Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

Many hands make light work and throughout life and across the term, we must ensure we take some time to reflect upon what is important to us and what action can we take/support to improve our own lives and the lives of those around us. Working with children, families and educators is an absolute blessing as we seek to build and strengthen the next generation. While we may not all want to be educators it is awesome to reflect upon how when we share our strengths/expertise and help others, how that not only improves outcomes, it also lifts our own wellbeing.   Life is short and helping others is a fantastic way to boost society’s wellbeing/achievement so with your families, please take a few minutes to think and discuss your passions and how you support others with your actions. This could include sharing knowledge, resources, providing expertise or even random acts of kindness as simple as our recent national ‘are you ok day.’ It’s easy to be a bystander or expect the world to change for you but it is a whole lot more fun to simply be or help the change you want to see. At any time you would like to assist with Governing Council, its sub committees or simply share some of your skills and expertise with the students at school, we encourage you to touch base with your child/ren’s teachers or the administration team so we can assist where suitable.  

Public Holiday: The Monarchy may not be everyone’s favourite system of governance, but it is the system our country operates under and as a Nation we will be having a Public Holiday on Thursday 22nd of September 2022 to mourn the passing of our Queen and to reflect upon the achievements made during her life. Many, many things have changed and progressed but at the heart of all actions our Queen can be remembered for caring, listening to and supporting a wide range of people, events and needs across her countries and people.    

Guest Speaker: On Wednesday we had Adventurer and Mountaineer Steve Bell speak with our secondary students about not just taking the easy path but working towards taking the harder options and pushing themselves for personal success.  Steve is a British mountaineer, ex-army and Antarctic explorer who has scaled the highest peaks on seven continents referred to as the seven summits, including three expeditions to Everest. Steve became the first Brit to lead a successful commercial expedition to Everest in 1993 and to this day, no other climber has reached the same elevation on Everest’s west ridge as Steve did in 1992.  These days Steve is a passionate, inspirational storyteller and our Year 7 to Year 12 students were lucky enough to hear him speak about his adventures and how his personal attributes, skills and determination have helped shape his successful career over the past 4 decades. Steve spoke of purpose and happiness and that to achieve your life goals requires the strength and willingness to put yourself in uncomfortable situations.  

Your child/children’s Learning: Just a reminder that at any time you would like to discuss your child/ren’s learning or support at school you can email, phone or call in to coordinate a catch up with the appropriate teacher, either in person or via phone etc. Keeping clear lines of communication so we can work towards agreed goals and outcomes goes a long way to ensuring learning success.  

Site Improvement Plan: Teachers have been doing a wonderful job reflecting upon their practice in step 4 check-ins for the SIP and in refining core classroom practices within their teaching sprints this term. Jane Gill will spend two days in Mount Gambier reflecting upon this work in-line with other schools, which will then be reviewed by all of our team as we move towards step 5 and setting up for 2023.  

Adelaide Agricultural Show: This last week has been very exciting and I have visited our Ag Team at the Show to see our Show Steers in action and the Grand Parade. The efforts of our sponsors, students and staff is awesome and the team should be very proud of the results and learning outcomes achieved this year. It was wonderful for all participants to have the opportunity to meet other staff and students from across the State and share common interests and experiences. 

Term 4 Student Free Day: On Monday October 24th (week 2) we will have our final student free day for 2022. We will be reviewing our Site Improvement Plan for 2022 as well as looking at curriculum planning for 2023. A new template for the SIP will be released for us to work through the requirements and start drafting our 2023 SIP. 

2023 Class Structures: These are currently being drafted along with subject counselling beginning. We will be sending every family an EDSMART communication to confirm their intent for the 2023 school year so that we can ensure draft class groupings/sizes etc are able to be planned for effectively. This includes reviewing class sizes to give best possible learning outcomes. Please let us know if you won’t be returning for 2023 so we can plan our classes accordingly. Don’t forget the SACE information evening next Wednesday, September 21st for our Year 10 and 11 families. It will be in the Year 11/12 room from 6pm.  

Yours sincerely,    

Adrian Maywald and Jane Gill 

Diary Dates


21st September – SACE Info Night

22nd September – Public Holiday – Day of Mourning

23rd September – 9 a side Football

23rd September – Adelaide Choir

29th September – SAPSASA Tennis

30th September – Jump Rope for Heart

Classroom News

Jump Rope for Heart – THREE WEEKS TO GO!! 

Jump Rope for Heart is a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program that has been run by the Heart Foundation for 40 years. It’s a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs. It’s important to register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started.  Lucindale Area School students have been skipping throughout the term, continue to share your child’s online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause. We currently have 32 registered students who have raised $3,947 and logged a current total of 33 Hours of skipping with three weeks to go of the program, keep up the awesome work. 😊 



WHEN: Friday 30th September 2022 at 2:15pm 

WHERE: The Quadrangle at Lucindale Area School 

WHO: R-6 class groups will be demonstrating skipping skills 

  Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!  Jason Pupkovski Jump Rope for Heart   Senior Field Officer 

Road Safety Talk

Last week, students in year 7-12 were presented with a talk from Senior Constable Nicholas Lomman regarding road safety.  Each session was age appropriate. The first session for the year 7, 8 and 9s addressed road safety, responsibilities of a passenger, road laws with regard to bikes, scooters and gophers. The most interesting part was the question and answer session where students asked a range of questions regarding life in the police force, to recruitment and car chases.  The next session for year 10s concerned getting your L plates, road laws, driving rules, purchasing a car, transferring licenses interstate and safety once you are driving.  The third session concerned P plates, transferring licenses and differing road laws, curfews, load capacity. mobile phone usage and driving with (or without) alcohol in your system.  Each session was punctuated with videos, interviews and student questions. The students did enjoy each session and learnt a lot from it.  Thank you to Ms Hagel and numerous SSOs for organizing such an informative and necessary talk for the students. 

