Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

The learning for Semester 2, 2022 begins with some timetable changes and students starting to work from our new Arts, Science and Secondary School Building. We would like to thank the parents, students and staff who assisted in the setup over the school holidays, which has seen considerable work completed along with some tidy up around our Grounds. Many hands make light work and while there is always more to do, it is great to see a few boxes on the to do list being completed. We look forward to showing you all the new facilities at our upcoming Open Day.  

The Education Department IT team has been very generous with their support in our school with our Hybrid Learning Space and we look forward to sharing this with you in a few weeks’ time, following the completion of room refurbishments and teacher training to support the full and effective implementation. If you are able to assist us with some finishing at our next working bee, that would be terrific.  

School Photos: Don’t forget photo day is fast approaching on Tuesday August 9th. Please ensure your child has a school shirt/uniform as per usual and return your photo forms asap or contact the school if needing support with forms or uniform.  

Uniform update: Don’t forget to come and look at the proposed new uniform from the Governing Council and ensure you have voted prior to the end of term. It is pinned up in the Front Office and we would greatly appreciate receiving everyone’s input into the decision. Please see the flyer and Edsmart post to provide your feedback.  

Education Department Parent Survey: Parents and careers of school-aged children and young people are invited to complete the annual parent survey. This week you should have received an email inviting you to undertake the survey. By completing the survey you are helping us with:  

  • what we are doing well 
  • where we can improve 
  • what is really important to you as a parent. 

The survey takes less than 10-minutes to complete.

Be sure to have your say this year to help us to continue to improve education in South Australia. Your answers are confidential. Only collated feedback will be provided to your child’s school.
The survey closes Sunday 28 August 2022. 

Staffing update: A new Deputy has been appointed for 2023. We congratulate Louis de Jager on his appointment and encourage you to read the introduction letter in the newsletter.    

Almost all staff have completed their staffing surveys for 2023 and we are following up the final few so that we are able to plan for student subject requests and the advertising of both permanent and contract jobs.  

Over the school break we have not been able to find an appropriate replacement teacher for Jess Moore so have instead rearranged our staff timetable to best meet the students needs and ensure subject expertise is provided while we continue to look for a suitable replacement. I thank each of our staff members who have assisted with changes in roles/times to ensure student learning is at the forefront of what we do.  

Working Bee: School and Community Working Together: Since returning from leave there has been a clear commitment noticed to see School and Community working together to achieve great outcomes, as witnessed at the working bee.  Thank you for the work that was achieved and thank you to the school staff and volunteers who spent time over the holidays helping to prepare the school for the second semester 2022.  

Student Free Day: Teachers have worked on moderating work and reviewing assessment of students. This includes ensuring the assessment policy is being followed and that work samples were cross referenced to external testing/works to support the assigned grades being given and school assessment. Staff also built further skills in Literacy on the day, looking at Reading Comprehension skills and Pre-selected Texts to support learning outcomes.  

Stand Like Stone: We have been approached to see if we can find a contestant for Swinging with the Stars to help build our current scholarship funds of around $45 000. If you are interested or know of someone who may like to do this, could you please contact us as soon as possible to discuss.  

Many of our students benefit from the generosity of the Stand Like Stone scholarships and it would be great to see another Lucindale contestant.

Yours sincerely,  


Adrian and Jane 

Diary Dates


9th August – School Photos

9th August – Y10 Industry Immersion Day

13th August – Library Closure (Saturday)

21st August – 26th August – CBCA Book Week

22nd – 26th August – Flexible Industry Pathways

23th August –  Book Week Whole School Dress Up

26th August –  Open Day 12.50pm to 3.00pm

26th August –  Building Opening 4:00pm

31st August – SAPOL Road Safety Year 7-12


From Louis De Jager

I am delighted to be joining the community of Lucindale Area School and would like to share a little bit about myself with you. I was born in South Africa, in a small rural agricultural town called Douglas in the Northern Cape Province. I attended the same school from Year 1 through to Year 12. From a young age I knew I wanted to be a teacher.

After graduating from high school, I attended the University of the Orange Free State, majoring in History and Geography. I began my practical teaching in a small country town in the Eastern Cape Province.

