Principal: Adrian Maywald

Deputy Principal: Louis de Jager

Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury

Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

It looks and feels like Summer has finally found us but fingers crossed next week we will be able to run Sports Day on February the 28th, 2023. Thank you to all the volunteers who are coming out of the woodwork to assist and ensure a successful running of the day which is simply not possible without school and community working together; much like the upcoming Field Days on a smaller scale. Given we are hosting Interschool this year lets all pull together and encourage all of our young athletic superstars to give their best for Themselves, their Team and our School. Please keep an eye out on Sports Day for an Edsmart re buses. We will do our best to finish on time but if not we will let you know if the buses are running a little late via Edsmart. If you are joining us on the day don’t be afraid to help keep things moving so we can finish on time.  

Child Safety and Video/Photos on School Site: If you are attending school for the Sports Day please remember that if you wish to photograph your own child/ren that is fine but be cautious as to who is in your pictures/videos as not all students have permission to be filmed/photographed due to a range of reasons and it is essential we respect their rights and ensure their family wishes/requirements are adhered too. We will have some official photographers on the day and will ensure these photos are available once reviewed for child safety.   

Buses and Bike Safety: Given we are week 4 of the term it is timely to remind everyone and thank the vast majority who do the right thing that road safety is a responsibility that comes with the privilege of driving and riding a bike. Please ensure you stick to 25 when going past buses with lights flashing/pulled over and in our school and kindergarten zones. For our young people riding bikes it is pleasing to note that helmets are being worn but we do ask if riding around the school to ensure you slow down and walk your bikes around the corner of building etc to keep everyone safe.  

Front of School Design Planning: The front of school project is rapidly progressing, and we are loving all the ideas coming forward. You may have already seen the Facebook post but if you would like to be involved in helping to support the next stages of development, please contact Frankie England on 0410 701 767. Frankie has already drafted some design options for the area, and we would love to see this developed further with a working party.  

G.C nominations for 2023: With our AGM rapidly approaching for Governing Council and a number of positions becoming vacant we need you! We are seeking proactive, solution based, value add members who can ensure they pass a bankruptcy and working with children’s check to help continue to grow our school and community. Many hands make light work and Governing Council or one of its sub committees is a great way to value add to the school and our community. Please find with this newsletter a nomination form that can also be collected from the library or office. Please contact Eliza Handbury or Adrian Maywald if you would like more information and ensure your nomination form is returned prior to March 21st.  

The nomination forms can be found HERE. 

Nominate now! Or please make sure your nomination is in prior to March the 21st 2023. Forms can be returned to the school front office. 

Stand like Stone Vouchers: In partnership with FRRR Stand Like Stone have once again provided amazing support to our region not just in scholarships but also with over $600,000 worth of back-to-school vouchers across our region.  

Lucindale Area School has received 6 vouchers of $50 dollars for Kmart online, which will be distributed by our Wellbeing Coordinator over the coming weeks. Thanks again to Stand Like Stone for their support for schools, young people and our region. 

Student Free Days for 2023: Governing Council and our Education Director have endorsed the following dates for our school in 2023.  

  • Student Free Day: 27/3/23 Term 1 – All Teachers Numeracy Data and Big Ideas in Number training. 
  • Student Free Day: 5/5/23 – Train all teachers in the mandated Child Protection Curriculum.  
  • Student Free Day: 24/7/23 – Step 4 SIP Review and Learning Data update. 
  • Student Free Day: 27/10/23 – Numeracy Professional Development.  
  • School Closure: 1/9/23 – Adelaide Show Day Preparation. 

Website Updates: Tim Harrison and Bianca Black are working on updating our school webpage and will continue to do so over the next few weeks. This includes updating information around policies, staffing, staff email addresses and laptop programs along with our confirmed calendar dates for 2023.  

Australia Day Awards 2023: Well done to Vanessa Clarke and the Canteen Committee on the Australia Day awards. Many hands make light work, and we all know in Country Communities without volunteers many sports, activities and events would never occur. With Sports Day, Field Days and a number of other activities coming up we thank everyone who gives a little bit of their time and energy to make our school, community and world a better place.  

Leaders Day/Numeracy Summit March 6th and 7th: The focus for leaders is on student and staff wellbeing and engagement in their learning journey. Followed by a review of the Youth Forum feedback from 2022 which Dom and Milly participated in. This will then be followed by a Numeracy Focus Day which we have 3 teachers attending to work with 6 experts in improving Numeracy in Schools that relates to our 2023 Site Improvement Plan.  