Flinders University Rural Health Workshop

On Tuesday, September 13th, some of Year 9 and 10 students took the opportunity to attend the Flinders University Rural Health workshop at Kangaroo Inn Area School. They met a team of enthusiastic Rural Allied Health students who gave them information about accessing Health careers through Flinders University.   Students heard stories of how the other rural students made their way from their country schools to Flinders University in the city to study in the Allied Health fields. Students were able to have some experience at taking blood pressure, calculating medication doses, checking the amount of sugar in our food, seeing (or not) what it is like to have damaged eyesight and learning about how our blood clots. It was a hands-on workshop, finishing with a great Q&A session that answered questions about courses offered, working and studying, going on placements, accommodation, using public transport and what different courses you can pick and how to get into them.   We would like to thank Kangaroo Inn Area School for inviting us to participate and also the presenters who made the day enjoyable and interesting.  

Food Technologies

Year 12 Food and Hospitality: As a part of our Year 12 Food and Hospitality course students were required to complete a practical catering assessment. The students catered for a staff lunch, creating a Tapas style menu and serving three dishes each. The students challenged themselves and provided some delicious dishes. Year 10 Food Technology: Year 10 students are currently working on an ‘Appetizer’ unit of work. Students have been creating healthy appetizers using a variety of techniques. Pictured are our healthier cob loaves served with vegetable sticks.

Adelaide Strikers

On Tuesday, Primary students had the opportunity to have the Adelaide Strikers schools coordinators visit the school with a very special helper, Smash. Students from Reception to Year 4 participated in skills using cricket balls with guests James and Smash. Our students really enjoyed the time they spent learning and continuing to refine their throwing and catching skills and appreciated the visit from James and Smash.   Regards, James Phillips

LAS Uniform

Don’t forget to check your EdSmart emails and vote for your preferred Lucindale Area School uniform top.

Guest Speaker Steve Bell

On Wednesday we had Adventurer and Mountaineer Steve Bell speak with our secondary students about not just taking the easy path but working towards taking the harder options and pushing themselves for personal success.  Steve is a British mountaineer, ex-army and Antarctic explorer who has scaled the highest peaks on seven continents referred to as the seven summits, including three expeditions to Everest. Steve became the first Brit to lead a successful commercial expedition to Everest in 1993 and to this day, no other climber has reached the same elevation on Everest’s west ridge as Steve did in 1992.  Regards Adrian Maywald

Agriculture News

The Royal Adelaide Show


Lucindale Area School was honored to win 1st prize in the School’s Pure Breed 630kg to 696kg Heavy Export Category with our steer donated by Bin Bin Station, Wongawilli Poll Herefords. Our steer donated by Nampara Angus was also an outstanding exhibit in his class. Such brilliant learning opportunities for our students could not be possible without the generosity of these Studs. The Angus received 13th in the carcass comp and the Hereford was 26th.


Students and goats achieved some excellent results taking out one 1st, one 2nd, two 3rds and a 4th in the weight classes.  
Balmarden Buckley, led by Levi then went on to take out Champion Heavy Weight and Grand Champion Led Goat Wether of the show in the school’s competition! This was an amazing result for our school!!! 
They were also very successful in the Handlers classes with three of our students making it into the final heat. Well done to Paige P and Paige C for taking out 2nd and 4th overall. To have 3 students in the top 24 was amazing. Thank you to Balmarden Boar Goats for donating the goats and allowing our students to have this fantastic learning experience. 


Our Year 9 Agriculture students demonstrated their sheep handling and junior judging skills in what was yet again, some very popular competitions at the show.   On Wednesday 7th of September we were delighted to be one of 71 schools to compete in Merino SA’s school wether competition, with our wethers from Lockhaven. Lockhaven are fabulous supporters of our school Agriculture program and students in the sheep industry and we thank them very much for their outstanding support again this year. We placed 6th with a pen of 3, in the best prepared wether competition which was a brilliant outcome for our students hard work and determination. Thursday 8th of September saw all Year 9 students take on the role of a junior judge in either the South African Meat Merino ram, Merino fleece or Merino sheep competitions. Congratulations to Ashton for making it to the second stage of the South African Meat Merino ram junior judging, where he had to explain to a large audience why he placed the rams in his chosen order of 1st to 4th. Huge congratulations to Beth who then went on to win 2nd prize judging 4 Merino fleeces. This competition was very popular with over 40 competitors! 

Library News

New Arrivals

Where the Crawdads Sing  For years, rumours of the “Marsh Girl” have haunted Burkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl.  Yiayia next door  When Daniel and Luke Mancuso lost their beloved mother Teresa to domestic violence, the Greek grandmother next door started looking after them, passing home-cooked meals over the fence. Now we can all enjoy Yiayia’s cooking, with more than 60 traditional Greek recipes from her kitchen. 

 Adult Learner’s Week

Adult Learners Week has run from September 1 to September 8.  Adults and students alike have enjoyed engaging with our display, in particular the Lego trainset. Many memories have been re-lived of the Lego collections some had as young children. The train has been rebuilt many times over the last week, with many of us re-learning a forgotten skill. 

 Library Closure

With the upcoming school holidays, the Lucindale Community Library will be closed for the first week of the holidays.  Closed Saturday 1st October until Sunday 9th October, re-opening at 9am Monday 10th October, for normal opening times. 

Community News

School Calendar

Calendar of Events

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