Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

Welcome back to Term 2. We hope everyone had a relaxing break and are back ready to start the term with new energy. We have had lots happening recently so please read the updates below!

New Building: Our new building is almost ready. Handover will be soon and then we need to outfit the building with the new furniture that has already arrived, as well as return all of the equipment that has been stored or used around the school. Governing Council have volunteered to lend a hand with this by organising some volunteers to assist. Please see the flier in the newsletter to see if you can help.

NAPLAN: Our NAPLAN testing began smoothly this week for Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 thanks to the great organisation of Nat Austin and Sarah Trussell. This testing will be completed next week with some catch up tests for students who may have been absent.

Staffing update: With Adrian on leave for the first half of this term, Jane is acting Principal for that time. Lucinda Smith has won the Acting Deputy Principal position and Carol Hille has won the Acting Special Programs Coordinator for this period of time also. Congratulations!

Kylie Ware joins our SSO team this term, with Adele Theron also returning. Welcome to Kylie and welcome back to Adele!

Covid update: Thank you to parents who are contacting us to let us know your child is absent due to Covid. This helps us to inform the school community about when and where students may have been exposed so parents can watch closely for symptoms. Please ring and let the Front Office staff know so that we can keep on top of this.

Our most recent update from the Department for Education (received Thursday 12/5/22) has let us know that indoor assemblies can now resume, as can camps with no travel restrictions. Keep an eye out for the date of our next Primary Assembly. We hope to see you there!

Communication: Last week you all received an email to let you know that we no longer use the School Stream app that we implemented last year. EdSmart has taken over the school communication part of this and information goes directly to your email account. Please make sure these details are up to date with the Front office staff.

For parents wanting to communicate with school, you have multiple ways to do this:

  • Call the Front office and talk to our admin staff on 87662084. They can assist you with many enquiries or messages can be left with them for staff to call you back as they are usually teaching.
  • Email our address and it will be forwarded to the relevant staff.
  • Go to our website Lucindale Area School – Department for Education ( to find out information about the school.
  • Use our handy online absentee form on the website. Absentee Form – Lucindale Area School (
  • Our website also has individual staff email addresses so you can contact them directly.
  • Drop into the Front Office on your way past to ask a question. If you are wanting to see particular staff, especially teaching staff, it is best to ring and make an appointment first.
  • Don’t forget, students have diaries or communication books. Please use these to message your Home Group teachers, especially if there is a school event and you are unsure how this affects your child.

Mobile Phone Policy: Governing Council has endorsed the Mobile Phone Policies for students R-6 and Years 7-12 after consultation with families, staff and students. The updated policies will be available on our website under the Parent Information tab shortly. Thank you to everyone for your feedback.

The policies state that students from R-6 should not have phones at school. Students from Years 7-9 may have phones at school but may only use them with teacher permission and may not take them into the yard at break times. Students from Years 10-12 may have phones at school with them and may access them with teacher permission and at break times. Any breaches of the policy result in confiscation of the phone and return at the end of the day. If a second confiscation occurs, a parent or guardian will need to collect the phone from the school.

Volunteers in Schools: With the world getting back to a semblance of normal after the last 2 years of Covid disruptions, you may be thinking about volunteering some time here at school. Volunteers are welcome for all sorts of tasks from listening to reading, assisting in class, working bees, helping in the library, helping on camps or excursions, etc. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at school, we are shortly adding a volunteer application form on our website under the Community tab or you can contact the Front Office and they can email one to you so you can express your interest.

Volunteers are required to submit this form and to undergo training in child safety practices. This training is available online, or if you would prefer face to face training, our Wellbeing Leader Nat Austin can run a group training for those interested. Please contact the school to let us know.

Student Work: Are you interested in seeing some of the work your child has been doing lately? Ask them to log into their Microsoft Teams account where you can see what they have been doing. Secondary students use Microsoft Teams regularly in classes to receive and submit work. Our Primary students are just learning to use Teams and our JP students can show you their work through SeeSaw.

Excursions: Fabulous to see our students out and about again in the community! Our Year 10s have been busy with work experience and Ag excursions to Di Giorgio Family Wines, along with Knock Out Touch Footy in Penola. Equine Program is running again this term. Our Outdoor Ed students are off again shortly, this time paddling the creeks instead of climbing cliffs. SAPSASA is busy with Netball trials and Cross Country is in Naracoorte on Friday May 20th. Make sure you keep an eye on our School Calendar on the website and check your email regularly so you don’t miss out on notices.

National Simultaneous Story Time: We will take part in this event on Wednesday May 25th at 11am with our students in the Library and a guest reader. I wonder who it will be this year? The story this year is ”Family Tree” by Josh Pyke. Information is available through this weblink ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime – 2022. Feel free to come and join us in the library on this day and join in the fun!