Classroom Learning/Expectations: Following meet the teacher events, class updates and expectations along with clear procedures on student requirements for success we have started well. We seek your support with enforcing school uniform and or school colors and are requiring parents to provide reasons why when students are not representing our school colors/uniform. 

In classes we have focused our attention on what it means to be a student at Lucindale Area School and how each of us, staff included, have an obligation to contribute in a positive way to the school community. We can achieve this by considering: 

Our Culture 

We base our culture where each person experiences inclusion, respect, and belonging. We are a proud and diverse community who achieve highly as individuals and a team.  

Our Key Values 

  • Respect for Self  
  • Respect for Others  
  • Respect for Learning   
  • Respect for the Environment 

 Our School Rules 

  • Be prepared and on time   
  • Allow yourself and others to learn   
  • Care for personal and school property   
  • Act in a safe and caring manner   
  • Wear the uniform/colours correctly 

We say yes to 

  • Everyone’s right to be included  
  • Everyone’s right to learn and teach  
  • Everyone’s right to feel safe  
  • Everyone’s right to be respected 

Our Responsibilities 

  • We are committed to supporting each student to develop and excel 
  • Each person in our community (student, staff and caregivers) has the responsibility to create a safe and respectful environment for everyone 
  • This means a commitment and effort by everyone to be supportive and value add. 

Year 10 Work Experience (1-5 May): All Year 10 students undertake a compulsory work experience placement as part of their PLP unit. The objective of work experience is for students to sample potential career pathways prior to choosing their subjects for Years 11 and 12. This year, the program will take place at the start of Term Two from 1st to the 5th May 2023. Parents are also asked to assist their children with this process, and to take the initiative to approach employers. Should families have any queries regarding the program, or have difficulty finding a placement, please contact PLP teacher – Louis de Jager.  

Communication: This newsletter, LAS Newsletter, is the primary source of information to our families. We consider it to be of vital importance to all stakeholders in our community. It is certainly a major undertaking by many hands to see it published on a fortnightly basis.  

Years 7-12 Study Strategies: It is important at this stage of the academic year that all students have settled in well to school. Particularly for our senior students, it is essential they have created a realistic study timetable that assigns blocks of time, approximately 45 minutes per course to study and other time to the completion of homework. The inclusion of other activities, such as sports training, socialising and family time are equally important and should be allocated time in the study timetable. 

Once a study timetable is created, the next hurdle is to ensure that students adhere to it! Given our students are all individuals this next step can be different for each student – for some students they like their study timetable displayed publicly so they are held accountable for it whilst others prefer to manage this themselves. The key is that students are actually devoting time to study each of their courses to ensure they are reinforcing the knowledge and skills they learn each day to prepare them for the following lesson. Study also enables students to deepen their understanding of concepts and develop links between topics. This means students are thinking at a higher order rather than rote learning information. This consistent application to their learning is the best way for students to gain confidence in a course and avoid cramming two nights before an assessment. 

The Role of Student Representable Council Member 

  • To be always a positive role model for other students 
  • To canvass the opinions of fellow students on various issues and relate these to the teacher representative 
  • To encourage students to discuss which are of concern for them 
  • To represent their year and school and to participate in a number of useful projects in the school and local community 
  • To improve the learning and physical environments of the school for current and future students 
  • To actively participate in a range of SRC activities. 
  • To be loyal to Lucindale Area School and represent our school to the community in a positive way 

On Friday, 17th of February the induction of the SRC and Sports Captains happened at an Assembly. The following students will represent LAS as SRC members: 

  • R/1: Olive Savage & Jack Clothier 
  • 1 /2: Billy McCarthy & Mia Kriek 
  • 3 /4: Bridie Thompson & George Legoe 
  • 5/6: Bethany Blower & Harry Robinson 
  • 7: Darcy Clarke & Lacey Thompson 
  • 8: Lacey Grist & Layla Clarke 
  • 9: Paige Pinchbeck & Aden Carter 
  • 10: Riley Clarke & Ashton Giles 

The School and Vice-captains for the year are: 

Dominic Carter – Captain 

Emily Schutz – Captain 

Abigail Schutz – Vice-Captain 

The Sports Captains for 2023: 