It was a wonderful learning experience for me. Starting my teaching career in a small school and gave me ample opportunity to practice my new teaching skills. My final teaching position, before departing for Australia, was at Northern Cape High School in Kimberley, the capital of the Northern Cape Province. Northern Cape High School was a dual medium school (which means that lessons are delivered in both the Afrikaans and English language), with 1200 students in Years 8-12.

In 2003 I immigrated to Australia and began teaching in Port Augusta. In 2004 I was appointed as Year 9 Year Level Coordinator at St John’s College in Whyalla. After 4 years at St John’s I moved to Adelaide to teach at St Columba College.

During my 12 years at St Columba, I held the leadership positions of Year Level Coordinator for Year 11 and 12; Director of Student Wellbeing for the Senior School, before stepping into the position of Head of Senior School in 2014. In 2020 I accepted a position at Mary MacKillop College as Deputy Principal. However, in October last year I made the decision that I would like to be close to my family and therefore I moved to Naracoorte.

I have a passion for supporting an educational climate which enables student success. Ensuring that each student has the opportunity to excel and to be in an environment which promotes their well-being is vital. I work in ways which form positive and professional relationships with students, staff and families.

Most importantly, I look forward to meeting everyone at the beginning of the 2023 new school year as I begin a new journey within your community.

Louis de Jager

Classroom News

Jump Rope Coming Soon

Students will be invited to participate in Jump Rope for Heart this term. 

2022 marks 40 Years of Skipping for the Heart Foundation. 

More details coming soon! 

SAPSASA Basketball

On Tuesday 2nd August, Lucindale competed in 5/6 SAPSASA USE basketball carnival. It was a great day had by all with special thanks to Kerri Foulds from Bordertown Primary and Carol Pfitzner our convener on an excellent event. The boys played 6 games overall and whilst having 1 draw and the rest losses, they battled hard to the very end of the day. Our boys represented the school with pride and excellent sportsmanship which are reflective of school values. I would like to give a special thanks to Samantha Crocker who took the time to score for the day.

I want to make a special mention to Ella in Year 10, who also gave up her time to help out on the day unknowing what she would have to do. Despite having a limited knowledge of Basketball, I put her in charge of coaching the boys which she took in her stead and did an outstanding job. As an older student she mentored, demonstrated and explained concepts to younger students that helped them to achieve their best on the day, despite the result. By the end of the day Ella was the self-proclaimed “Super-Coach”.

I want to provide some food for thought and implore other students and members of the community to take a leaf out of Ella’s book. Mentoring the next generation. Whether that is in sports or just out in the community it is important that we stay on track with supporting each other. It reflects the old African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child.” In this case a member of our village was one of our senior school students who represented our community values outstandingly and took pride in mentoring our 5/6 boys.

Year 8 Diary Use

This term the Year 8s are trialing the use of an electronic diary in Teams. Students have entered all their classes in the Calendar section and, when they receive homework, the students will place it in Teams rather than in the paper version of the diary that they received at the start of the year. 

Digital diaries do have their strengths and weaknesses. Some of these being that parents cannot readily ‘see’ the information and students must still log on to check it. Strengths include that it is not easily lost, forgotten and it is right at their fingertips. Student’s homework will still be written on the board daily, so they are reminded. 

We would appreciate any feedback or suggestions. 

Denise Parkins 

Yr 8 Home Group Teacher 


Open Day & Grand Opening Ceremony Friday 26th August – Save the Date 

Lucindale Area School will hold our Open Day on Friday August 26th starting at 12:50pm in the school hall. There will be a short assembly, classroom and agriculture tours on the school site, followed by Boarding House and farm tours. Please use the QR code to register or call the front office on 8766 2084.

Following Open Day, Lucindale Area School will hold the grand opening ceremony of our new building starting at 3:30pm to 5:00pm.

Agriculture News

Year 5 & 6 Agriculture

Tree Planting Excursion

On Thursday July 28th the 5/6 class went on an excursion to help plant a range of trees on a local farm. This was the final stage of their project working alongside Bronwyn Perryman, Coordinator – Kids Helping Cockies. Some of the stringy bark trees they planted were grown from the seeds the year 6s collected last year.  

During Term 2 the class was also involved in the thinning out and repotting of the trees. The excursion was a great way for the students to see all their hard work; collecting, planting, thinning out and repotting being utilised on farm.  

