Principal: Adrian Maywald Deputy Principal: Jane Gill Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

With 12 weeks until Year 12 exams begin, this is the time for all Year 12s to re-assess what they need to do to finish the year to the best of their ability. Please support your child to ensure they are up to speed with their work and are starting to revise/review and prepare for final assessment tasks and exams. With the Year 12s having spent almost 13 years of their lives at school, we want to ensure that the finish is as strong as the start back in Reception when they were learning fundamental reading and writing skills.  

Seeing our SACE Outdoor Ed Class head off this week to explore Mountain Bike Touring /Camping across the Adelaide Hills is exciting, as it is a first time for the students and teacher. Hopefully the weather is kind and there are lots of downhill runs for the students.   

Uniform: At Lucindale Area School we actively promote and encourage school uniform in line with Governing Council endorsement. We expect all students to be in school uniform and/or school colours, which was fantastic to see with our recent school photos.  In a recent assembly it was great to see more than 180 students in full school uniform and another 12 in mostly the correct uniform or colours. Please contact the school if you want a hand with uniform and supporting your child/children to wear the uniform. We have a build up of lost property and items that have been donated from past students, so please don’t be afraid to call in and check the lost property or repurpose some donated items via the front office. If for some reason your child can’t be in uniform for the day or school colours, could you please ensure you let their main class teacher or home group teacher know with a note/email.  

School uniform goes a long way to helping students feel part of the team and work together, along with taking the challenge out of what to wear each day.  

Staffing: It was fantastic to have Louis join us for the day and meet our staff and students on August 9th as he prepares to start with our school in 2023. We are working towards having Louis join us again on Open Day to meet as many community members and students as possible and learn more about our school and community.  

We wish Pauline Rivett a speedy recovery and thank our TRTs who have been assisting in backfilling Pauline over the last fortnight. Starting next Monday we will have a TRT from Adelaide join us to ensure the students have the same teacher for each lesson over the next two weeks during Pauline’s absence. Please say hi to Campbell Hamilton if you see him around and we will introduce him to the students on Monday.  

Staffing Update 2023: Teachers are doing an amazing job of ensuring students get the best learning possible. As we work towards our 2023 staffing, we are only waiting on one staff member to confirm their intention for 2023 and we will be locking in permanent positions and contracts over this coming weekend and next week. Given the national teacher shortage we are being proactive in locking in our staffing as early as possible so we can confirm subject selection and options for 2023. 

Assets Update: We are working closely with the assets team to reinstate the Ag classroom from its temporary conversion to a Science Lab, along with finalising the works on our new buildings. We hope soon to share with you plans around demolition for the old middle school building and can’t wait to see as many people as possible at our upcoming Open Day and Grand Opening of the new building.  

If you have not been into the new Science and Arts facilities or if you would like to see it again and celebrate its opening, please join us on Friday August 26th at 4pm to officially open the facility, following on from our Open Day being held from 1pm onwards.  

Teaching Sprints for Term 3: This week staff are personalising their teaching sprints so that each teacher explores a fundamental change in practice over the next 3-4 weeks that can improve both their teaching and the learning for each child. Felicity Jenke and Jason Backler will then review these later in the term with all staff and as part of their work with Simon Breakspear and the Partnership.   

Our teachers have also spent some time reviewing turn-around on work feedback to students and best ways to give feedback and support learning. Over the coming weeks students will provide advice to teachers and further discussion and practices will be reviewed with all teachers to reach an agreed expectation around the timely marking and return of work for students. 

Autism Funding 2023: To further support students with Autism and teachers to support best teaching practice to cater for Autism, we have had it confirmed this week we will receive half a day release time in 2023 to support best practice in meeting the needs of Autistic students from the start of the 2023 school year. This is a welcome initiative that we are certain will help improve classroom practices across our school and the state. On Tuesday August 9th Adrian, along with the Area School Executive, helped to plan the 2023 roll out to best meet the needs of schools across the State.  

Jump Rope for Heart: Thanks to Felicity Jenke, we have Jump Rope For Heart being implemented with a final celebration/jump off day being the last day of Term 3, 2022. If you can’t remember the last time you jumped a rope, please take the time to find and put into use a skipping rope to appreciate how awesome skipping is for cardio fitness and fun. Keep an eye out for sponsorship forms and thanks to Flic for taking this on in 2022! 

We hope everyone can make the Open Day and join us for the Official Opening of the new Buildings.  

Thank you,  

Adrian and Jane 

Diary Dates


21st August – 26th August – CBCA Book Week

22nd – 26th August – Flexible Industry Pathways

23rd August –  Book Week Whole School Dress Up

26th August –  Open Day 12.50pm to 3.00pm (including SRC induction at 1pm)

26th August –  Building Opening 4:00pm

31st August – SAPOL Road Safety Year 7-12

2nd September – School closure day


Classroom News

JUMP ROPE for HEART kicks off this term!