Captain: Ella Traeger & Ethan Hocking 

Vice-Captain: Alex Pitt 


Captain: Dominic Carter 

Vice-Captain: Abigail Treloar 


Captain: Kira Schubert 

Vice-Captain: Abigail Schutz & Emily Schutz   

Thank you,  

Adrian Maywald and Louis de Jager  




Diary Dates

25th February – Lucindale Show

27th February – 3rd April – FIPS

28th February – Sports Day

1st March – NAPLAN practice

10th March – Inter-School Sports Day at Lucindale Area School

13th March – Adelaide Cup

15th – 27th March – NAPLAN Y3, Y5, Y7, Y9

17th – 18th March – Field Days

21st March – Governing Council

6th – 10th April – Lucindale Tennis Tournament

7th April – Good Friday

10th April – Easter Monday

Classroom News

School Captain & SRC

School Captains

The School Captains this year are Dom Carter and Emily Schutz with Abi Schutz as the Vice-Captain. Our role in the school is to be leaders, someone that others can look up to and come to for help or with a problem. The SRC is coordinated by us and we also represent the school at community and other events. We are looking forward to what this year will bring and the achievements we will be able to make. 

SCR Representatives

Congratulations to these members of our school who will spend this year providing a voice for their peers, and representing their school:  

 R/1: Olive & Jack  

1/2: Billy & Mia  

3/4: Bridie & George  

5/6: Bethany & Harry  

7: Darcy & Lacey  

8: Lacey & Layla  

9: Paige & Aden  

10: Riley & Ashton  

Students had their first meeting as an SRC this week, where they discussed changes they would like to see in the school, ideas for events to hold throughout the year, and charities they would like to support. The SRC will be supported and organised by the School Captains Dom, Emily, and Abi. We look forward to providing frequent updates on SRC activities this year.


Lions Youth of the Year

From the very beginning of this year, preparations were underway for a select number of our Year 11 students who went on to compete in the Lions Youth of the Year competition in Week 3. As part of the competition, students had to complete a written application, and undergo a 30 minute interview at school with a panel of three community members.  

Further to this, students were then invited to the Lions Club in the evening with their families, where they were challenged with two impromptu questions to answer in front of the audience. These questions were based around the benefits of the state-wide ban on mobile phones in schools, and the importance of the South-East Field Days for the community. Following this, they then had to present a 5 minute prepared speech on a topic they were passionate about. Speech topics included swords, why veganism isn’t as good as people think, environmental conservation, the importance of community events, and lifting the ban on modified vehicles in Australia.  

All 6 of our competitors did a fantastic job, with Logan winning the public speaking award, Abi winning the overall runner-up award, and Thomas winning the overall competition with his speech topic about how TikTok should be banned in Australia. Thomas will now go on to compete in the regional competition to represent Lucindale, and we wish him all the best. Well done to everyone involved!  

Evie Higgins  

Year 7 Camp

On Monday the 13th of February most of the year 7s went on a bus to Tarooki campsite in Robe. When we got there, we got sorted into tribes. Then we played water lob which, was a team challenge. Once we were done, we made the team names and tribal chants the names were, the Big Dogs, and the Blue Roos. After that we went to the beach and played some games.  On Tuesday we did bridge building and brain twister. Brain twister was a mix of games where we had to work as a team. We had lunch and went to the beach where we made a raft and went boogie boarding. On Wednesday we cleaned our rooms and put everything in the Ute and trailer. After packing up and eating lunch we walked down to the park near the beach and played a game of stomp ball. After stomp ball we did a wrap up of camp and, the big dogs ended up winning. The last thing we did was enjoyed hot chips before we went back to school in the Ute or bus. Most people’s favourite part was boogie boarding and swimming. We thank Tarooki campsite and Beyond Limits for letting us go on camp there. 


On the Monday of week three the year 7s left to go to Tarooki campsite. The whole purpose of this camp was to get to know everyone and to work as a team. On camp we had to do a massive water obstacle to get to know everyone and their skills. Another activity we did that day was beach games to build friendships while having lots of fun. The next day we played a tribal game called 1 2 3 and it was incredibly fun and quick. Then we split off into our tribes and did different activities. In the afternoon we went down to the beach and made rafts to ride in the ocean. This activity was so that we knew how to work as a team. On the last day of camp, we played stomp ball in the Robe park, and it was scorching hot. This was to work as a team. This camp was aimed towards working as a team and bonding together.  


Year 10 News

Year 10 Home Economics  

This term students are investigating street food and food trucks. They are approaching it with a sustainability lens, designing food packaging and food trucks which are environmentally friendly and sustainable.  

