Principal: Adrian Maywald

Deputy Principal: Louis de Jager

Governing Council Chair: Eliza Handbury

Phone: 8766 2084 Email:



From the Principal and Deputy Principal

A very warm and happy welcome to all in the school community for Term One, 2023. The school team look forward to working in partnership with you and sharing the many aspects of your child/ren’s learning journey throughout the 2023 school year. 

This year again sees our school continue to grow and develop, after a busy holiday period we are grateful to have had multiple works complete. This includes the Science Sinks being replaced for under bench mount sinks, The Swimming Pool having some tiles replaced and a new cover currently being installed. We have also seen the demolition of the 1960’s middle school building, with restoration works underway now for the area where the old middle school building stood.  

Coming out of a few challenging years with Covid conditions we can all focus on practicing gratitude and gratefulness for what we have as it’s easy to lose perspective on all the great things we have around us and the things we do.  

SRC/School Captains/Meet the Teacher Event:   2:15pm re ceremony, classrooms 3:10pm

We hope you can join us on Friday 17th of February 2023 from 2:15pm in the School Hall. We will be having an induction ceremony for SRC, Sport Captains, a few words about Parent Club and Governing Council and its Sub Committees before opening the classrooms up at 3:10pm so you can chat with your child/children’s teachers.

At 3:45pm we will then have SRC selling some soft drinks and some finger food available on our Senior Decking area where we hope you will join us for an informal social gathering and further information about being involved in our school.

New Staff and Staffing Updates: Next week we will be welcoming Sharon Reynolds and later this term Sue Jones to our ancillary team. We also hope you may have already met Bianca Black who is in our front office and started in the January break. Rob Obrien has made a fantastic start with the 5/6 Class, and we hope you can all join us on Friday 17th of February at our SRC/Sports Captains Induction along with meet the teachers in classrooms and then have a drink and nibble on the Senior School decking with all staff, parents, and students welcome.  

Support to get the year started well: We would like to thank the following people for being flexible with their schedules and helping to support the school get off to a great start. This includes Daniel Ryan undertaking a two-week hand over with Tim Harrison in the Boarding House which has also allowed Tim H to work some longer hours in the Administration Team. Thanks to Melissa Thompson, Kerena Simpson, Kirsty Fogarty for also assisting with extra time and some adjustments to their roles. Thanks also to Lesley Rankin from Kingston Area School for her support in lending a hand.  

Collective wellbeing: With our Chief Executive and or Minister for Education sharing a welcome back webinar there was a clear focus on looking after all students and staff. To learn/teach best you want to create safe, effective, and caring environments in which risk taking and pushing boundaries/challenging ideas can occur to advance thinking. With our moto of school and community working together let’s see what we can all do to advance our own and others wellbeing to further lift the successes of individuals and our township.  

Sports Day: Sports Day and Distance Day are not just whole school events to celebrate the strongest/fastest athletes. They are a chance to earn team points by simply participating and a chance to bond and lift teammates so we can all pursue personal bests. Being active, gathering together and celebrating each student’s contribution is what the days are about so please join us if you can. If you can’t make it, please support your child to wear house colours and give their best at a day that everyone should be part of.  

‘We train together, compete together and greatly appreciate the parent/community support to ensure all team members can compete/contribute to their house and school.’  

Student free day dates coming soon: Shortly you will see draft student free day dates on our school calendar (we are awaiting a few confirmations) these dates once endorsed by Governing Council and the Education Director will then change from draft to confirmed if there are no changes required.  

Field Days Bates Gate Roster: Attached to the newsletter we have a chance to raise funds at the field days by contributing to the Bates Gate Roster. Many hands make light work so if you can assist, please call the administration team, and register your interest and preferred timeslot. The funds raised this year could easily support some furniture for the Senior Decking, assist with the new paved area at the front of school or a range of other projects around the school such as new school shades or BBQ’s. 

Lucindale Area School Team: We train together, compete together and greatly appreciate the parent/community support to ensure all team members can compete, train, and grow to the best of their ability. We are working each day on what is needed in a great TEAM, including uniform, being organised, and giving your best! 

Uniform: Little things can make a big difference and set the tone for the day, this includes ensuring your child has breakfast and lunch organised. The new uniform top looks great, and we are currently having a focus on being part of our team and ensuring you are in school uniform or colours. If this is not possible on the odd occasion, we ask you contact your child’s teacher or the office to let us know or catch up with Nat Austin (Wellbeing Coordinator) to seek some assistance to access the uniform.  

