Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

The 2022 School Year is almost complete, we thank all students, staff and families for their contributions towards supporting learning, wellbeing and facilities at Lucindale Area School. Dare we say it but as Covid is having less and less impact, bring on the 2023 school year with a focus on creating and maintaining as many positive and supportive learning experiences as possible as we return to many of our past traditions and events such as Presentation Night.  

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our Presentation Night last week. It was awesome to be able to host an indoor event, celebrate a broad range of successes and be entertained by our Choir and Junior Primary Students. Thank you also to our Ag students for the seedlings and the Netball Club for the BBQ and the Year 11s for the soft drink. With a short, sharp and shiny presentation night it was great to be able to have a good chat afterwards. We also wish our Year 6s all the best as they head into their Secondary schooling next year along with the Year 12s as they are now transitioning into the next stage of their lives.  

Assets Update: We will have a few interruptions around our school in the coming weeks which we will communicate to you via Edsmart and Facebook. Building 14 alongside the Administration Building is scheduled for demolition from the 19th of December along with restoration works to convert the Ag classroom back from its temporary usage as a Science Lab. This may require the school, library and pool to be closed for a few days but we are awaiting an update. Over the break we should also see the concrete pit lid replaced and the defects addressed on our new Secondary facilities for Science and Art.  

Christmas Float: With the Lucindale pageant fast approaching we thank the parents who have volunteered their time and resources to help the students with decorating and preparing the float.  Students will continue to assist with this next week. Keep an eye out for it at the Town Christmas Party.  

Staffing News: Louis de Jager has started with us this week and is spending time getting to know all staff and students along with time with the Leadership Team to ensure he can hit the ground running for the start of the 2023 school year.   

Sadly, this week we will be farewelling James Phillips at the end of the year as he has accepted a position in Mount Gambier as a specialist PE/Tennis teacher. We wish James all the best with his new adventure and thank him for his time and commitment this year. We are still working to finalise our staffing for next year and wish the Boarding House Panel all the best as they work through the process of choosing Daniel’s replacement, along with the panel which is underway to fill the Admin/IT position with Sarah being seconded to the IT team. We hope to be able to provide information on classes for 2023 to families by next week. 

School Captains: Congratulation to Emily Schutz & Dom Carter and Abigail Schutz, on winning the School Captains and Vice-Captain roles for 2023! They will work closely with the SRC in 2023 and Evie Higgins to strengthen student voice across the school. They have got off to a great start in sharing ideas and feedback around goals/aims for 2023.  

Pancake Day: Thank you the Pastoral Care Committee and Kirsten for the amazing pancakes cooked for students and staff this last week. They were greatly appreciated and brought out many smiles and discussions of the best pancake recipes and toppings.  

Panel Presentations: Preparations for Panel Presentations are complete and ready for next Monday December 12th. We would like to thank our very generous community members who are giving up their time to come and support this process and listen to the learning of our students in Years 7-9. A reminder to all families was sent out on Friday with student booking times and details around meeting at the Home Ec Centre approximately 10 minutes prior to the presentation time. Please remember that students from Years 7-9 are not expected to attend school other than for their presentation. If you are having difficulty with this, please make sure you have contacted your child’s class teacher. We look forward to seeing the presentations on Monday! 

Semester 2 Reports: We are utilising EdSmart and Technology and will be emailing reports home to all families on Friday the 16th of December. Please take the time to read your child/children’s report and discuss strengths that have been recognised along with next steps in learning.  

Digital Skills Award: Congratulations to the Year 3/4 Class and Pauline Rivett on participating In the Commissioner for Children’s Digital Skills Challenge. They have been awarded a free subscription to a digital platform, Grok Academy, for 2023.  

End of term dismissal: Students will be dismissed at 3:10pm on Friday 16th of December with buses leaving at 3:20pm. We look forward to seeing many new faces joining us in 2023 along with our current students, who all return to school on Monday the 30th of January 2023.  