Year 10 and Mediation 

This year students have a pastoral care lesson. Part of this is to help students manage time, organisational skills, homework and study habits. Last week, students participated in a meditation session. Some of the benefits of meditation include: 

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations 
  • Building skills to manage stress 
  • Increasing self-awareness 
  • Focusing on the present 
  • Reducing negative emotions 
  • Increasing imagination and creativity 
  • Increasing patience and tolerance 
  • Lowering resting heart rate 
  • Lowering resting blood pressure 
  • Improving sleep quality 

By participating in a session, it is hoped that students regularly engage in meditation to ease some of the pressures of their busy lives. 

Denise Parkins 

Yr 10 Home group teacher 

Sports News

Success on the track 

Congratulations to Mitchell who is competing regularly at the Apsley and District Motorsports Club. 

On the 5th February, Mitchell managed to win C grade while on the 19th February, Mitchell managed a solid equal 3rd in C grade. 

The next race is Sunday 5th March so good luck to Mitchell and keep an eye on the progression of this young man in this field.  

All are welcome to attend – Racecourse Road, Apsley, gold coin donation entry, racing starts at 10.00am 

Sports Captains


Captain: Ella Treager & Ethan Hocking  

Vice: Alex Pitt  


Captain: Dominic 

Vice: Abi Treloar  


Captain: Kira Schubert 

Vice: Abi Schutz & Emily Schutz   

As Wanboo’s Sports Captain I have showed up to every lunch practice, showed support for our team and encouraged the team. During my lunch time I went out of my way and collected everyone in Wanboo that needed to run their relay, hurdles, and ballgames. 


As sports captain this year we wanted to get as many kids involved as possible so we involved the older kids even when they didn’t need to be out there to try and get a strong team bond. 


Sports Practice

All students have been working hard on athletics techniques in PE lessons, morning practices & lunch time practices lead by Sports Captains. Students have also had the opportunity to practice High Jump during all lunch breaks. A big thank you to all parents who have volunteered their time during PE lessons, your assistance is appreciated by all. Students and staff are all excited and looking forward to Sports Day.  

Bus News

Information for Parents

Please ensure that all communication for Buses comes through the front office. We understand that in the mornings if your child will not be on the bus you need to convey this to the bus driver and this is fine. However, we ask that for any other communication regarding your child’s bus travel be directed to the front office. Information such as; 

  • Cancelled sports/activities – if this changes your child’s usual travel arrangements i.e. they will now be on the bus, please contact the front office at your earliest convenience. Please do not just assume we know. 
  • Parents Must contact the front office if your child’s usual bus travel changes, i.e due to illness etc (parents should be calling or emailing the office to advise of an absence anyway so please ensure to advise that this also affects their bus travel) 
  • Please do not contact the bus drivers directly – EXCEPT to notify them if your child is not on in the morning. Please contact the school and we pass all this information on to them in the afternoon. Duty of care lies with the school/Principal – we are unable to let a bus leave unless the office has had clarification from families. If it then takes 40 minutes to get hold of you when the bus is trying to leave this holds the bus up for 40 minutes and will impact many other families.  


This year, the MTA is hosting a number of free and interactive events at our Automotive Skills and Careers Training Centre located in Royal park, Adelaide.

If you, or anyone you know is curious to learn more about a career in the automotive industry, these informative events provide an excellent chance to dive deep into the various opportunities here at the MTA. 

Careers In Auto Open Night 23rd March 6-7pm
First-Up is our Careers in Auto Open Night and we are inviting students, teachers, parents and friends to attend a free, up close and personal look at what the automotive industry has to offer.

At the event, students will have the opportunity to participate in engaging activities and learn more about the range of automotive apprenticeships the MTA offers. 

Automotive is more than mechanical – explore the range of careers on offer in the automotive industry at the MTA Career’s In Auto Open Night. 

With demonstrations and activities including: 

  • Vehicle painting 
  • Vehicle body repair 
  • Vehicle diagnostics 
  • Tyre repair 
  • Diesel engine shutdown 
  • Smoke testing for engine leaks 
  • Material hardness testing 
  • Ignition systems 
  • … and more! 

For more information, contact Andrew Parkes on 0401 674 272 or 

MTA Open Day, 1st-3rd August 10am-2pm
The automotive industry has a bright future for young people in South Australia and this is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking at a career in the automotive industry. It will provide students with the chance to explore career pathways and learn more about careers that don’t typically feature on school curriculums or are difficult to find out about. 

Automotive is more than mechanical – explore the range of careers on offer in the automotive industry at the MTA Open Day. 

