Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Louis de Jager Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

As we complete Week 8 of the Term we would like to thank everyone who has been able to find the time to participate or assist in the running of our Distance Day, Sports Day, SRC/Sports Captains Induction, Interschool, Field Days and Blue Yakka, along with our regular school events including NAPLAN which is currently running as well as a number of camps.  We greatly appreciate the support to keep so many items on the go as we head into the last three weeks of term.  

The start to NAPLAN has been fantastic and we thank Bianca and Todd for their IT skills along with all the staff for ensuring our laptops, lockdown browsers and systems are working. We have visited all students prior to testing and ensured they are clear on the purpose of NAPLAN and the need to use all of the allocated time to check and re-read their work in order to get their best result. Please chat to your child/ren about this for all future tests and assessments.   

Outdoor Ed Camp: Our Stage 1 and 2 Outdoor Education class have had a wonderful week paddling the Glenelg River (including a thunderstorm to keep them entertained during the night). We thank the Lucindale Lions for their support with the mini bus and cannot wait to hear more about the adventures next week.   

Governing Council: We had our first meeting on Tuesday 28th of March at 7pm in the Hybrid Learning Room with our newly formed Governing Council. As per the Edsmart notice earlier this week we do still have one vacancy to be filled prior to the meeting if you or anyone you know would like to fill a 12 month casual parent vacancy. Please contact the administration team if you are interested in assisting.   

Premiers Reading Challenge: Now into its 20th year it is a wonderful chance to celebrate and support engagement in reading. Given reading is an essential life skill we really appreciate families taking the time to support children with reading, listening to them, reading with them and discussing what it is you have been reading. Please encourage your child/ren to take part in the challenge and keep making time to engage in the skill and artform of reading.  

Attendance at School: While family holidays are important, we ask that every effort is made to have children at school as often as possible. Before Covid, we had school attendance rates of around 93% to 94%. This has dropped considerably during Covid and thus far this year our school attendance rate is at 90% for the first 8 weeks. The more time students spend at school the greater the chance of ongoing learning success across all curriculum areas. Let’s all work together to try and have students at school as often as possible and see if we can get back to attendance figures above 93%. 

Vaping/Smoking: Vapes, also known as e-cigarettes, are becoming increasingly popular among young people, and it would be naive to think that all students are immune to the temptation e-cigarettes pose. The extent of the harm both nicotine-free and nicotine based vaping products pose is unclear, but evidence suggests that vaping is not risk-free.  

SAPOL has advised that schools are within their rights to confiscate and destroy vaping products found in a young person’s possession, locker or school bag. Any students vaping at school will undergo counselling and behavioural consequences to try and change the behaviour and we seek your support to work with us if you have concerns about your child/children vaping or smoking.  

Field Days:  Was a very successful two days, and we thank you for all your help and support from table cleaning, marquee setup and the Blue Yakka trail, through to gate rosters and hay carting. I would also like to thank all the parents and volunteers. Without your help these sorts of events wouldn’t be possible. Well done to the Lucindale Lions Committee for hosting another successful and rewarding Field Days that benefit the entire region.   

21st of March was Harmony Day: Our diversity makes Australia a great place to live. Harmony Day is a celebration of our cultural diversity – a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home.  Which is held every year on 21 March. This year our school has celebrated Harmony Day on Friday, 24 March.   

The message of Harmony Day is ‘everyone belongs’, the Day aims to engage people to participate in their community, respect cultural and religious diversity and foster a sense of belonging for everyone.  

Since 1999, more than 70,000 Harmony Day events have been held in childcare centres, schools, community groups, churches, businesses and federal, state and local government agencies across Australia.  

Why orange?  

Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Day. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.  

Our cultural diversity: Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country — from the oldest continuous culture of our first Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world.  

Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are. It makes Australia a great place to live. Multicultural Australia is an integral part of our national identity. All people who migrate to Australia bring with them some of their own cultural and religious traditions, as well as taking on many new traditions. Collectively, these traditions have enriched our nation.  

Learning Potential: The Australian Government had compiled some useful information to assist parents to be engaged with and support their child’s learning. Learning Potential, a free app for parents, families and carers, is packed with useful tips and inspiring ways to be more involved in your child’s learning. The following link will take you to some simple yet effective strategies for high school students on the app:  

Yours sincerely,  

Adrian and Louis 

Diary Dates

15th – 27th March – NAPLAN Y3, Y5, Y7, Y9

27th March – Student Free Day, including (5/5/23, 24/7/23, 27/10/23)

6th – 10th April – Lucindale Tennis Tournament

7th April – Good Friday

10th April – Easter Monday

1st September – School Closure Day

Classroom News

Year 11 English

Students in Year 11 Essential English have been hard at work watching and analysing the film The Blind Side. Students have showed growth and understanding as they followed the life of Michael Oher, an American Football player, as he struggled with personal issues and was ‘rescued’ by a family which literally saved his life and kick started his career. The film covers themes such as race and prejudice, love, family, connections, generosity and protection.  

