Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

Congratulations to our Jump Rope for Heart Students and thanks to Flic Jenke for coordinating and all our parents, SSOs and teachers who have assisted with the practices and fundraising. This is the 40th anniversary for the Heart Foundation and a great reminder of the need to be active and focus on our cardiovascular fitness. We hope you can come join us for our demonstrations and even join in for a bit of skipping on Friday afternoon from 2:15pm in the school courtyard (weather permitting). 

With a recent letter being sent home to all senior students identifying the need to knuckle down and finish their school work well, it is a good chance for all students to discuss with families around their school efforts and commitment for personal success. For our Year 12s they are very close to completing their schooling and to our Receptions to Year 11s we are just over halfway through our second semester which is a great time to review what your child is doing well and areas they could focus upon to achieve more in Term 4. Thank you to the teachers who are giving up their time in the holidays to help the senior students and to the senior students who have committed to these sessions.  

2023 School Year Survey: With secondary subject counselling for the 2023 school year almost complete, you will also find a survey being sent home via EdSmart email to confirm each family/child’s intent for the 2023 school year. Could you please take a few minutes to complete this survey as it will allow us to finalise our teaching staff for 2023 and plan for the best possible class structures/sizes to maximise learning success in 2023.  

NAPLAN Test Results: It has been great to see that we have maintained or improved the % of students achieving or exceeding the National Minimum Standard from 2021 to 2022 at years 3, 5 & 7 in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Numeracy. At Year 9 we have improved in Reading and Grammar and Punctuation for students meeting or exceeding the National Minimum Standard. You should have received a sealed envelope this week with your child’s NAPLAN results if they are in Year 3, 5, 7 & 9. Please contact your child’s teachers if you would like to discuss or review the NAPLAN results with them.  

In 2023 the NAPLAN test has been moved to Term 1, 2023 rather than Term 2 for testing. Tests will now be conducted in late March. More information will come out early next year. 

Choir: Thanks Jill Bedworth, Jodie Ewer and Kirsten Olivier re your support and commitment along with our families who made the trip to Adelaide last week to be part of the Statewide Choir and having performed on stage at the Adelaide Festival Theatre as part of the Public Primary Schools Festival of Music. 

The Primary Schools Festival of Music, an official state icon, and is custodian of an iconic South Australian tradition, engaging our students in artistic excellence, cultural diversity and social inclusion through performance in Music and the Arts. 

This year the Festival’s 9 concerts featured Year 5 and 6 students. To commemorate this significant change, Annie Kwok wrote the song “Who Knows?”. 

This year Dan Walker was commissioned to compose a set of four songs entitled “The Space Between Us”. It is not just about the space that exists above our heads, but the space all around us. 

During the concerts there were a number of Guest Artists from public primary and secondary schools, other choir items that presented different musical genre, and two pieces that specifically showcased the talents of the orchestra. It was a spectacular event that our students enjoyed being a part of. 

New Tractor: We thank New Holland for their support with our new tractor which is an upgrade on our old tractor, as it now has a trainer seat so that we can support our students with driver training and tractor operations in a safe and effective manner. It is also a small win that the Tractor comes in a complementary colour to our school colours.  

Scholarship Information: Robe Community Bank and Lucindale Lions are again offering a scholarship to our current Year 10 students who are intending to study Year 11 at Lucindale next year. Students have looked at this briefly in class and will receive support early next term to apply. Applications open on October 1st and close on October 31st so don’t miss out. Follow the link for further details: Scholarship – Foundation ( 

We wish everyone a happy and safe school break and please make the most of the extra sunshine and long weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone back and ready for school on Monday 17th of October and remind everyone we have a student free day on Monday 24th of October 2022 (Monday Week 2 Term 4).  

Yours sincerely,  

Adrian Maywald and Jane Gill 

Diary Dates

30th September – Jump Rope for Heart, All parents welcome to attend from 2:15 pm

1st October – School Holidays

1st October – 9th October – Library closure

10th October – Captains visit to Government House

17th October – School returns

18th October – Little Mermaid performance Reception to Year 9

19th October – Year 8 Immunisation

24th October – Student Free Day

31st October – Bus Committee Meeting

1st November – Governing Council Meeting

Classroom News

9 A Side Football

On Friday the 23rd of September Lucindale’s Year 7-10 boys played in the 9-a-side Football competition at McCorquindale Park, Penola. The purpose of the competition was to give smaller schools the opportunity to compete competitively. We came up against wet and muddy conditions. The boys played, umpired, and coached giving them exposure to all aspects of the game. Thank you to Jude Schutz for umpiring and Mr Phillips and Miss Hagel for coaching.  