Jump Rope for Heart is a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program that has been run by the Heart Foundation. It’s a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs. Since Jump Rope for Heart started in 1983, schools like ours have raised more than $104 million for the Heart Foundation’s lifesaving work. It’s important you register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply go to the link below to get started. Students will be skipping throughout the term in PE lessons and during their play breaks, during this time you can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause. Students may also like to practice their skipping at home as well! Our school Jump Off Day will be after lunch on FRIDAY 30th September 2022, this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills. There will be an announcement and a prize for the student who fundraises the most each week. Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program! Students who may not have a skipping rope at home or if they have any questions, please see Mrs Jenke.

Year 9 HASS

Share Market Game

This week, students in Year 9 were given $50 000 to spend on the ASX. Although the money was pretend, students were excited and motivated to ‘spend’ it on shares with the aim of becoming ‘rich’. Commonwealth Bank, Woolworths Ltd, Dow, IPH, and Bendigo Bank were all bought by some students. Students are interested in knowing which companies are on the rise and, as they progress through the game, they will be interested in knowing which companies are going to cost them money. Hopefully, we have some budding young entrepreneurs – watch this space! 


Open Day & Grand Opening Ceremony Friday 26th August – Save the Date 

Lucindale Area School will hold our Open Day on Friday August 26th starting at 12:50pm in the school hall. There will be a short assembly that will include our SRC induction, and classroom and agriculture tours on the school site, followed by Boarding House and farm tours. Please use the QR code to register or call the front office on 8766 2084. Following Open Day, Lucindale Area School will hold the grand opening ceremony of our new building starting at 3:30pm to 5:00pm.

SAPOL – How To Be Safe On The Road

In Week 7 Students will participate in an informative seminar about road safety, how to get your license and the responsibilities each of us have on the roads.

  • Wednesday 31st August2022 at 09:00am for Year 7, 8 & 9 – How To Be Safe On The Road – Road Safety Session (60 minutes)
  • Wednesday 31st August 2022 at 10:45am forYear 10 – A Guide To Obtaining Your Driver’s License Road Safety (90 minutes)
  • Wednesday 31st August 2022 at 1:45pm foryear 11 & 12 Getting home safely (combined class) (90 minutes)  

Miss Hagel

Parent Survey

You’re invited to complete the 2022 annual parent survey, which is now open. In the week beginning Monday 1 August you will receive an email or SMS from the Parent Survey Team with a unique link to participate in the survey. If you did not receive an email or SMS with your unique survey link, contact  and include our school’s name in your email. The survey takes less than 10 minutes and will help us understand:

  • what we’re doing well
  • where we can improve
  • what’s important to you.

It has been coordinated centrally so that added administration workload isn’t placed on the school. Your answers will not identify you or your child. Only collated feedback will be provided to our school. Information collected will inform school improvement planning and activities at the school. The survey closes 5pm Sunday 28 August. Should you need any further information or assistance please contact the admin team on 8766 2084

Boarding House Applications 2023 Now Open

Lucindale Area School Boarding House applications for 2023 are now open.

Please use the QR code below or visit our website for information on the application process, boarder’s handbook and Lucindale Area School prospectus.

Completed applications can be posted to PO Box 147 Lucindale SA 5272 or emailed to

Please note applications close 9th September, 2022

Spare Clothes – Primary

Has your child/ren had a growth spurt?  

We are seeking spare clothes in the Primary block:  

* navy long pants/trackies sizes 5 – 8 

* navy shorts sizes 5 – 8 

* school t-shirts sizes 5 – 10 

Our supplies are very low – if families could please look for LAS labelled clothes at home and return after they have been laundered.  

Students can bring to Miss Ferguson or Mrs Jenke. 

Thank you in advance for your assistance/donations!  

Library News

Science Week 

Science week is this week from the 13th to the 21st August.  The students from Reception to Year 12 (and staff) have thoroughly enjoyed engaging with the hands on science display of plasma balls in the library this week.  Why is science important in schools?  “Science helps to provide tactile or visible proof of many facts we read about in books or see on television and the internet. This hands on experience helps to increase understanding and assists students to retain that information.” Source – Centre for Education Science and Technology.   

Book Week 

Book week dress up day is next Tuesday 23rd August  Let your child’s imagination run wild when they create their costumes. Prizes will be given for creative and awesome costumes.  Book Week theme is “Dreaming With Eyes Wide Open” This theme is about stepping into your own story, dreaming with eyes open, listening to Country as a first story teller … learning from friends who help you on your way. 

Community News

NSC Webinar – Trade Careers

Monday, August 22, 2022

4.30pm – 5.30pm ACST (60mins)


Suitable for: Students in year 9 and up, parents, teachers and jobseekers

Tradespeople are critical to shipbuilding – they do everything from constructing the vessels through to manufacturing and installing the electrical and piping components that go inside.

Trades are highly skilled, working with advanced machinery and are well paid roles that can take you wherever you want to go.

Join the NSC as we explore the wealth of opportunity in naval shipbuilding trades careers from heavy and light fabrication through to mechanical tradespeople, welders and electricians.

Hear first-hand from young people working in the industry and receive some tips and tricks from the NSC team to support students planning their career pathway (no – you don’t have to join the Navy!).


Facebook event listing:

Webinar listing:

School Calendar

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