We wish everyone your best Christmas and New Year yet, for those who are travelling be careful on the roads and enjoy the time with family and friends as we all reflect and plan for a great 2023 year! Australia and Lucindale are truly a great place to be and it’s important we remember to appreciate just what we have and the work that goes into to maintain it so do stop, smile and consider what you can do to keep our town and country great next year.  

 Adrian & Jane 

Diary Dates

9th December – Primary Fun Day

12th December – Y7, 8 & 9 Panel Presentations

16th December – End of Term 4

December – Office and Library close

25th December – Christmas Day Yay!

16th January – Library opens

16th January – Front Office opens

30th January – First day of Term 1 2023

Classroom News

Toyota Dream Car Contest

Students are currently creating their own Dream Car. Students have been very imaginative and very creative with their ideas. There have been car time machines, potato cars, scuba cars powered by water, sustainable cars, cars that protected animals, fruit and vegetable vans, and even walking cars! 

Students needed to name their designs and give a description. Students in Year 3-6 have been very creative. Attached are a few of the completed entries from some students. 

Rebecca – Scuba Car

It can transform from car to scuba car. It is run on water. One cup of water equals one hour. It uses a propeller to propel itself. It only goes up to 100km with auto pilot so you can look at the ocean life.  

Anna – Super Automatic Potato Shooter 

The Super Automatic Potato Shooter is like any car but it shoots potatoes out of the hole on the roof. To make the car drive you need to put at least 5 potatoes in the potato hole and to shoot potatoes you need to go into the car and there is a cabinet that springs the potatoes out. 

Jack – V8 Turbo 

I did a Landcruiser car but it is powered by water and it’s supposed to spray water up and land on the back for fuel. The maximum speed is 300 kmh. It goes so fast it skims over water. It doesn’t have cheese cutters on it. It has fat and grippy tyres on. 

Amelia C – Beat Bus 

With the Beat Bu you have to stand in the small square and dance to make the bus go. You move to the side and it goes to the side. 

Anneliese – Underwater Rubbish Car 

My Underwater Rubbish Car can go through any kind of water. My underwater rubbish car can also have pinchers to pick up the rubbish.  

Ruby Kemp – Fruit Vacation 

My car’s chimney like boosters make clouds of fruit and has a bed, kitchen, battery operated TV, toilet and a shower in it. 

Amelia J – Crazy Creature 

The crazy creature is a fun and crazy car with only 2 wheels and 8 insect like legs. This car can avoid getting bogged by having the insect legs extended on their length so it can take a big step out of or over the boggy place. The crazy creature has a snow machine on top, an auto-drive button, flippers to swim with and a chocolate dispenser, a pie launcher, a below deck party room, TV, a lolly dispenser and a money machine. The crazy creature is run on solar power. 

Taylor – The ‘Forest of Flora’ Car 

The ‘Forest of Flora’ car is all different shades with patterns, decorations and real plants on it. On the top of the car you will see what looks like ivy stems and leaves, but the ivy stems are green wires and the ivy leaves are solar panels that power the car. At the bottom of the car in the picture you will see pipes releasing water to keep plants healthy. The tyres of the car are actually covered in see through fertiliser. My car is called what it’s called because it creates forests and helps plants. 

George L –  Colourful Spicky Toyota Landcruiser 

This colourful car colours in anything rainbow when it touches it the tent is if you have nowhere to sleep and the claws pick up rubbish. 

Sheep’s Back Museum

The Year 1/2 class celebrated the end of year, and wound up their history learning, by visiting the Sheep’s Back Museum in Naracoorte. The children loved exploring and imagining what life would have been like in the past.  

After lunch at the playground, on arrival back at school, they were treated to pancakes organised by Kirsten, our Pastoral Care Worker. As one student commented “this has been the best day!” 

Jill Bedworth 

JP HASS Teacher 

Design Technologies

The Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 classes this term have been learning sewing with wool on plastic canvas. They have been learning to thread a needle, start and finish stitching without using knots and learning different stitches. Many have grasped the diagonal stitch and several have worked well with actual cross stitch. At the start of the term, students experienced a lot of frustration but now they are feeling, that it is quite relaxing and enjoyable as it has become a lot easier with perseverance and practice. Many students are working hard to complete their bookmarks before the end of the year. Attached are some photos of some of their efforts. 

