Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

With Year 12s now complete and all works submitted for moderation, we wish our Year 12s all the best with the next stage of their lives and hope they are each happy with the results they will receive on the 19th of December to recognise 13 years of schooling. We thank the staff and students who were able to celebrate the completion of the students’ Secondary Schooling with the Graduation Dinner at the Avenue Inn last Friday night.  

Student Forum: On Friday November 25th Dominic and Amellia will be representing the school in a Student Forum being held in Mount Gambier. They will be meeting with Senior Department staff including the Chief Executive of Education. The intent of the Forums that have been held across the State this week is to hear directly from students about what is needed in their schools and regions to improve education and what is working well.   

Premier’s Reading Challenge: Thank you and well done to all students and staff who participated in the Premier’s Reading Challenge this year. Special thanks goes to our Library Manager and her team who help track our readers. We know how essential reading is to underpinning literacy and would love to see all students reading daily and discussing what they have read to confirm understandings and linking the readings to their own circumstance.  

SAPSASA Sports: Thank you to Carol Pfitzner for overseeing and supporting our year 5 and 6 students to have opportunities in SAPSASA sports to compete and make new friends across the 2022 School Year. Thank you also to Eliza Handbury who took the SAPSASA Tennis team to Adelaide last week and secured third place for our region within their division and included supporting two of our students from Lucindale.   

Save the Date Presentation Night: Wednesday November 30th we will be having our Presentation Night in the Lucindale Town Hall from 5pm to 7pm. The evening will recognise our Graduating Year 6 and 12 Classes, 2021 highest ATAR and excellence in learning from Reception to Year 12. We hope you can join us for this celebration. It would be terrific if everyone could be ready and seated to begin at 5pm. Students will sit with their classes with families sitting behind.  

Road/Bike Safety: We thank Clare Garner on behalf of Governing Council for getting in touch with ‘Way to Go’ to support road safety in 2023. As a school we have committed to being part of the Way to Go program in 2023 which will be undertaken by two primary staff members and a member of leadership. The program will see us undertake a full review of best practice on road safety, bike safety, promoting healthy transport options and implementing a Bike Ed program in 2023.  

Stand Like Stone Scholarships: These scholarships are closing son so pleasse make sure you go to the Stand Like Stone website to get your application in for 2023.  

Lion’s Incentive Awards: Our local Lion’s club are great supporters of the school and have recently run a panel to review applications and interview students for the annual Lion’s Incentive Awards for students from Year 7-10. These will be awarded at Presentation Night next week. 

Panel Presentations: In our last week of school all of our Year 7, 8 and 9 students will take part in Panel Presentations. This is a long-standing process at LAS where students present examples of their learning to a panel of staff and community members. Information has been sent home to all families including booking processes to select your time for Monday December 12th. If you know of anyone who might like to sit on a panel as a community member, encourage them to contact the Front Office to volunteer their time.  

Staffing update: We have advertised the boarding house role and had a lovely dinner with our Boarding Families this week to thank Daniel for his 6 years of service. Tash Wilkin is coming back to Lucindale Area School and Jane Gill is going back into a classroom teaching role and Louis de Jager is replacing her as Deputy. We will also say goodbye to a couple of our current teachers who have been supporting our school. We congratulate Jess Mckinnon who has won a position at Keith Area School teaching their Year 5/6 in 2023. We really appreciate the work Jess has put in this year and wish her all the best as she continues her teaching career in Keith next year.  

School Swimming: Well it may not be the warmest start to November, but our Primary student have still been undertaking swimming lessons over the last two weeks. If your child is missing a towel or clothing please come and check out our lost property as there is a good chance you will find it. Thank you to our awesome swimming instructors and thank you to everyone who fundraised for pool heaters.  

Polling and Finacial Statements: Statements are currently being emailed out to ensure all camps, excursions and school fees are covered for the 2022 school year. Please contact the front office if you have any questions/queries or if you require a payment plan. You will also receive a polling request shortly which will support the school and finance committee in being able to legally recover any outstanding school fees.  

Return to School in 2023: In preparation for the 2023 school year the majority of staff have chosen to return to work on Tuesday 24th January and Wednesday 25th which will then see the school closed on Australia Day Thursday 26th January and Friday 27th January.  Students will return to school on Monday 30th January 2023. Please note in the next newsletter we will confirm the school holiday opening hours for both the school office and library.  

Yours sincerely,  

Adrian and Jane 

Diary Dates

29th November – Kindy Transition 11am – 3:10pm

29th November – Governing Council 7pm

30th November – Presentation Night 5:00pm Town Hall

1st December – R-6 Christmas Presentation from Schools Ministry Group

5th December – Transition Day for new students in 2023

6th December – Y1/2 Sheep’s Back Museum Excursion

9th December – Primary Fun Day

12th December – Y7, 8 & 9 Panel Presentations

16th December – End of Term 4

25th December – Christmas Day Yay!     

