricultural students in R/1 and 5/6 participated in helping planting trees as part of the Kids Helping Cockies project. We thank Bronwyn Perryman allowing us to be part of this project and to give back to our local community while we learn about revegetation and the Redtail Back Cockatoo.

Well done to the Year 5/6 class who participated in the Lion’s Mad Minute competition this week. Congratulations to George, Ollie and Amelia who will go on to the Grand Challenge regional competition on Wednesday, 28 June here at Lucindale Town Hall. Rob Obrien did a great job preparing everyone for this, practicing weekly with Andrew Copping from the Lions. Great job by everyone involved.

At the beginning of typing a web address, we used to have to type www. and the full web address. Today, there is a tendency for us to access and search in the online environment without having to type this. However, it is important to remember the www (World Wide Web), because too often people forget about the global scope and reach of the online environment and post communication, images, or content that they think is ‘private’ or that there is some ‘anonymity’ in this context.
In working with students in this area, it does come back to individual choices and the way in which one uses technology. Ultimately, what people choose to do in the “real” world is not differentiated from the profiles one keeps or the interactions in the online or digital realm. In accessing the World Wide Web: we sometimes need reminders that this is a public space.

‘Respect For – Self, Others, Learning and Environment’ is a key theme that the school emphasises as key in building relationships and growing others and self. Therefore, whether a young person is using a pen/ pencil and paper as a tool for communication or an electronic device, they should be thinking before posting/ writing and when at school, using the device for educational purposes. We have been reflecting about the instantaneousness, public nature, highly accessible, global scope and reach and the permanency of online communication.

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner have a variety of resources to assist parents, who play a crucial role in helping your child have safe and positive experiences online. In understanding how children and young people use the internet, the risks they face and the strategies to manage risks, you can help enable your children to enjoy the best of the online world. For further information please go to this link:

Thank you once again for your cooperation and support to our school community. Your involvement is genuinely valued and makes a significant difference in the lives of our students.

Louis de Jager & Joey Kemplay-Hill

Diary Dates

28th June – Mad Minute @ Lucindale Town Hall.

28th June – 30th June – Footsteps Reception/ Year 9.

4th July – Stage 1 & 2 Exams.

5th July – SAPSASA Boys & Girls Soccer Trials.

7th July – SRC Wear Blue Day – MND Fundraising.

24th July – Pupil Free Day – Site Improvement Plan Review.

Classroom News

Primary Assembly

On Thursday 22nd June the R/1 class hosted the second assembly for Term 2. The R/1s were nervous but they conducted themselves very professionally in trying conditions with the rain really coming down on the Hall roof! 

Thank you to the families who were able to attend. 

The 5/6s shared a range of artwork, the 3/4s provided us with information on pattern types, the 1/2s had Shape Robots to present and the R/1s showed their Superworm recounts, Fairy Bread Procedures and Drama Play Plans.  

Congratulations to the recipients of the curriculum award for Science and the Rising Star and Excellence awards.  

Reception News

The storybook for the Reception students has been Superworm written by Julia Donaldson.  

The focus vocabulary words we learnt in this story were mope, mutter and cunning.  

Our story session was followed up with the students drawing three ways that Superworm was used in the story.  

As a final treat we watched ABC iviews version of the mini movie Superworm. We listened for the vocabulary words and we all enjoyed the movie version of the book. 

Home Economics

The Year 10 Home Economics class have been refining their skills in the kitchen with some amazing results. The students have been exploring different cultures and their specific methods of cooking. Well done to Harmony for producing some fantastic sushi.

Alisha Rothall.

SAPSASA Oakbank Cross Country

Tom and Bethany represented the USE at Oakbank Cross Country on June 8th. Bethany came 14th in the 12-year-old girls and Tom came 5th in the 12-year-old boys. Very wet and muddy conditions! Well done and congratulations on your achievements. 

Aunty Michelle Jacqueline-Furr

Friday 16th June the Lucindale Area School Primary classes had a special visit from Aboriginal Elder Aunty Michelle Jacqueline-Furr. Aunty Michelle is the author of Annie’s Story – Growing up strong on Boandik country, a children’s book based on the life of Auntie Michelle’s great-grandmother, Annie Brice, who grew up around Penola.  

Annie was taught to read and write under the guidance of Alexander Cameron’s niece who arrived from Melbourne in 1860. Cameron’s niece became the governess to her cousins in Penola and encouraged Annie to join in with the classroom schooling. Alexander Cameron’s niece and Annie’s teacher was to become Saint Mary MacKillop. 