This event will run across three days. You only have to attend one day, however, you are more than welcome to attend more than one. 

With demonstrations and activities including: 

  • Vehicle painting 
  • Vehicle body repair 
  • Vehicle diagnostics 
  • Tyre repair 
  • Diesel engine shutdown 
  • Smoke testing for engine leaks 
  • Material hardness testing 
  • Ignition systems 
  • … and more! 

BBQ lunch included. 

For more information, contact Andrew Parkes on 0401 674 272 or 

Do we have your current email address?  

As email is our primary communication method used at Lucindale Area School, it is important we have your current email address to ensure you receive school communications. We have already sent a number of important emails to all parents / guardians for 2023, so if you haven’t received any emails from us (via edSmart), it’s likely we do not have your email address. If you have changed your email address recently, or did not provide this to us at the time of enrolment, please let our Front Office team know your details either in person or by emailing 

Agriculture News

Farm Committee  

Our Agriculture staff would like to invite members of our school community to join our Farm Committee in 2023. The Committee will meet once a term (usually week 5). If you have an interest in Agriculture or would like to find out more about our Agriculture program here at Lucindale Area School please contact the front office to register your interest.  

Pre-Sale of Chickens 

With 150 Isa Brown Chickens arriving at school, it’s safe to say they have been getting plenty of attention during Agriculture lessons.  Available for sale at 6 weeks later in the term or point of lay during Term 2. 

  • 6–10-week-old chicks @ $10 each 
  • Point of lay @ $25 each   

 Please contact the front office to order.  


Pork for Sale 

Lucindale Area School has our delicious pork available for sale again this term. At $14.50 per kg, you won’t be disappointed.   

Contact the front office or click the link below to choose your cuts and place your order.  

Pork Order Form

Sheep Expo 

The Lucindale Shears Committee are proud to be offering financial sponsorship to selected students who would like to attend the SA Sheep Expo 26th-28th April. To be in the running to receive this sponsorship, students need to write a short letter explaining why they would like to attend the Sheep Expo and how they believe it will benefit them in their future career. These must be submitted to the school front office by 9am Wednesday 1st of March. Many thanks to the Lucindale Shearers Committee for their brilliant support of our students in the sheep industry.  Please see the advertisement in this newsletter for more information on the SA Sheep Expo.  


South East Beef Field Days 

On Monday 6th of February our Year 11/12 Agricultural Systems students enjoyed a fabulous day at the Southeast Beef Field Days.  Students applied their knowledge and skills of breeding values and structure to select bulls for specified scenarios as their first assessment piece for the year.  

They were also treated to a demonstration by Peter Barr from Barrkel Working Dog Schools, who showed how working dogs can be effectively used to calm down cattle.  

 A huge thankyou to Sterita Park, Yerwal Estate and Nampara Angus for allowing us to view the bulls, sharing with our students the history of their studs, breeding goals and techniques. Further thanks again to Peter Barr for bringing his dogs along and running a workshop. The support of our agricultural program and students by these studs and leaders in their field is greatly appreciated.  

 A fabulous example of school and community working together, creating opportunities for students in the Agricultural industry. 


Year 5/6 Ag- Red- Tail Black Cockatoo Project 

Last Monday Bronwyn Perryman, from Kids Helping Cockies, was invited into the Yr 5/6 Agriculture lesson to continue our work with the Red-Tail Black Cockatoos. 

Students helped think out stringybark seedlings and repot them into individual tubes. Later next term the 5/6 class will undertake an excursion to plant these trees out on a local farm.  

Library News

Welcome back for 2023. and welcome to all our new families 

The Lucindale Community Library is situated on school grounds, and is open to the public, staff, and students. All students are issued with a membership when they enrol at Lucindale Area School. All student library cards are kept on file in the library admin area. 

The library is a member of SA Public Libraries, and as such a member of the One Card system. This means members have online access to borrowing from any SA Public library and may also return items from any SA Public library to the Lucindale Library. 

Opening hours to the public are: 

Monday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Tuesday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Wednesday 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Saturday 9:00am – 11:30am 

The library opens at 8:30am Monday to Friday for staff and students. 


Scholastic Book Club 

The school actively promotes Scholastic Book Club. Any purchase made by our families earns a % of money credited directly to the school to spend at Scholastic. Thank you for supporting our school when you make a purchase. 

If you wish to order from the latest issue of Book Club, sent home with primary students last week, please order online by 20th February 2023. 

Community News

School Calendar

Calendar of Events

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