Let’s look forward to a fun and productive term!

Jane & Lucinda

Diary Dates


Tuesday 10th  – Friday 20th – NAPLAN Testing 

Tuesday 17th – Uni SA visit Years 10 & 12

Friday 20th – South East Cross Country Championships

Monday 23rd – 27th – Outdoor Education Kayak Camp

Wednesday 25th – National Simultaneous Story time 11am

Monday 30th – 3rd June – Flexible Pathway Training

Classroom News

Brebras Computing Challenge

The Bebras® Computing Challenge introduces computational thinking to students. It is organized in over 30 countries and designed to get students all over the world excited about computing. They hold two challenges each year. Bebras® Computing Challenge is designed to help students explore their talents and passion for informatics and computational thinking with engaging challenges. Participating in the challenge is free. Each participant gets 45 minutes to answer 15 multiple-choice questions that focus on computational and logical thinking. It is completed online in school and it shows to schools and students how well their skills are developed. The Year 3/4 class participated in the first Brebras challenge during Digital Technologies in April. A special congratulations to the following students on their achievement.  DISTINCTION  Year 3  Charles 

CREDIT  Year 4  Taylor  Year 4  George 

MERIT  Year 3  Jack  Year 3  Austin  Year 3  Bridie  Year 4  Rebecca  Year 4  Amelia  Year 4  Oliver. 

Well done to all Year 3/4 students on their participation and effort.   Mrs Pauline Rivett 

Rock Climbing Camp

As part of their studies the students partake in outdoor activities and journeys in natural environments. Their first camp was to Onkaparinga Gorge with a focus on Rock Climbing. In preparation for the camp students practiced cooking on Trangia’s, learning the required knots, practices belaying and relying on a harness. The Year 12 students were in charge of the menu plan, equipment list and risk assessment for the camp, which continues to develop their outdoor leadership, self reliance and planning capabilities. After arriving in Adelaide students got to experience bouldering, rock climbing at low heights without a harness, at the indoor Beyond Bouldering centre. This introduced students into different difficulty climbs and techniques that they have researched but needed to practice. Students learned to prioritise lower body technique and planning out your climb beforehand. The next day Wally Olenich, from Flinders Uni, introduced students to top rope climbing, set up and cliff top safety. Afterwards students went to the bottom of the cliff and began climbing on the rock face, up to 27m. The theme of this journey is a quote from T.S Eliot:  “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go”  Students began to discover the meaning of these words as they attempted to reach the top of the climbs. Some had to learn to trust the grip of the climbing shoes, or using the proper technique despite the ‘wrongness’ it felt, or a fear of heights, or to trust the person belaying them. Each student had different challenges to face and fears to overcome.   On the 2nd climbing day students were in charge of tying their own top rope anchors, while closely monitored they succeeded in doing this. Wally also showed the group lead climbing, with rope below and setting up own climb, Kate had shown a good ability and followed him up as a second. She unattached gear as she climbed and was belayed from the top by Wally. The group continued to develop their techniques and everyone achieved at least 1 full climb with multiple partial climbs.  The last morning consisted of a morning hike down into the gorge to the river and return. This helped give students a wider view of the environment they were participating in.  Overall, students personal achievements were quite high and they have a lot to be proud of.    Jason Backler Outdoor Ed Teacher  Camp pushed my comfort zone – CJ  Rock climbing was a good work out – Sam  We were closer as a group after camp – Ben  Camp was great, I liked being outdoors and experiencing rock climbing for the first time – Mary Ann  It was really fun and a great learning experience – Kate  I had a lot of fun belaying my classmates-Abi 

Year 10 Work Experience

Most students undertook a week’s work experience this term. Thank you to the businesses who took time out of their busy schedule to take on a young person who has an interest in that line of work.  Student’s views:  Cobdogla Station Caravan Park – busy, educational, exciting, long, fun, good leadership – Milly  Rural Veterinary Services – varied, interesting, lively, inquisitive, positive, educational – Sophie  Corrigan Building – exciting, enjoyable, tiring, rewarding, interesting – Dom  Naracoorte Motorcycles and mowers – exciting, fun, interesting, educational, hard work – Daniel  Bricey’s Southeast Collision Repairs – busy, motivating, engaging, positive, interesting – Kira  Limestone Coast Motorcycles and small engines – interesting, fun, educational, enjoyable, learnt lots – Liam  Tatiara Truck and Trailers – noisy, hands on, fascinating, hard going, enjoyable – Jude  Goolwa Riverport Vets – entertaining, helpful, inspiring, fun, eye opening – Abi  In2It – productive, character building, informative, compelling – Thomas  Ottoson and Partners Real Estate – different, challenging, friendly, professional, learnt a lot of things – Ella  Tallala Building – fun, inspirational, learn a lot, engaging, helpful – Kaiden  Naracoorte Refrigeration – learn how to weld copper, fun to do, helpful to do air-conditioners, went to put air conditioners in – Jai  Limestone coast Motorcycles – fun, better than school, great – Liam  MAK – interesting, rewarding, teaching experience, exciting, fun – Bodhi  TKO – Mobile Mechanic – fun, interesting, inspiring, want to be one – Nick  LC Tyres and RV – fun, interesting, learn lots, shouted me lunch – Deakin  Cross Carpentry – great, educational, interesting, entertaining, hands on – Mitchell  Lucindale Electrical – hands on, great opportunity, dangerous, learnt about safety, early mornings – Ethan 