Primary classes were welcomed by Aunty Michelle in Bunganditj language before learning about Boandik culture. She shared with students her traditional Boandik possum-fur cloak etched with the story of her relative Annie. Students also learnt about Boandik customs from thousands of years ago including the dreaming story of Craitbul, Aboriginal story of how the volcanic cluster at Mount Gambier was created. Students also practised making fire in the library, and learnt a little of the Boandik language.  

Students and staff wish to thank Aunty Michelle for her visit and cannot wait for another very soon. 

Wuwu (Goodbye) 


Olivia Jaeschke  

Tech News

Flexible Industry Programs (FIPs) highlight VET pathway options that can be undertaken at school whilst completing SACE, and that lead to real jobs in key growth industries in South Australia. A variety of industries are represented across the South East and Lucindale Area School has been working with Regional Skills Training (RST) over 2022/23 delivering a Certificate III in Rural Operations or Agriculture. By hosting at LAS, regional students are able to more easily access training between Mount Gambier and Murray Bridge.

During Week 8, as part of the training, RST delivered their welding workshop at LAS. While working through OHS and Job Safety Analysis, students from a range of schools have been developing their MIG and stick welding in preparation for a Motorbike Kickstand product to display their ability. They have been able to receive feedback from industry experts and trainers to improve their technique and knowledge.

SRC News

SRC Blue Day Fundraiser for MND, Last Day of Term 

The SRC are looking forward to their Blue Day Fundraiser for Motor-Neurone Disease, which will be held on the last day of this Term. Students are reminded to wear as much blue as they can on this day, and to bring a gold coin donation.  

 The SRC have a couple of fun and active activities they will run at lunch time on the last day of term:  

  • A longest football kick competition on the Oval in age groups, for an additional gold coin donation, with prizes available; and  
  • An ice-bucket challenge with a twist… Students can bring and additional $5 to have the opportunity to pour an ice-bucket on a participating staff member of their choice! Staff who are participating so far include: Mrs Parkins, Mrs Rothall, Ms Hill, Mr de Jager, Melissa, Mr Backler, and Tim Harrison!  

We are all looking forward to the day, and all proceeds will go towards MND Australia.  


Vocational Education and Training (VET) enables students to acquire skills and knowledge for work through a training package or accredited course. VET operates through a national training system and is delivered, assessed and certified by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).  

The SACE is designed to give students increased flexibility, including greater opportunities to have diverse forms of learning and achievement recognised. The SACE enables students to include a significant amount of VET in their SACE studies. Students can gain recognition for up to 150 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 for successfully completed VET.  

These recognition arrangements help students to build coherent pathways in the SACE through VET, and encourage students to complete, or make significant progress towards completing, VET qualifications while completing the SACE.  

Students and Families seeking further information on VET or FIP options can contact our Pathways Coordinator, Jason Backler.

email or at the school on 8766 2084

Speed Demons

A great weekend was held at Casterton for the Gear boys last weekend. They were both racing in the Victorian Off Road championships. Both boys won their classes in the Cross Country event and they also won the second race which was a sprint. 

The next weekend for racing is at Hattah which is a desert race. This is the biggest desert race after Finke. 

The Australian Off Road Championships ramps up in July so make sure you follow their progress on the AORC website. 

Both boys are currently sitting first in their ages for the Australian Off Road

Agriculture News


Term 2 Pork is now available to order. Our delicious pork is selling fast. To place your order please use the link below or alternatively please call the Admin Team on 8766 2084. It’s time to get some pork on your fork!


Library News

Last week the Library hosted Aunty Michelle, a local Boandik woman. The students from reception to year 6 joined in Aunty Michelle’s story time sessions throughout the day. A truly educational experience for students and staff alike.  

Scholastic Book Club  – orders for issue 4 close on 23rd June 2023 

Advanced Notice – Each year the library joins in the The Children’s Book Council of Australia, book week celebrations. During this week we celebrate books, and Australian children’s authors and illustrators, to promote the importance and joy of reading. 

This year, book week runs from 19th August to the 25th August. During this week as part of our celebrations, we will be having a dress up day, where the whole of school, students and staff, come dressed as a book character. This year’s theme is “READ, GROW, INSPIRE”. The July school holidays are a great opportunity to work with your child on their costume ideas. 

Canteen News

Community News

School Calendar

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