On Friday 23rd September, six of our students performed on stage at the Adelaide Festival Theatre as part of the Public Primary Schools’ Festival of Music. 

The Festival of Music is an official state icon and provides a wonderful opportunity for children to perform on the big stage. I am sure it is an experience they will never forget. 

We are very proud of our amazing superstars! 

Jodie Ewer and Jill Bedworth 

Bebras Challenge

The Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 classes participated in the CSIRO Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge Round 2.

The challenge engages students’ computational thinking and problem solving skills in a fun, interactive environment. Students work through a set of tasks that focus on different topics and skills within informatics and computational thinking. The questions include computational skills of pattern recognition, data collection, networking and algorithms (where students write small programs or instructions or use decoding strategies to solve questions).

Well done to the following students for their achievements in the challenge:

CREDIT – Charles (Yr3), George L (Yr 3) Amy (Yr 6)

MERIT – Harrison (Yr 3), Skyla (Yr 3), Anneliese (Yr 3), Amelia J (Yr 4), Lacey T (Yr 6)

Commissioners Digital Challenge

The ‘Commissioner’s Digital Challenge’ is a free recurring year-round digital challenge designed to engage children in learning foundational digital skills. The initiative came about after the Commissioner, Helen Connolly, asked South Australian children and young people what was important to them. They told her they wanted to learn as many digital skills as they could while they were still at school, so they could be ready for the jobs of the future. 

The three digital challenges on offer cover three key digital skills learning areas: 

Learn to Speak Robotis a computational thinking challenge offering hundreds of step-by-step activities for students to choose from. Students who complete any four activities = challenge complete! 

Space to Dreamis a Mars-themed design thinking challenge that invites students to design a toy or gadget for a child their age who is ‘moving to Mars’. Former NASA astronaut, Pamela Melroy, provides the student introduction using examples from her personal experience of being in Space. Children can build a design using 3D tools supplied free by our Challenge Partners Makers Empire or simply draw their designs onto paper. 

Zoom Out! is an introduction to systems thinking. The activities were created in collaboration with Grok Academy and are aligned to the Australian Digital Technologies curriculum. Students can complete the Zoom Out! digital challenge using items such as balloons, pens, paper and marbles, or complete an online series of micro-activities that guide them through the systems thinking process. 

Commissioner’s Digital Challenge | South Australian Science Teachers Association ( 

This year both Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 classes worked on the ‘Space to Dream’ design process to complete their own Toy for Mars Design Challenge in their Design Technologies lessons with Mrs Rivett. There were some creative ideas and the students had an opportunity to create their toy as a 3D object on Maker Empire. 

The Year 3/4 class also completed the ‘Learn To Speak Robot’ Challenge and “Zoom Out’ Challenge in their Digital Technologies lessons. 

The students who completed and achieved all of these tasks were presented with a Participation Certificate in their classrooms. Well down to all students involved. 

See the class photographs attached. 

Mrs Rivett 

Primary Assembly

Outdoor Ed Camp

Agriculture News


Term 4 Equine Program

The Equine Program will be returning in Term 4. We will be offering two different sections based on riding abilities and time.  

-Section 1- During School Hours 

-Section 2- After School Program 

There will be limited spaces in each section so please make sure you get in quickly if you would like to secure your child’s position in the program. 

Please contact the front office to register your child’s interest.  

Lucinda Smith  

Library News



 The Community Library will be CLOSED from Saturday 1st October 2022  

to Sunday 9th October 2022 

Re-opening on Monday 10th October 2022 



Monday 10th October 9:00am – 4:00pm  

Tuesday 11th October 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Wednesday 12th October 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Thursday 13th October 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Friday 14th October 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Saturday 15th October 9:00am – 11:30am 

Community News

School Calendar

Calendar of Events

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