Pauline Rivett

Elfis & Elferella

Elfis & Elferella have previously visited the 3/4 classes and on Thursday 1/12 they came to the R/1/2 students. The elves had blocked off our pathway between the classrooms and were hanging from the streamers keeping watch over us. 

On Friday the 2nd December – they were hiding way up high on the folding wall. They were learning to play Jingle Bells using a Wiggles drum and a stick tambourine. 

Monday the 5th December – Elfis & Elferella were sitting on the couch in the doll house. They had put up party lights!  

The elves were unwell on Tuesday 6th December, they had to return to Santa overnight to receive more elf magic dust. We hope that they won’t have to stay in the Elfpital confinement jars for too long.  

On the 7th December, Elfis was building with the magnetic blocks. Elferella was inside the building! 


During Mrs Jenke’s InitiaLit Lessons the story focus book for week 6 & 7 was Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.  

“Stick Man lives in the family tree. With his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three.” 

After going for a jog one morning, Stick Man encounters a bounding dog, who just wants to play fetch. This sparks a series of unfortunate adventures, which led him far from home. As the seasons pass Stick Man meets a surprising friend who might just be able to help him get home. Will he get back to the family tree in time for Christmas? 

The focus vocabulary words for this book were beware, weary and chuckle. We studied how the author used different fonts and how we read these differences. We made inferences against the focus words and how we would use these in everyday life. For example, why is Stick Man feeling weary? What does feeling weary look/feel like? When do we feel weary? 

Even though the students knew Stick Man from the short film version we used it as an opportunity to delve into the differences between the book and the film. 

As a finishing activity the students created their own versions of Stick Man and created a scene for their Stick Man. 

Presentation Night

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our Presentation Night last week. It was awesome to be able to host an indoor event, celebrate a broad range of successes and be entertained by our Choir and Junior Primary Students. Below is a selection of photos from the evening and congratulations to all the award recipients.  

Agriculture News



Students in primary and secondary agriculture lessons have been “reeling in“ some great knowledge on all things fishy with our onsite aquaculture learning facility since June! This learning space is a unique asset to our students’ learning and allows awesome opportunities for cross curricular education across Reception through to Year 12 with links to Maths, Science, English, HASS and Agriculture.   The journey this year began with our Year 10 Aquaculture students looking at the requirements needed when hatching Rainbow Trout fish eggs due to previous egg hatching trays showing severe sign of wear. With this design brief, students looked at various types of suitable materials and egg tray options on a commercial industry scale before designing, costing out and building their own proposed design that would suit our school system. This then led on to the successful hatching of 7,500 rainbow trout eggs!  Since June, in addition to completing the egg tray design, students have been learning about life cycles and needs according to stage of growth, diseases fish can acquire and treatment options, performed frequent chemical analysis of water quality to ensure the environment the fish are growing in is within recommended parameters, weighing fingerlings to track growth and match appropriate feed requirements and have been learning about different forms of aquaponics which involves using the nutrient rich water the fish are farmed in to grow vegetables and herbs without soil.  Combined with this, students have played a pivotal role in ensuring the hatchery bays are cleaned and have enjoyed feeding them.   We currently have approximately 8cm fingerlings available for purchase as per the chart below. Please note prices vary based on age due to the ongoing feeding and consequent increase in size. Perfect for stocking dams, these fingerlings are available for collection shortly. Please contact the school on 87662084 OR email to place an order.



December  40 cents  $40 
January  45 cents  $45 
February  50 cents  $50 
March  55 cents  $55 

Cows Create Careers

Attached below is a copy of the media release scheduled for publication by SADA. This is a fantastic achievement by Maddi, Emily, Hannah and Paige P. They should be very proud of their efforts.

Media Release

8th December 2022

The Jersey Girls enter Cows Create Careers Hall of Fame

Lucindale Area School students have triumphed against some fierce competition around Australia with an innovative 60-second movie – their entry winning $3,000 for their school in the Sada Fresh – Cows Create Careers program for 2022.