Lions Youth of the Year Update

Our very own Aaron, winner of the Lucindale Lions Youth of the Year competition in March, went on to compete in the State competition in Gawler in April. He was successful again, winning the competition with his speech on the history of money. Aaron will now go on to compete on a national scale in Melbourne this weekend. This time competitors go to Melbourne for a few days, and enjoy a formal dinner, a day exploring Melbourne, and an interview process, followed by impromptu questions and a prepared speech in front of the judges and audience on Sunday. We wish him all the best with this wonderful opportunity, so if you see Aaron around, wish him luck!



Congratulations to Ruby and Madison from Year 6 for being selected for SAPSASA netball. They will be heading to Adelaide to represent USE in the School Sport SA Netball Carnival during Week 9 of this term. We wish them luck!!  

Another congratulations to Madison from Year 6 and Tommy and Sammy from Year 5 for being selected in the girls and boys SAPSASA Football teams. They will be heading to Adelaide to represent USE in the School Sport SA Football Carnival during Week 5 of this term. We wish them luck!! 


James Phillips                                                                                                               Alisha Hagel

SAPSASA Coordinator                                                                                                 School Sports Coordinator

Agriculture News

Year 10 Agriculture

Our Year 10 Agriculture classes took part in learning firsthand the processes from paddock to shelf this week at DiGiorgio Family Wines. This complemented student’s curriculum learning on viticulture. We were very fortunate to be toured throughout the facilities and given very informative explanations by DiGiorgio’s wine maker, Mr Bryan Tonkin. Students got to see grapes coming in on a truck, tipped into the crusher hopper and followed the process through to seeing vats, fermenting tanks, where the grape skins end up and the barrel room.

An impressive tour of the walk-through soil pit showed the structure of grape vine roots and the numerous soil layers that are renowned in the Limestone Coast Coonawarra district. This excursion was a fabulous opportunity for students to see firsthand career opportunities available in the viticulture industry from leaders in this field. Many thanks to Bryan and the DiGiorgio Family for their brilliant support of our students and Agricultural program.  

Farm Committee

The farm committee at Lucindale Area School plays a pivotal role assisting with the running of our successful agriculture programs. If you are interested in joining this committee please contact Carol Hille through the front office on 87662084. The committee meet twice a term and always welcome new members from our community.

Term 2 Equine program

Last week saw the first session of our Equine Program here at Lucindale Area School for Term 2. Students developed their understanding of dressage, seat position and the different terminology used within a dressage test. Each student then learnt and rode a dressage test where they refined their knowledge of the different gates needed to complete the test accurately.   This week students explored Cross Country jumping and show jumping with our guest instructor Jacki Baker.  

Library News

Welcome back to Term 2 2022. 

Great news! With the easing of some COVID restrictions, the Lucindale Community Library is back to normal opening hours. Please feel free to drop by during the times listed below. Please remember face masks are still required. 

Lucindale Community Library Hours 

Monday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Tuesday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Wednesday 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Saturday 9:00am – 11:30am 

17 weeks to go until the challenge finishes. Check in with your child and ask how they are going with reading their books. It’s not too late to start. 17 weeks equals less than a book a week. Follow this link for more info.  Premiers Reading Challenge 

National Simultaneous Story Time 

The library will once again be participating in this event. All primary students will be invited to attend a reading of this year’s book “Family Tree”, at 11:00am on Wednesday 25th May 2022, at the same time as most other primary schools all around Australia. 

Community News


Matho’s Basketball

4/5 to 7 year olds basketball training/games

Starts Wednesday 4th May

Runs for all of term 2

Cost $5.00 per night per player

From 4.15pm to 5.15pm

At the Naracoorte Basketball Stadium

All welcome

Just a lot of fun and learning along the way.

Please email Ph. 0417-855-247 or turn up on the night and see Helen Garrigan at the desk.

This program will run in School Term 3 as well depending on numbers.

School Calendar

Calendar of Events

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T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

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