Communication: Communication between school and home is of paramount importance. Parents are urged to read our fortnightly newsletter. For all students, the start of a new academic year brings about a number of changes involving teachers and routines, new subjects and timetables, homework, and study commitment, and so on. Whilst the changeover is usually very smooth, it can take a while for some students to adjust. Should you have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s transition into their new home group or year level, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Home Group Teacher as a first point. Home group teachers can be contacted via their email address or by simply calling the school.  

School Days: Our school day begins at 8:50am every day. Please be sure to have your child/ren here on time. Students who are consistently tardy are at a clear disadvantage and usually arrive feeling frantic and unprepared. All students who arrive after 9:05am must sign in at the Front Office.  

Attendance at the school is compulsory. If you know in advance your child/ren are going to be absent you must notify the school either of the following methods: 

  • Email to the school 
  • Or call 8766 2084 

 Any unexplained absences need to be resolved ASAP and families will be expected to provide a reason for their child’s absence. 

Student Mobiles phones/devices – students were informed that all mobile phones are to be either left at home or remain in student lockers/bags throughout the day. This includes recess and lunch. Thus, it is even more pertinent that students lock their locker. If students need to contact a parent/caregiver, they can do so by approaching our Front Office or class teachers. Likewise, parents/caregivers can phone the school to pass on messages etc. 

We are needing to review how students can make payment at the canteen without relying on phones for payment but hopefully this can be a simple as utilising a debit/savings card. Overall students should be commended on their adjustment to not having phones on them and it has created a marked improvement in school engagement.  

Prepared for class – It is very important that students are getting to class on time and having the necessary materials for that class. These are the two expectations we have of all students to maximise their learning. 

A reminder that during Terms 1 and 4 all students are required to wear their wide brimmed hats with their uniform. Hats must be worn during recess and lunch times. 

Year 12 Examination Timetable 2023: Students with SACE Stage 2 (Year 12) written exams at the end of the year the final exam timetable, is available to download from:  These exam dates/times cannot be changed – All students undertaking exams in the State/NT/World, will be doing these exams during these times. Please be aware there will be no ‘catch-up’ times, nor will there be opportunities to re-sit the exams. Please support your child by saving the relevant dates and ensuring they have already put aside time each week for study and revision.  

Autism Inclusion Teacher at Lucindale Area School: The Department for Education has appointed an Autism Inclusion Teacher in every public primary school (including reception to year 12 schools) from 2023. 

We congratulate Kaitlyn Smith who has taken on this role for Lucindale Area School this year.  

Kaitlyn will: 

  • provide support to fellow educators on how to best support and educate autistic students. 
  • drive improved practice relating to autism that works for our school. 

It is anticipated that Autism Inclusion Teachers will first build their own teaching expertise, knowledge and understanding of autism through engaging in formal learning offerings and participation in the Autism Inclusion Teacher networks. To improve knowledge and practice across the school, Autism Inclusion Teachers will then be encouraged to share their learnings and resources with their colleagues to utilise in teaching autistic children and young people in their own classes. 

This is an exciting opportunity to enhance the support we provide to autistic children and young people at our school. 

Visit the Department for Education website to find out more about improving support for autistic children and students. 

Thank you,  

Adrian Maywald and Louis de Jager 

Diary Dates

13th – 15th February – Year 7 Camp. Tarooki, Robe

17th February – SRC/Sports Captains and Meet the Teacher starting at 2:15pm

20th February – Distance Day

22nd February – Sports Day

25th February – Lucindale Show

27th February – 3rd April – FIPS

28th February – NAPLAN practice

10th March – Inter-School Sports Day at Lucindale Area School

13th March – Adelaide Cup

15th – 27th March – NAPLAN Y3, Y5, Y7, Y9

17th – 18th March – Field Days

Classroom News

Buddy Reading

The year has started off with excitement and energy with the Grade 1 and 2 class reading with the current Year 9’s. This program was started last year where the older students go into the younger class to help them with their reading – either by reading a book to them or listening to them read.

This has positives for the older students as well as the younger students. It was great to see the relationships being fostered throughout 2022 and it was great to see this week, in 2023, the relationships between the younger and the older students still being present. It is a wonderful opportunity that we are able to offer as an Area School. 

Natural Disaster

Week 2 Literacy for the R/1 Class 

In preparation for the Red Cross Pillowcase Program, the R/1 students studied the natural disaster books written by Jackie French & Bruce Whatley – Cyclone, Drought, Flood and Fire. 

Students held discussions with each other – predicting what may happen in each story, how the pictures helped to tell the story and if anyone had experienced any of these natural disasters. 

Students then drew a response about the book they liked the best.  

