Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

What a wonderful start to the term although with a mixed bag of weather across the country. Well done to our Ag team and our sponsors over the school break and the first week back with some our Year 10s taking part in the Mount Gambier Show. With Covid almost a thing of the past, it is great to be having parents back on site, volunteer training up and running, camps and excursions back on track and a busy but rewarding Term 4 rolling out.  

Kindy Transition to School Evening: Thank you Kate, Flic and Jane for hosting the school transition night on Tuesday 25/10/22. Thank you also to all the families who were able to make it in and help support a smooth transition to starting school in 2023. The work that Kate and Flic have been putting in has included Flic visiting our future students at the Kindy, co-planning a personalised transition program and reviewing each child’s personal needs for success. 

Little Mermaid Performance: It’s been great to have the Kindy join our Receptions to Year 8 for a Little Mermaid Drama performance this week. Thank you to Jill and the teachers for coordinating this as it is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see a live stage show right here in our own school hall.  

Student Free Day 24/10/22: The student free day was greatly appreciated by all staff as it allowed a total focus on completing a course to improve teaching practice for anyone who has suffered from Trauma. Teachers also spent time reviewing External Learning Data for their classes and our Site Improvement Plan Goals which included NAPLAN, PAT Data, Intervention Data, Attendance and Grade data. This allows all teachers to review learning tasks for term 4, confirm professional judgement for next steps in student learning and cross reference to look for anything that may not have stood out in classroom teaching.  

To help us further improve learning it would be great if we could all focus on school attendance (students have a better chance of success when at school versus not). Previous to Covid we averaged school attendance of between 94 and 95 % across the school. This year our average attendance rate is 83%. With Covid less of a concern now let’s all work together to see if we can get back to an attendance target of 94 or 95 %. So please don’t send your kids when sick but do your best to have them at school whenever possible other than this.  

2023 Class Structures: In drafting class structures for 2023 we are planning on running the following classes. If you have any particular information about your child/children’s placement that you would like us to consider, please contact either Principal or Deputy at your earliest convenience. We thank all families for responding to our 2023 enrolment/bus survey as this helps us with staffing and class structure planning, and those parents who requested a response will be contacted shortly. We still have enrolments coming in and are planning for the smallest possible class sizes. Currently for 2023 we have planned for the following class structures: 

Possible Class Structures: Reception/One Class, One/Two Class, Three/Four Class, 5/6 Class, Year 7 Class, Year 8 Class, Year 9 Class, Year 10 Class, Stage 1 & 2 Classes. 

Boarding House/Daniel Ryan: After 6 years of service to the Boarding House Daniel Ryan is moving on to the next stage of his life in Adelaide at the end of the school year. Daniel has set an incredibly high standard and we thank him for this. He has regularly gone above and beyond in supporting both the Boarding students to be a family away from home and assist students in class as an SSO or help out with library, administration and weekend feeding. We will be coordinating the backfill for Daniel over the next few weeks but greatly appreciate his commitment to the school and Boarders over the last 6 years. We wish Daniel all the best on his adventures and hope he returns to Lucindale in the years to come.  

Volunteer training for helping at School: Nat Austin is coordinating Volunteer training (please see information in this newsletter). Please consider undertaking the training as we would love to have more people involved in our classroom literacy/numeracy programs or simply helping with a range of broader curriculum activities including camps and excursions.  

New Uniform Polo Tops: Thank you to Anne Eddy, the Uniform Committee, Governing Council and the SRC for coordinating and subsiding the purchase of your first new look Polo Shirt. The new tops which were clearly the favourite in voting look great and may even be easier to keep the stains out of. The now old pale blue polo shirt will still be considered as school uniform until the end of 2023.  

Staffing 2023: As we head towards 2023 we are working towards locking in our staffing and filling vacancies. Sarah Trussell will be finishing at the end of the 2022 school year and is transitioning into a regional IT support role for education sites around the Mid South East. Kirsty Fogarty has started with our Admin team 2 days a week to provide support and assistance as we continue to modernize our practices. We have advertised on Thursday 27/10/22 for a full-time IT/Admin person to back fill Sarah and this job ad will close in 3 weeks when the panel will start reviewing applicants. This Friday we will start reviewing applications for our Mathematics teaching position and Natasha Wilkin has let us know over the Term 3 break that she will return to Lucindale in 2023.   

Camps and Excursions: Dare I use the word ‘Covid’! With restrictions lifting it is great to see a number of additional camps and excursions running this term. Please keep an eye out on communications from class or subject teachers regarding these.  

Halloween Canteen Fund Raiser: With the awesome support of our Lucindale Hotel and Canteen Committee the Halloween fundraiser is once again running this year on Saturday 29/10/22 and the Lucindale Hotel is kindly donating $2 per Spooky Meal purchased! If you can and want a break from cooking, we hope you can support the Canteen Committee and join in with the Spooky Trail and stop for dinner at the Hotel.  