Classroom News

Y5/6 Camp

Camp recount  

On Wednesday, the 2nd of November the 5/6 class of Lucindale Area School went on their very first camp. It all started at nine o’clock on Wednesday morning when we all went and put our bags in the Ute. We all then got on the bus apart from Krysandra, Amy, Aden, and Seth who went in the Ute with Melissa. The bus ride began, and it was slightly boring until the speaker came out and we all started to sing along to our favorite songs. When we arrived at Mount Gambier, we went straight to the Blue Lake for the aquafer tour, it was very interesting. Our tour guide was called Gary, he told us loads about the Blue Lake and its history.

After that we had lunch at the Valley Lakes, but it was raining so we couldn’t do the activities planned. Instead, we went to the library, but it was still amazing. After we were done at the library, we went to the art gallery and watched a volcano movie about how the Blue Lake was formed. Next, we went down and looked at the sink hole, it was quite wet as there was a waterfall running down the side of the sink hole. Then we hopped back on the bus and headed to Millicent. On the way, we were waving to people and there was a boy who ran with the bus, he was so fast.  When we got to the caravan park, we got to go inside our cabins, but we had to wait for our luggage to arrive. We were playing on the playground, jumping on the trampoline playing poison ball, when Miss McKinnon told us that there were too many kids on the trampoline and some of us had to get off.

For dinner we had pizza and ice-cream, after dinner we watched a movie called Flubber. Once the movie was finished, we headed to our cabins and went to bed.In the morning we all got up around 7:00am and had breakfast. I had a fruit muffin with butter and a cup of orange juice.  At 9:00am we hopped on the bus and went to the playground; it was lots of fun. We then got back on the bus and went to the museum. We went through the museum in groups. In my group was Georgia, Sammy, Cody H, Cody C, Seth, and Ryan and our adult was Georgia’s mum Anna. We had loads of fun at the museum.  Next stop was the Tantanoola caves, when we got there Mr Maywald took us up to the viewing point and we took a photo.

On the walk back we ran into a swarm of bees and Cody H got stung; because of the bees we had to walk back around the other way. Once we finally made it back, we went into the cave. After the caves, we went back to the playground where we had lunch and then headed back to school. We had loads of fun on our first camp! 

By Lacey Thompson

Y1/2 Writing

Persuasive Writing 

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! 

In Daily Writing the year 1/2 class has been learning about persuasive writing. Students listened to a story book called- Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Williams. Students then had to write a persuasive piece convincing readers to either not let or let the pigeon drive the bus. These are some very entertaining examples.  

Please don’t let the pigeon drive the bus. He might crash it into a home. He might speed and get in jail. He might put the wrong fuel and he might blow it up. He can’t reach the pedals. Please don’t let the pigeon drive the bus.

By Harry  

Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus! The pigeon could crash the bus and the people at the bus stop will think their clocks are broken when he doesn’t come. If the pigeon gets pulled over he will have nothing to sat because pigeons can’t talk. The pigeon won’t be able to reach the pedals and he could drive into the sea. Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus!!! 

By Celia  

Please don’t let the pigeon drive the bus. First the pigeon he might crash the bus. Secondly if he is a bus driver and needs to pick up people he might go the wrong way and then go to pigeon world that has robber pigeons. Third he might blow up the bus.  

By Sophie  

Please don’t let the pigeon drive the bus! Because he doesn’t have hands. And he doesn’t have a licence. And he might not be back when the bus driver is back. And he might not have slept enough and he might be sleepy. He might crash and then need to go to the doctor and be scared. And then I might get in trouble.  

By Marle’  

Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus because he is a bird. I don’t think his cousin is a bus driver. What if he falls asleep? What if he forgets to pick them up? I think he will go crazy and then drive in circles. Don’t let the pigeon drive the buuusss!! 

By Lucy  

Please don’t let the pigeon drive the bus! The pigeon does not have a licence. He can fly to were he wants to anyway. He might get arrested by the police for crazy driving because he does not know how to drive. So don’t let the pigeon drive the bus! 

By Matilda  

Please don’t let the pigeon drive the bus!!!!! He is a very bad driver. He can crash and he cannot reach the pedals. He might crash into the skate park. He might go over the speed limit. He is way too small to reach the steering wheel. He might drive on the wrong side of the road! 

By John  

Please don’t let the pigeon drive the bus. Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus because he might not know how to drive it. He might crash the bus on the road. He might not go the right speed limit. Maybe he doesn’t have a licence. And he doesn’t have hands to steer. And he isn’t tall enough to reach the steering wheel. He might get caught by the police. He might run over a car. It might blow up!  