Students are now writing about the themes and finding evidence in the film text to support their responses. They are doing a great job. 

It is based on a true story and if you have not watched it, do yourself a favour, and watch it with your child. It does have some more mature issues and it is aimed for the older students. 

Lucindale Show Winners

R/1 Scarecrow

SEFD Scarecrow Competition 

The R/1 students with the guidance of Frances England & Magda Nel created a scarecrow to enter at the 2023 South East Field Days.  

Over the course of a few weeks the students made all the elements required for the scarecrow – pumpkin vine & leaves, ladybugs, decorations for the clothing. There was a requirement to have something moving on the scarecrow so a windmill and windchime was added. 

His name is Mr Pampeon Priapus – Pampeon – Afrikaans for pumpkin. Priapus – God of Vegetable Gardens.  

Mr Pampeon Priapus is happily overlooking the R/1 produce in the Vegetable Garden. 

Thank you to the other parents who helped Frances & Magda with the construction of the Scarecrow. 

Ruby Union SA

Today in lesson for we were visited by Chris and Barb from Rugby Union SA. We were shown the correct techniques to throw the ball and tackle. We then moved onto skills practice improving on our power stance and the correct way to establisha strong base. After learning the correct way to throw and pick up the ball we moved onto the pads! We went into pairs and rotated between holding the pad up and trying to stop your partner pushing you back and trying to push your partner back. On behalf of the Lucindale Area School student body we would like to thank Chris and Barb for their time and effort.


Jacob and Riley

Agriculture News

Field Days Friday was an exciting time for our students and school, especially our School Captains who got to meet and tour around our Agricultural facilities, celebratory Mr Matthew Evans.  

Matthew Evans is a former chef and food critic turned Tasmanian small land holder. He is the author of nine books on food, he has appeared in three series of the SBS television show Gourmet Farmer, and is currently filming the fourth series. 

Matthew also spoke with enthusiasm to a group of students in Reception to Year 12 about the importance of maintaining healthy soils and how he has got to where he is today. Question time was exciting with students asking a broad range of questions. 

It was a delight to have Matthew visit. He was thrilled to see our great agricultural facilities and hear about the broad range of experiences in agriculture our students have. Thanks to our school captions for taking on such a great leadership opportunity.  

Library News

New reads 

New books purchased in January and February are starting to arrive. 

If you are a follower of the Royal Family, “Elizabeth – an intimate portrait” by Gyles Brandreth, and “Spare” by Prince Harry, may be of interest to you. 

If you would like to train for a marathon, or just improve your fitness and overall health, we have a wide selection of fitness books, from stretching exercises to high intensity training just arrived on the shelf. 

Scholastic Book Club 

The school actively promotes Scholastic Book Club. Any purchase made by our families earns a % of money credited directly to the school to spend at Scholastic. Thank you for supporting our school when you make a purchase. 

If you wish to order from the latest issue of Book Club, sent home with primary students last week, please order on line by 31st March 2023. 

Premier’s Reading Challenge 

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a fantastic way to promote the joy of reading to our children. 

 Lucindale Area School has once again registered to participate in The Premier’s Reading Challenge. This year marks 20 years since the commencement of The Premier’s Reading Challenge. As such, there is an extra challenge for the students. (Please see flyer) Your child’s class teacher will coordinate student’s participation in the PRC. 

Library closure 

The Lucindale Community Library will be closed for Easter, from 5pm Thursday 6th April, up to and including Monday 10th April Saturday. Reopening at 9am on Tuesday 7th April. 

Community News

Parents and Friends News

The Parents and Friend Club held their AGM with a fantastic attendance by parents. The executive positions were filled as follows:  

President – Clare Bruce 

Secretary – Lyndal Johns 

Treasurer – Vanessa Clarke 

Following the AGM, the parents did some brainstorming regarding what parents wanted from the group, with the primary themes established being connection, communication, volunteering and fundraising. These themes will be the focus of the group this year. We look forward to the parents and school, working closely together in this forum to benefit our children.  

The next meeting will be held on Monday April 3rd at 9am.  

Geared Up and Ready to Go

Good luck to Davey and Ollie who are heading off this weekend to Mendooran, NSW for the AORC. Davey is in the J4 age group and Ollie is in J3 age group and they compete against Australia’s best offroad competitors. This race is a sprint competition over two days where the boys must complete the fastest timed lap. The boys complete about up to 9 sprints per day and an average is taken to get the time for the fasted lap. The track is about 8km long. Last year the boys finished in about 6 minutes. In 2022, Davey was crowned overall champion at the end of the competition and Ollie was also first in each of their respective age groups.   

Go to the AORC website over the weekend to see live results for the boys. 

School Calendar

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