Budget Suggestions for 2023: As we continue to prepare for the 2023 Budget we encourage anyone with budget suggestions/proposals to forward their suggestion to Tim Durik over the next two weeks. You can give Tim a call at school or email him at  

While we can’t fund all ideas immediately all suggestions are valued and will be considered alongside staff suggestions/submissions and can help us set both short and long term directions such as previously with the Pool. Some ideas already being considered and to help guide your thinking are: Rock Climbing Wall in the Hall, Shade for the Sandpit, Aquaculture Stage 2 development, Playground edging upgrade & more drinking fountains. 

Scholarships for Lucindale are Open Now: Stand Like Stone (all students) and Robe Bendigo Bank Lucindale Lions (Year 10 only) scholarships are open and students are busily applying. Please see the school Facebook posts or head to the web pages to find more information or contact your child/ren class teachers. Year 10 students have worked on these in class and been sent links and support documents through email and Teams.  

We wish all of our senior students well at their formal this weekend and for their upcoming final assessments and exams.  

Yours sincerely,  

Adrian and Jane 

Diary Dates

28th October – Mt Gambier Choir Concert

29th October – Halloween Trick or Treat – LAS Canteen fundraiser

29th October – Year 12 Formal

31st October – Bus Committee Meeting

1st November – Governing Council Meeting

11th November – SACE Biology Exam 9:00am

11th November – SACE Modern History Exam 1:30pm

14th November – Water Safety Lucindale Community Pool. All times are available on our community pool page

Classroom News

The Little Mermaid

A Stage production by The Alpha Show 

On Thursday the 27th of November, Lucindale Area School welcomed The Alpha Show back for another great performance. This year they performed ‘The Little Mermaid’. Their six cast members delivered a play that included humour, action, suspense and just a touch of romance.  

The Alpha Show gave us their own version of the ‘The Little Mermaid’. Ariel, with her friend Sterky, helped students learn about pollution in the ocean. She then fell in love with Prince Jack and sold her voice to the evil Sea-witch. Tricked by the Sea-witch, Ariel nearly lost her prince. In the end, King Trident learnt how to manage his anger issues, helped Ariel while she defeated the sea witch, and regained Ariel’s trust. Ariel realised she should be truthful and married the prince. 

Students enjoyed the singing and dancing that helped the story come alive. They loved the interaction with the cast members and excitedly joined in. Students were given the chance to ask the cast members questions about the performance. They gained a small insight into the working of a stage productions with questions about learning lines, set designs and acting skills. 

Kaitlyn Smith 

World Teachers Day

Our SSOs and students surprised our teachers on Friday with a fabulous slideshow and a delicious morning tea to celebrate World Teacher’s Day. The theme was “Hats Off to Teachers” and we have some awesome photos of our students taking off their hats. Thanks to everyone for the lovely surprise!

Water Safety Schedule

Commencing on the 14th November Lucindale Area School students from Reception to Y5 will participate in the water safety program. Please ensure your children have appropriate sun smart clothing/ swimwear, hat and water. Should you have any questions please contact the front office on 87 662 084.

Volunteering at Lucindale Area School

With Covid restrictions now relaxed, we are able to welcome back volunteers into our school.  We would love to have you help us out in whatever capacity you can.  Volunteers can assist in classes, in the library, assist with camps and excursions, help with maintenance jobs or share a skill or two with students.   

To volunteer, you require a DSCI Working with Children Check, Volunteer RAN training and a site induction before you commence.   

Working with Children Checks can be obtained by the following link: Department for Communities and Social Inclusion – Screening Unit – Login (  If you have trouble accessing this, please phone the front office for assistance.  

Volunteer RAN training is an online session that can be accessed at the following link: How volunteers access RRHAN-EC training ( This page steps you through the process of creating an account to access the training. 

If you would prefer to attend a face-to-face RAN training session, I will be holding a training course on Tuesday 1st November from 9.00am-10.30am. If you wish to attend this course, please contact the front office to advise of your attendance.  

Once you have obtained the working with children check and RAN training certificates, please contact me to make a time for a site induction.  

All of the above certificates remain current for three years. 

If you have any questions, please contact me via the front office or email. 


Natalie Austin 

Wool Wanted

WANTED – balls of wool, embroidery yarn. 

The year 3/4 and Year 5/6 class are sewing bookmarks in Design Technologies and need colourful thin wool and embroidery cottons to use to sew on plastic canvas. If you have any balls of wool or cotton at home that you do not need laying around the house, can you please send to school and leave at Front Office or give to Mrs. Rivett  

Y9/10 Basketball

Year 9/10 Knockout Basketball 🏀 Our year 9/10 girls & boys played in the Knockout Basketball competition today. The competition was strong but all teams showed skill, sportsmanship and resilience. They all represented the school well, with team spirit and sportsmanship a highlight for the day! Thank you to our senior students Sam and Xavier for coaching/umpiring. 