By Harry

Assembly Awards

In Week 5, on Wednesday in Lesson 7, the R/1 class hosted an assembly that was filled with celebrating the achievements of students. 

Some members of the Lucindale PA&H Society attended and presented certificates to the winner and runner up of the 2023 Lucindale Show book cover. 

Students received acknowledgment of their participation in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and the Premier’s Be Active Challenge. 

The Curriculum awards were presented for HASS, Technologies and Agriculture. The Rising Star and Excellence awards were also presented to recipients.

Unfortunately, we ran out of time to give students their prizes and certificates for participation and fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart. The prizes and certificates were given to students in classroom presentations.  

Lucindale Show

Laura Rivett from the Lucindale PA&H Society presented Bethany as the cover award winner for the 2023 Lucindale Show Book. Kauri received the runner up certificate. 

Congratulations to Bethany and Kauri! 

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Kerena presented the reception students with their certificates and the Year 1 to Year 6 students with medals to celebrate their involvement in this year’s Challenge. 

Certificates – Jack, Maggie, Ava, Fred, Harvey, Cody, Angus, Hughie, Shayla, Andre, Levi, Mae, Albie, Abel, Bodhi, Hunter, Harry & Lucy  

Bronze medal – Celia, Ned, Harry, Billy, Piper, Lacie, Indi, Darcy, Jett, Harvey, Piper, O’Tillia, Ivy, Sophia & Lexi 

Silver medal – William, John, Jorja, Matilda, Maya, Rylan, Lincoln, Sophie, Naithan, Gabriel, George & Krysandra 

Gold medal – Charles, Amelia, Alice, Jack, Austin, Daniel, Ruby, Skyla, George, Rylan, Harrison, Anneliese & Bridie 

Champion medal – Rebecca, Taylor, Anakie, Amelia, Oliver, Anna, Bethany, Kauri & Ryan 

Legend medal – Georgia, Thomas, Samantha, Vander & Harry 

Hall of Fame medal – Lacey, Darcy, Amy, Charlotte, Madison, Noah, Lacey & Ruby  

Reader for Life – Teagan & Georgia  

Premier’s Be Active

Primary students were encouraged to complete the Be Active Challenge. Physical activity is a great way to helps students with their development and to prepare their minds for learning.  

Medals are awarded for the number of years each student has participated in the challenge (not their school year level). 

Congratulations to the follow students for receiving

Bronze Medal – Jack, Maggie, Ava, Fred, Harvey, Cody, Angus, Hughie, Shayla, Andre, Levi, Mae, Albie, Abel, Bodhi, Hunter, Maya, Harry, Lucy, Skyla, George, Kalais, Ben & Jack 

Silver Medal – Celia, Ned, Harry, Billy, Piper, Lacie, Indi, Jett, Harvey, Piper, Ivy, Lexi, Marle, Aden, Oliver & Krysandra 

Gold Medal – William, John, Jorja, Matilda, Lincoln, Sophie, Naithan, Gabriel, Daniel, Amelia & Angus 

Champion Medal – Charles, Amelia, Alice, Jack, Austin, George, Rylan, Harry, Anneliese, Bridie, Rebecca, Taylor, Anna, Bethany, Kauri, Cody, Georgia, Tom, Samantha, Vander, Ryan, Harry, Hugh, Seth, Felix & Mason  

Legend Medal – Oliver, Lacey, Darcy, Amy, Charlotte, Cody, Madison, Jake & Ruby  

Hall of Fame Medal – Lacey  

Be Active for Life BRONZE Medal – Noah  

Jump Rope For Heart

On the last day of Term 3, we held our bi-annual Jump Off Day to celebrate the Heart Foundation’s 40 years of skipping. It was fantastic to see so many families and community members come along to watch the presentation. 

Thank you to all of the classes and their teachers for putting in such a great effort to practice skipping skills and be involved in fundraising for the Heart Foundation. 

A massive congratulations to the 48 students who committed themselves to actively fundraise $6,428 for the Heart Foundation. What an amazing achievement! 

The prizes arrived in Week 5 and were handed out to students with their certificates during class presentations (as unfortunately we ran out of time at the Primary Assembly). 

