Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

As we make the halfway point of the year, it has been amazing to have some things return to the way we have been able to run pre-Covid. We still need to support each other and focus on staying healthy and minimising crossovers, staying home when unwell and wearing masks if we can’t socially space. Wednesday Primary Assembly and Footsteps the week before were simply awesome, having community members, families, staff and students all together to celebrate learning and successes! 

Semester 1 Reports: Student reports are all on track to be printed on Friday this week and will then be distributed by home group teachers at the end of the day. For any absent students, the reports can be picked up from the front office from lunchtime Friday or will be posted home during the school holidays. Please take the time to discuss your child’s report with them and then refine their learning goals and targets for the second semester. Please contact your child’s teacher at the start of Term 3 if you would like to discuss anything from your reports. 

School Holiday Hours: With so many roles at school needing to be covered and with so many students and staff away this term with Covid and colds/flus, we will be closing the school for the first week of school holidays to give everyone a rest. Please note on the door of the Library and Administration Building you will find phone numbers displayed for staff members who can be contacted if you need anything this week. Otherwise, we will be open again as of Week 2 of the Holidays to finish setting up the new classrooms and prepare for Semester 2.  

Lucindale Community Library and Administration will be closed from Monday 11th to Friday 15th of July. The library and office will re-open from Monday 18th to 22nd of July and the library will be open on July 23rd as per normal Saturday hours.  

Student Free Day Monday July 25th: Teachers will be working on Curriculum Development and review of student Learning Data to help ensure students are on track for the second half of the school year. We can’t wait to have all students back with us on Tuesday July 26th, recharged and ready to give their personal bests to learning. 

Mad Minute (Public Speaking for our Year 5s): Thank you to the parents who supported with the catering for the regional Mad Minute hosted at the Lucindale Town Hall, along with the Lions Club for coordinating across the region and providing the judges, timekeepers and helpers for the event to go ahead. Public Speaking is never easy (at least not for most of us) and the Mad Minute provides our Year 5s with a chance to practice in their class and then for 3 students to be selected to participate further. Congratulations goes to Naracoorte Primary who won the day for the large schools and to Lucindale Area School who have won the small schools section. Tom spoke so well that he won second best speaker on the day also. Well done Tom, Aden and Hannah on representing the school so well with support from Miss McKinnon.  

Buildings Update: Over the last few days of term, the students have done a wonderful job in tidying out lockers and moving furniture with staff and some volunteers. We will continue to set up the new Science, Art and classrooms over the break and will be doing some Ed Smart communications for helpers if anyone has time. We will also be installing a new purpose-built Hybrid Learning Classroom in the second week of the holidays and will spend some time painting/ and tidying up the current Year 10 room for its conversion. 

Outdoor Ed Camp: While it may be a little cold overnight, we have also had our Year 12 Outdoor Education Class away this week exploring the River Murray and backwaters in the Riverland as part of their independent journey in Kayaks. Have a look on our FaceBook page to see what they have been up to.

Working Bee: We will be holding a working bee during the holidays on Thursday July 21st from 10am until 2pm.  This is to prepare the school for the start of Term 3 and assist the transition into our new buildings. Jobs will include dismantling old furniture ready for disposal, tidying up the grounds, labelling, shifting furniture to new areas and perhaps a sneak peek at the new building. An EdSmart will come out with a response section for you to let us know you can come and with information on what you can bring along to assist. Hope to see you there.

Term 3 Events: Next term, we already have some events to watch for on our calendar and in our newsletter. Keep an eye out for School Photos, Show Camp for Years 8-12, SAPOL road safety sessions for Years 7-12, Choir in Adelaide, and fingers crossed, hopefully Open Day.  

We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday and hope it is a good chance to rest and prepare for Semester 2.  

 Yours sincerely,  

Adrian and Jane 

Diary Dates


8th July – PJ Day

8th July – Last day of Term 3 – Dismissal at 3:10pm

9th July to 25th July – Term Break

21st July – Working Bee 10am-2pm

25th July – Pupil Free Day

26th July – Term 3 Commences

1st August – Bus committee meeting 2pm

9th August – School photos


Classroom News

Primary Assembly

R/1 Weather and Seasons

In Science the Reception/Year 1 Class have been busy learning about weather and the seasons. Children have played relay games sorting clothing into summer and winter piles, conducted investigations into rain, clouds and how animals stay warm in winter. To top it all off they created some beautiful artwork! 

BUS SAfe Colour Comp

On the 14th of June the school had a visit from Michael from Bus SAfe. He spoke to the R/1 and 1/2 classes about how to take care and be aware around buses. Particularly when waiting for a bus and how to depart a bus in a safe manner. Michael showed students a range of safety features whilst having a tour of the Lucindale Area School bus.  The students were really engaged throughout the presentation and asked some fantastic questions.  Michael presented students with the challenge to complete a Bus SAfe colouring competition. The lucky winners judged by Miss Smith using the guidelines provided by Bus SAfe.   1st Maya receiving a Fossil Unearthed mini excavation kit.   Sophie and Lydia received 2nd & 3rd prizes a plush avocado keyring.  Tim Harrison also selected a winner for the most creative from each year level, these students picked a prize from the teacher treasure boxes.   Reception – Hughie, Year 1 – Ivy and Year 2 – Lucy.  Miss Ferguson & Mrs Jenke 

