Parent Update 28.1.22
Dear Students, Families & LAS Team,
It’s been fantastic to have staff back on site and students in for uniform collection. We are very fortunate that we positioned our school well with the laptop program at the end of 2021 and even though this is another year of Covid disruption, we are much better prepared to support and transition to the current conditions. Please contact the school or come in Monday or Tuesday if you still need uniforms or wish to purchase/rent a laptop to support distance learning.
Next Monday and Tuesday (31st Jan and 1st Feb) all staff will be at work preparing for both online learning and some learning at school. We will not be providing our normal lessons and learning, but we will have supervision for children who need to attend school. Teachers will be preparing materials for learning and will be in contact with you over books, learning resources, the use of SeeSaw and Microsoft Teams.
If your child/children are attending site on Monday and Tuesday, buses will be running to and from school and staff will be in the school yard, bus bay from 8:30am to help direct children to areas/classrooms where they will be supervised.
On Wednesday 2nd February our Reception, Year 1s, Year 2s, Year 7s, Year 8s, Year 11s and Year 12s will return to school in face to face learning but are encouraged to wear masks, learn outside where possible and social distance as much as possible. Our Year 3s, Year 4s, Year 5s, Year 6s, Year 9s & Year 10s students will be learning from home or if needing to attend school will be supervised as they undergo the online learning. More information will be distributed next week around how this will work.
Canteen update: Thanks to the canteen committee for your feedback over the last few days. The Canteen will be open on Thursday and Friday of Week 1 and 2 of this term and then when all students return to school the week after, it will be open every school day. If your child/children still need lunch orders on the days the canteen is closed we will make arrangements to support them via the local Deli. If this is the case, please ensure your child’s lunch order gets to the front office by 9am.
ICT Support for Parents: The first point of contact for parents requiring ICT assistance should be our school’s Admin and IT team. If parents need further support, they can contact the Department’s Parent ICT Helpline on 1800 271 211, 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
The Parent ICT Helpline team will assist parents with ICT issues impacting their child’s remote learning experience on a best endeavour basis, acknowledging that every household’s ICT setup will be different.
If your child needs a device or a Wi-Fi dongle to assist with learning from home, please contact the school asap so we can arrange some support. Preference will be given to senior students having to learn at home.
Buses: All buses are running as of Monday 31st January 2022. Masks will be available to students on each bus and are required to be worn by adults and students in Year 7 to Year 12. Students in Year 3 to Year 6 are strongly recommended to wear masks. The Bus drivers are not responsible for enforcing this rule but will seek support from the school Bus Coordinator if required.
Term 1 Events: With only some students at school for the next two weeks and with a stop on excursions, camps and school sports etc for the first 4 weeks, we have started some preliminary planning on options to support Sports Day, Distance Day, Interschool, Lions Youth of the Year, Field Days. It is early days yet and will need to review Covid requirements over the next two weeks and consider a range of contingency plans that could be actioned if required.
For now if you feel unwell or are a close contact to a Covid case, please follow the SA Health guidelines and seek support as required. We look forward to having everyone back healthy and safe soon and in the meantime will do our best to support all students and families with a successful start to 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Maywald (on behalf of LAS Team)
Copy of Letter Parent Update 28.1.22.pdf