The highest five fundraisers were: Prize awarded

Anneliese $1,122.22 (3/4 Class) Slam Ball Set 

Bodhi $641.90 (R/1 Class) Mystery Prize Box 

Billy $411.01 (1/2 Class) Supersonic Ball 

Vander $349.00 (5/6 Class) Supersonic Ball 

Rylan $346.25 (3/4 Class) Supersonic Ball 


Students received the below prizes 

Supersonic Ball raising over $250 – Albie and Jack  

Shoot Ball Animal raising over $100 – Abel, Indi, Amelia, Amelia, Hugh, Lacie, Georgia, Jack, Alice, Angus, Bridie and Cody 

Jump Rope for Heart Handball raising over $60 – Piper, Levi, Lacey, Angus and Oliver  

Skipping Rope raising over $35 – Levi, Sophia, Matilda, Anna, Celia, Darcy, Ava, Andre, Maggie, Skyla, Maya, Ned, Jorja, Jett, George, Harry and Fred  

Certificate – Austin  


Students with the highest amount of skipping time logged on line were 

Anneliese 20 hours 47 minutes

George 7 hours 10 minutes 

Jack & Rylan 7 hours 5 minutes 

Skyla 6 hours 10 minutes 

Hugh 5 hours 56 minutes

Levi 5 hours 20 minutes

Vander 5 hours 18 minutes

Fred 4 hours 45 minutes

Ava 4 hours 5 minutes  

Harry 4 hours 


Students who logged their skipping online for 3 hours or less 

Angus, Austin, Bridie, Maya, Lacey, Lacie, Albie, Cody, Anna, Bodhi, Alice, Amelia and Indi  


Thank you to the families for their support in allowing students to fundraise and participate in such a worthy cause promoting young people to be active. 

Felicity Jenke 

Pancake Day

On December 6th, the Lucindale Chaplaincy Support Group are hosting a Pancake Day for students and staff in support of Schools Ministry Week. This FREE Pancake Day has no agenda other than showing kindness and gratitude to the school and community, to celebrate the year together and to look on to 2023 for better and brighter days.

There will be pancakes for everyone including students and staff who are gluten and dairy intolerant. Multiple topping choices are on offer too! Our message is to always be gracious and kind spreading peace, show love and gentleness in patience, do your best to be good and do good things for others and joyfully live life to the fullest. 

Polling M & S Charges 2023

All families should have received an email at approx. 5:00am Thursday 24th November, to participate in the 2023 M & S charges poll.

Please take this opportunity to support our school with offering the required resources, technology and programs that our students need to complete their curriculum.

Each family is entitled to one vote per student per poll (primary or secondary).  Please note if you have more than one child listed in a poll, the Yes or No button will allocate a vote for each child.

Please contact Eliza Handbury or Tim Durik if you have any questions.

Below is a copy of the email sent to all families.


From: Materials and Fees <>
Date: 24 November 2022 at 5:02:20 am ACDT
To: (Blanked out for privacy purposes)
Subject: Lucindale Area School – Materials and Service Charges Polling

Lucindale Area School

To (Blanked for privacy purposes),

Section 129 of the Education and Children’s Services Act 2019 allows schools, in consultation with the Governing Council, to charge, collect and recover a materials and services charge.

For the 2023 school year, the Governing Council has approved a proposed materials and services charge amount of $369.00, plus subject charges (if applicable).

As the materials and services charge is greater than the legislated prescribed amount(s), as referenced in the Education and Children’s Services Act, the Governing Council is required to undertake a poll to gain majority support from the school community for this proposed charge to be compulsory, and therefore recoverable in full. The prescribed amount as per the Education and Children’s Services Regulation (Regulation 81) is $269 for a primary student and $355 for a secondary student.

The Governing Council therefore seeks your support for the proposed 2023 Materials and Services Charge of $369.00 plus subject charges (if applicable) to be approved.

If the majority of parents support the Governing Council proposed materials and services charge (plus subject charges) then all parents, caregivers and independent students (excluding approved School Card holders) are liable for this charge.

Each family is entitled to one vote per student per poll, with a majority based on the number of respondents. The poll closes on Friday 09 December, 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact the principal or myself.

Yours sincerely

Eliza Handbury

Chairperson, Governing Council

Thursday 24 November, 2022

Lucindale Area School

The following students in the family are affected by this vote:

Student 1 – Year (Blanked for privacy purposes)

Student 2 – Year (Blanked for privacy purposes)

I support the proposed 2023 materials and services charge, as approved by the Governing Council of $369.00 for year level/s Reception to Year 6, plus any subject charge, where applicable be compulsory. I understand that by voting in favour of the proposed materials and services charge that I am aware that the amount is greater than as prescribed in the Education and Children’s Services Regulation.


Term 4 Pork is now available to order. Our delicious pork is selling fast. To place your order please use the link below or alternatively please call the Admin Team on 8766 2084. It’s time to get some pork on your Christmas fork!


Library News

Premier’s Reading Challenge medal and certificate presentation 

Congratulations to all of the students who completed the challenge. It was fantastic to have so many parents, caregivers and grandparents attend the presentation assembly. 

End of year returns 

With the end of the school year fast approaching, we would like to remind all students of the requirement to return all items borrowed from the library before they finish their schooling for the year. This includes laptops, calculators, text books and novels. All must be returned by the last day of school term. As parents / caregivers, please support your child to do this. Thank you. 

Community News

School Calendar

Calendar of Events

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