Post Office Excursion  

In Week 8, students in R/1 and Year 8 had an interesting and exciting excursion to the Lucindale Post Office to send off their hand made postcards to Nyah West Primary School.  The students were able to put a stamp on their postcards and post them into the official Red Post Box.  Mr Robinson was very patient providing a detailed explanation of how letters get from Point A to Point B. Once Mr Robinson showed the students how he collects the mail from the Post Box. He helped students to stamp the postcards with the official date stamp to send to the Australia Post Distribution Centre.   This was a fun way for the students to add to their reading and writing activities together.  Special thanks to Kirsten and the wonderful parent helpers Adele, Casey, Nicole and Nikki for assisting on the day – we could not have done it without you.  Felicity Jenke and Denise Parkins 

Footsteps 2022

Once again, staff and students thoroughly enjoyed the Footsteps Dance Program which was held over three days last week.  

The sessions are well structured and help children with their fitness, coordination and listening skills. Students find the range of dances fun and exciting and it is amazing to see how quickly their confidence grows as they are challenged by difficult steps.  

Footsteps has become a highlight of our school year and is a fantastic opportunity for everyone involved. 



Mad Minute Final

Upper Limestone Coast Grand Challenge Final  

On the 29th of June, Tom, Aden, and Samantha, participated in the Upper Limestone Coast Grand Challenge Final. The three students did an amazing job presenting Lucindale Area School. The students won First Prize in the Small Schools Division and Tom came second in the individual competition. A big congratulations to these students.  

Year 7 Mathematics

Students in Mr Phillips’ Year 7 Maths class have been learning about ratios, rates, fractions, decimals, percentages, and money throughout this semester. Students were tasked with combining all these mathematical skills together to bake a carrot cake. This was the students first look at the Home Ec room where they frantically tried to find all their equipment, weigh, divide, use fractions, and measure to be able to produce their masterpieces. 

Home Economics

This term in Home Economics, Year 9 students have been looking at upcycling donated fabric and reducing our waste through re-usable shopping bags. Students used the sewing machines to create some visually appealing re-usable shopping bags. Thank you to teachers who donated the fabric.  

Year 10 students have been exploring cake decorating for a special occasion. Students have worked on piping, frosting and using fondant.  

Year 10 English Week

Students in year 10 are currently completing the Unit titled Creative and Critical Communication. Part of the assessment is to interview a person involved in creative and critical writing. They interviewed Jack Paynter who currently writes for Cricket Australia. He has had an interesting career this far wring for newspapers such as The Mercury (Hobart), The Leader, The Herald Sun. He discussed how the use of technology has changed his writing platform, where he studied and advice for students on drafting and editing their work. 

Students now need to write up the interview incorporating the aspects of how Jack writes, what influences his writing and the drafting process. Good luck year 10s. 

Agriculture News

Year 7 & 8 Agriculture

Over the first 4 weeks of this term the Year 7 and 8 students took part in the Cows Create Careers programme. Aims of the project are to:  

  • Introduce the dairy industry to school students  
  • Introduce students to pathways in the dairy industry and its many related career and educational opportunities  
  • Give students a hands-on experience working with calves  
  • Provide industry advocates and farmers to inform, encourage and support students interest and knowledge of the dairy industry. 

Students took part in many different learning tasks including watching video clips about the dairy industry, making a 3D model or Mootube movie, writing a letter to Jaydee Events Pty Ltd about their experience and creating a funny photo with the dairy calves.   This week both classes were involved in Zoom presentation for schools across a range of different regions within South Australia.   We are very pleased to announce that one group, The Jerseys, won the Junior section for our region. Well done Maddi, Emily, Hannah & Paige. There team is now eligible to enter the $3,000 National JNR prize competition, which will be announced in November 2022.  Thank you to the sponsors of this program; Dairy Australia, Kym Willsmore (dairy calves sponsor) Gardiner Foundation, MaxCare calf milk replacer.  

Term 2 Equine Program

Over Term 2 students and their horses took part in a range of equine activities. These included; trail rides, show preparation techniques, dressage, camp drafting training, jumping and cross country. Many thanks for all the volunteers, instructors and parents for their involvement once again. The program will run again in Term 4 this year.  

Library News

Library Returns  

As another term comes to an end, please support your children to return all outstanding library resources. 

Premiers Reading Challenge 

Only 2 months to go. Keep recording your reading progress. 

Advanced notice  

Children’s book week is August 20th – 26th. The school will once again be having a whole school dress up day during that week, with the day to be confirmed. Prizes will be given for the most creative and awesome costumes. The theme for this year is “Dreaming with Eyes Open”. It’s time to get crafty. 

Library Closure 

The Community Library will be closed for the first week of the July school holidays, from Monday 11th July to Sunday 17th July – Re-opening at 9am Monday 18th July. 

Jiggle n’ Wriggle  

Next term will see a welcome return of Jiggle n Wriggle to the library program (COVID restrictions permitting) A day and time is yet to be finalised. Please keep an eye out for updates on the school’s website and facebook page. 

Wishing you all safe and happy holidays, and we look forward to seeing you all again next term. Happy reading. 

Canteen News

Community News

Holiday Program

Attached is a copy of the upcoming July School Holiday Program. To download your copy of the Mt Gambier July program and the Naracoorte Tech Heads Workshop please click on the links provided.

Mt Gambier July Program

Naracoorte Tech Heads Workshop





School Calendar

Calendar of Events

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