Primary Request

Request for clean recyclable items suitable for student creations 

  • Cardboard tubes from paper towel/cling wrap/wrapping paper (no toilet paper tubes please) 
  • Boxes  
  • Lids from milk bottles/soft drink bottles 
  • Old birthday cards 
  • String/wool/tissue paper/wrapping paper/material scraps 
  • Plastic containers 

Items can be sent in with your children & given to primary class teachers. 

Thank you in advance for keeping the creativity alive for students. 

Volunteering at LAS

Volunteering is a great opportunity to be part of our school community.  We openly welcome volunteers into our school.  We would love to have you help us out in whatever capacity you can.  Volunteers can assist in classes, in the library, assist with camps and excursions, help with maintenance jobs or share a skill with students.

To volunteer, you require a volunteer application form, DSCI Working with Children Check, Volunteer RAN training and a site induction before you commence.

The volunteer application form can be obtained be contacting the front office and expressing your interest to volunteer. This can be emailed to you, or if you would prefer a hard copy, this can be arranged for you.

Working with Children Checks can be obtained by the following link: Department for Communities and Social Inclusion – Screening Unit – Login (  If you have trouble accessing this, please phone the front office for assistance.

Volunteer RAN training is an online session that can be accessed at the following link: How volunteers access RRHAN-EC training ( This page steps you through the process of creating an account to access the training. It is possible to undertake this training in our Community Library to assist Internet access.

If you require assistance with completing the RAN training online,  I will be holding a session on Tuesday 14 th February  from 9.00am-10.00am, where I will be available to assist you to log in and complete the course. If you wish to attend this session, please contact the front office to advise of your attendance by Monday, 13th February.

Once you have obtained the working with children check and RAN training certificates, please contact me to make a time for a site induction.

All of the above certificates remain current for three years.

If you have any questions, please contact me via the front office.


Natalie Austin

Wellbeing Coordinator

Choir Leader Volunteer Opportunity

This year, we are in search of an enthusiastic and musically talented person who is interested in leading the school choir.  In the past we have had some extremely dedicated staff members and parent helpers, who this year are unable to assist, and therefore, to offer the program, we are searching for someone who has the skills and the passion to lead the program.

If we are unable to run the choir in the same format as previous years, we will discuss with those students who are interested, alternate opportunities for them to be involved in the Performing Arts.

If you are interested in leading the choir, please contact Nat Austin via the front office to discuss this opportunity further.

Agriculture News

Farm Committee  

Our Agriculture staff would like to invite members of our school community to join our Farm Committee in 2023. The Committee will meet once a term (usually week 5). If you have an interest in Agriculture or would like to find out more about our Agriculture program here at Lucindale Area School please contact the front office to register your interest.  

Pre-Sale of Chickens 

With the Field Days coming up we have some Isa Brown chickens for sale.  

  • 6–10-week-old chicks @ $10 each- available from the field days or pick up from school after the 20th March.  
  • Point of lay @ $25 each – available mid Term 2.   

 Please contact the front office to order.  


Pork for Sale 

Lucindale Area School has our delicious pork available for sale again this term. At $14.50 per kg, you won’t be disappointed.   

Contact the front office or click the link below to choose your cuts and place your order.  

Pork Order Form

Sheep Expo 

The Lucindale Shears Committee are proud to be offering financial sponsorship to selected students who would like to attend the SA Sheep Expo 26th-28th April. To be in the running to receive this sponsorship, students need to write a short letter explaining why they would like to attend the Sheep Expo and how they believe it will benefit them in their future career. These must be submitted to the school front office by 9am Wednesday 1st of March. Many thanks to the Lucindale Shearers Committee for their brilliant support of our students in the sheep industry.  Please see the advertisement in this newsletter for more information on the SA Sheep Expo.  

Library News

Welcome back for 2023. and welcome to all our new families 

The Lucindale Community Library is situated on school grounds, and is open to the public, staff, and students. All students are issued with a membership when they enrol at Lucindale Area School. All student library cards are kept on file in the library admin area. 

The library is a member of SA Public Libraries, and as such a member of the One Card system. This means members have online access to borrowing from any SA Public library and may also return items from any SA Public library to the Lucindale Library. 

Opening hours to the public are: 

Monday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Tuesday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Wednesday 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Saturday 9:00am – 11:30am 

The library opens at 8:30am Monday to Friday for staff and students. 


Scholastic Book Club 

The school actively promotes Scholastic Book Club. Any purchase made by our families earns a % of money credited directly to the school to spend at Scholastic. Thank you for supporting our school when you make a purchase. 

If you wish to order from the latest issue of Book Club, sent home with primary students last week, please order online by 20th February 2023. 

Canteen News

Community News

School Calendar

Calendar of Events

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