The students participated in the South Australian region of the ‘Cows Create Careers’ program, which ran in twenty-three dairying regions around Australia over 2022. The winning team from each region became eligible to submit a final entry for judging in the National Competition; in this case, it was “The Jersey’s’ from Lucindale Area School, consisting of Maddi Hann, Emily Hann, Hannah Kiefel and Paige Pinchbeck, who won the Junior Division.

During 2022, over 230 schools were provided with dairy industry curriculum for the Cows Create Careers program at no cost. Students took an online journey through Willbrae Farm, where they were introduced to two dairy calves, ‘Bright’ and ‘Future’. Over five weeks, students learned how to care for the calves and watch them grow through engaging videos. Students also learnt about the environment, technology and machinery used on the farm through quirky activities and competitions. With all Cows Create Careers resources, the online program prioritised student learning and aligned with the ACARA curriculum. “Cows Create Careers allows students to learn about the wide range of skills, educational pathways and careers in Australia’s dairy industry,” John said.

“It’s extremely encouraging to see the ongoing benefits of the project; not only are the students learning about the diversity of skills required in the industry, but it also directly connects them to their local community.”

Cows Create Careers was established in 2004 with dairy farmers in the Strzelecki Lions Club in Victoria and nine Gippsland schools. It has now grown to over 230 schools across Australia, with more than 1,500 students completing the project in 2021.

John said the project’s passionate volunteers are vital to the continued success of the Cows Create Careers project: “Since its inception, Cows Create Careers has gained support from industry, regional development programs, dairy farmers and sponsors across Australia.

Last year alone, 425 passionate volunteers gave 2,125 hours of their time across 23 Australian dairying regions,” John said.

“They speak to the students about their experiences in the industry, support students in career decision-making, and have important links to education and employment sectors. These are invaluable connections for the students, and many students maintain these links after completing the project.”

“SADA Fresh’s sponsorship reflects their continual dedication to the state’s dairy community, their contribution is helping to support the next generation of South Australian dairy farmers and their industry,” John said.

MaxCare are the major supply partner of the Cows Create Careers project nationally. Thanks to DairySA who have provided the prizes for the South Australian presentation days.

The supporting sponsors of the SADA Fresh Cows Create Careers project across South Australia in 2022 are:

Primary Sponsorship Partners National: Daviesway, Dasco, Stallion & Peach Teats

Primary Sponsorship Partners South Australia: La Casa Del Formaggio & Total Result Ag Consulting; Commercial Supply partners: Hills Farm Supplies & Laucke Mills;Supporting sponsorship Partners: DairySA, Beston Global Food Company, AgriDairies, Castlegate James; Alexandrina Council, Fleurieu Milk Company, FPAg, Fleurieu Stockfeeds, District Council of Grant, South East Vets, Daish Irrigation and Fodder, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Willunga Vet Services, Barenbrug Australia; Yankalilla Seeds, Natures Harvest, Elders, Bates Farm Machinery, City of Victor Harbor, Fleurieu Pumps & NTS Rural Kapunda.


Winning Senior School

Marist Sion College, VIC – Team “9 Ag Crew” – Connor Hopley, Charlie Stone & Riley Senini

Winning Junior School

Lucindale Area School, SA – The Jerseys – Maddi Hann, Emily Hann, Hannah Kiefel and Paige Pinchbeck

Library News

End of year returns 

With the end of the school year fast approaching, we would like to remind all students of the requirement to return all items borrowed from the library before they finish their schooling for the year. This includes laptops, calculators, text books and novels. All must be returned by the last day of school term. As parents / caregivers, please support your child to do this. Thank you. 

Community News

City of Mt Gambier Summer Program

The City of Mt Gambier Summer Holiday program is packed full of events. Make sure you download the PDF link below.

Summer Holiday Program PDF

Bus Driver’s Wanted

Naracoorte Truck and Bus Service have been supporting the school for a long period of time operating the Department Contract Busses. They are always on the look out for back up drivers and future drivers. If you are interested in this type of role for 2023 could you please contact them during the summer break as the accreditation process can take some time to complete.

p: 08 8762 0007





School Calendar

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