Materials and Services Charges for 2023

The prescribed Materials and Service Charge (M&S) for 2023 as per the Education and Children’s Services Regulation (Regulation 81), is $269 for a primary student and $355 for a secondary student. Our Governing Council has proposed the following materials and services charge for 2023:

$369 for Reception – Year 6

$455 for Years 7 – 12,

The Finance Committee are trialling subject levies for 2023 which will be reviewed for future years. Subject levies (if your child/children has chosen any of the following subjects) are listed below:
– $100 for those year 11 students who are undertaking the Flexible Industry Pathways Subject.
– $50 SACE Food & Hospitality
– $50 SACE Welding
– $50 SACE Furniture Construction

Our school has determined that these charges will allow us to offer the resources, technology and programs that we would like for our students to complete their curriculum.

You are invited to attend the next governing council meeting on Tuesday 1st November @ 7:00pm at Lucindale Area School, where the proposed charges are to be discussed prior to final approval sought.

If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like your feedback tabled and minuted at the meeting, parents, caregivers or independent students can express their views in writing to the Chairperson of the Governing Council prior to the meeting.

Feedback can be made in writing or phone prior to the meeting.

If you have any questions please contact:

Eliza Handbury Governing Council Chair
Tim Durik Business Manager Lucindale Area School

For a breakdown of the Materials and Services charges please click on the links provided.

0749 Lucindale Area School 2023 – Reception – Year 6.pdf

0749 Lucindale Area School 2023 – Years 7 – 12.pdf

Agriculture News


On Thursday 20th October our Year 10 Led Steer Group attended the Mount Gambier Show Schools Led Steer competition. Our students have worked incredibly hard over the past 6 months in not only lesson times but lunch workshops as well. It was a great competition with all students having a go in the show ring and they should be incredibly proud of their efforts.  

We resulted 5th with Yerwall Estate “Samuel”, 6th with Oak Point “Smartie” and 7th place for Yaccamoo “Snowy” in the heavyweight category. Brad was very successful to come in the top two for his Novice Handler heat and then competed in the Championship Round.  

Many thanks to our donors R. Burrows – Yerwall Estate, C & A Pike -Yaccamoo Charolais and S Hinze – Oak Point Speckle. A further thanks again to everyone who has assisted us with our Led Steer  program this year and also to our Adelaide Show donors S & N Hann – Nampara Angus and N & A Clarke – Wongawilli Poll Herefords. Further thanks to Nat from Nampara Angus for clipping all our steers this year.  

Extensive learning programs like this for our students are only possible due to the generosity of these breeders. 

Term 4 Equine Program

It was the second week of the Equine Program on Wednesday. Our students were very lucky to have two guests join us to give their expert advice.  

Thank you to Hayley Smith from Lucindale Veterinary Services for coming in to speak to our students about her pathway to becoming a vet and horse health. 

Amanda Clarke also joined us, providing students with extensive knowledge of how to connect with your horse on the ground and while undertaking various obstacles.  

Lots of learning and smiles from all the participants. 

The Equine Program for participants who undertake their lessons during the school day will resume next Monday.  

Library News


In support of the canteen’s upcoming fundraiser this Saturday, Halloween Trick or treat, the library has gone “SPOOKY”. Check out the photos, or better still. Come for a visit. 

Book Fair 

The Scholastic Book Fair commences at 9am Monday 31st October. Feel free to come in and browse the selection prior to being able to purchase on Monday. Payment by cash or credit / debit card on the day of purchase. Or alternatively you may pay online and bring your receipt in, to collect your purchase. 

The Fair runs from 31/10/22 to 5/11/22. Please see photos of the massive selection of books on offer. 

See you all soon. 


“The girls are laying again.” The library is selling eggs from our Agriculture Department for $4 per dozen. Rumour has it they are the best eggs in town. 

Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Lucindale Community Library. 

This is a great opportunity to add to your child’s at home library, or purchase Christmas presents. 

The Scholastic book Fair will be held from Monday 31st October to Saturday 5th November 2022. 

This is a whole school and community event. 

Scholastic send the library a large selection of books and stationery items to sell. There will be multiple copies of each book available for immediate purchase. Additional orders available on out of stocks items and filled within approx. 2 weeks of Book Fair ending. 

The students with their class teachers, will have the opportunity to browse the selection of books in the week prior to the Book Fair commencing. Your child may bring home a Scholastic Book Fair “Wish List”. This is not a commitment to purchase. It is simply a list of items your child wishes they had. 

If you wish to purchase, you are welcome to visit the library during the week of Book Fair to make your purchase, or alternately follow the directions on the wish list to purchase online. There will be no purchases prior to Book Fair.  Sorry, no holds available. 

Book Fair opens at 9am each morning, during the week of Book Fair. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our Book Fair.


Community News

School Calendar

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