Library News


Every child deserves access to quality and affordable books, and Scholastic Book Club offers great prices with Value Books as low as $3 on every issue of Book Club. Best of all, if you order on Issue 5 you can select FREE BOOKS!  

Place your Issue 5 order on LOOP to select up to 3 FREE BOOKS. To qualify all you have to do is spend over $30 and you can select 1 FREE book, or spend over $50 and you can select 2 FREE books or over $70 and you can select 3 FREE titles from a special online list. The list will display after you create your order and head to the checkout. See for more information. 

Did you know that 20% of your Book Club order goes back to our school in Scholastic Rewards? These Rewards are redeemed on Books and Educational Resources which helps stretch our budget further.


Our school partners with Scholastic with the shared mission to seed in children a lifelong love of reading and learning. Through reading, children develop their brain and advance their social and communication skills. 

To help your child read independently, start by reading aloud to them and discussing the stories they share. By experiencing the joys of reading in this way, children gain confidence to learn to read for themselves and ultimately to choose their own reading preferences. Once they can choose the books that interest them, they are more likely to become lifelong independent readers. Numerous studies have consistently shown that 10 minutes exposure to reading materials each day is all it takes to positively shape your child’s future. 

Book Club helps you raise independent readers by providing ACCESS to a wide variety of reading material, allowing children to CHOOSE the books that interest them and they are excited to read, and giving families great quality and VALUE at affordable prices. 


Finding the perfect book isn’t always an easy task. With 74% of children saying that they would read more if they could find more books that they like, it’s clear that occasional guidance is needed when it comes to reading time. Book Club is an easy way to help your child find books that spark their interest and create a sense of excitement around reading. Results demonstrated that children whose parents use Book Club as a tool to encourage reading for pleasure are more likely to enjoy reading—especially for fun—and to think that reading is important. The same results were found for children whose parents ensure easy, regular access to print books and a variety of reading materials.  



Did you know that, according to the Australian Kids and Family Reading Report, an overwhelming majority of kids aged 6–17 agree that their favourite books—and the ones they are most likely to finish—are the ones they pick out themselves. Nearly all of the participants agreed that they feel pride and a sense of accomplishment when they finish reading a book. This simple act of selecting and reading a book for pleasure has been proven to play an integral role in a child’s success during both their schooling and adult life. 



Every child deserves access to quality and affordable books, so on each issue of Book Club there are Value Books and special promotions like the FREE BOOKS offer on Issue 5. 

Value Books are carefully selected and levelled by Scholastic editors for their quality and affordability. The Value Books match the reading ages and interests of children from Early Years to Upper Primary, and that these books cover a range of genres to cater to the widest audience possible. Parents can use Value Books to kick-start their child’s reading journey, and children can use their pocket money to buy a Value Book to build their own home library. 


Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Week 

CBCA Book Week runs from Saturday August 20th to Friday August 26th. This year’s theme is “Dreaming with eyes open” 

The school will once again be holding a whole school dress up day.  

Dress up day will be Tuesday 23rd August 2022. We encourage staff and students to come dressed as their favourite book character. Prizes for the most creative / interesting costumes will be given. 

Scholastic Book Club 

Scholastic has a fantastic offer running at the moment where you can receive up to 3 FREE books, just by ordering from issue 5. (Please see further info in newsletter) 

Premier’s Reading Challenge 

The PRC concludes 9th September 2022. Please assist your child to complete their reading challenge. 

Jiggle and Wriggle 

We were hoping to get this program up and running again this term, but unfortunately current staffing shortages will not allow this to happen. We will advise when it is possible to run this great program for the community. 

Library Closures 

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Community Library will be closing early this Saturday 6th August 2022, closing at 11am. 

The Community Library will be CLOSED on Saturday 13th August 2022. 

Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. 

The Community Library is back open full hours. If you haven’t visited for a while, we would love to see you. The library has a wide range of books and DVDs to suit all ages. The library also has a meeting room available for booking by phoning the school. After hours’ usage for community group meetings can be made by prior arrangement. 

Community News

August 2022 Naracoorte Lucindale Community Events

Attached is a copy of the August Naracoorte Lucindale Community Events. To download your copy please click on the link provided.







School Calendar

Calendar of Events

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